
gǎn lǎn shù
  • olive
橄榄树[gǎn lǎn shù]
  1. 橄榄树生长在有很多岩石的地方,不需要太多水。

    The olive tree grows in rocky places and it doesn 't need much water .

  2. 例如,在古希腊,任何砍倒橄榄树的人都会受到重罚。

    In ancient Greece , for example , anyone who cut down an olive tree was heavily punished .

  3. 在橄榄树的根部可以找到像铅笔一样长的蜈蚣。

    In the roots of the olives , you could find centipedes as long as a pencil .

  4. 每一寸土地都利用上了,主要用来种植橄榄树、葡萄藤和杏树。

    Every square metre of soil was used , mainly for olives , vines , and almonds .

  5. 他在信中给她夹了两片橄榄树的叶子。

    He sent her two pieces of olives in letter .

  6. 橄榄树可能最早生长在南亚。

    The olivetree probably first grew in southern Asia .

  7. 但正是罗马人在欧洲南部和非洲北部的其他地区种植了橄榄树。

    But it was the Romans who grew the olive tree in the rest of southern Europe and northern Africa .

  8. 由于目前还没有治疗方法,研究人员模拟了如果橄榄树在主要生产国全部死亡后会发生的情况。

    As there are no treatment at present , researchers modelled what would happen if olive trees were wiped out across major producing countries .

  9. 同时价格下跌正值全球最大橄榄树种植国西班牙橄榄大丰收,这导致供应过剩,这迫使欧盟(eu)在各方对农村收入感到担忧之际出手干预,以减少过剩。

    That fall has coincided with a bumper olive crop in Spain , the biggest grower , creating a glut that has forced the EU to intervene to reduce the surplus amid worries about rural incomes .

  10. 西氏曾在西班牙马略卡岛的一株油橄榄树下开始构思《周六晚和周日晨》,亦在地中海地区生活了多年,即便如此,他依然需要诺丁汉,需要Raleigh车厂里面洪亮的金属撞击声。

    Though he had started " Saturday Night and Sunday Morning " under an olive tree in Majorca , and lived many years in the Mediterranean sun , he needed Nottingham , and the pounding roar of the Raleigh factory .

  11. 有些朝圣者和作家,甚至是Chateaubriand都尝试建立有关这些橄榄树的永久性论说,但是没有得到多少强有力的证据。

    Thereon , some pilgrims and writers , even Chateaubriand , have tried to build arguments as to the antiquity of the olives , but without winning much conviction .

  12. 东北海岸适合做日光浴,西北部的SerradeTramuntana山被橄榄树和松树覆盖,是远足的最佳选择。

    When you 're done sunbathing on its glorious stretches of sand on the east and north coasts ( rumored to be the best beaches on the island ) , take a Vespa tour through the rich Serra de Tramuntana mountain range and along olive groves and pine forests .

  13. 就算如同第一世纪时期古罗马博物学家Pliny指定般真实,橄榄树没有死亡只是从树干延衍生了新生命。但即使如此,仍不能证明这就是当年的格责玛尼庄园中的橄榄树。

    If it is often true that , as Pliny has stated , the olive tree does not die but takes on new life from its trunk , nevertheless this is not proven in the case of , he Gethsemane trees .

  14. 钙在橄榄树器官中的定量研究

    Study on the Calcium Content in Different Organs of Chinese Olive

  15. 油橄榄树体结构与太阳辐射能分配规律的研究

    Common olive : tree framework vs distribution of solar energy

  16. 山坡上的梯田种满了橄榄树。

    The olove trees are laid out in terraces on the hillside .

  17. 感谢收看“怎样种植橄榄树”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Grow Olive Trees .

  18. 橄榄树是自花受精的,附近不需要有其他植株。

    Olives are self-fertile and don 't need another plant close by .

  19. 她正坐在一棵大橄榄树的树荫下。

    She be sit in the shade of a big olive tree .

  20. 阻止了它去推倒一颗橄榄树

    which was about to uproot an olive tree , stopping it .

  21. 漫步穿行于橄榄树丛中很惬意。

    It was pleasant strolling among the olive trees .

  22. 橄榄树是常绿树种,高度可以达到12米。

    Olive trees are evergreen and they grow up to 12 meters tall .

  23. 视察农业组织,他们会送橄榄树。

    Inspect agriculture organisation , who 'll present you with an olive tree .

  24. 一个冬日。橄榄树和无花果树聊起来。

    An Olive tree and a Fig tree were talking one winter day .

  25. 作为这里主要的作物之一,橄榄树生长在恶劣的环境里。

    One of its primary crops - olives - grows in harsh conditions ;

  26. 难以置信的荒芜土地上却到处是橄榄树。

    Unbelievably barren soil , but olive trees everywhere .

  27. 那里的橄榄树老而多节。

    The olive trees are old and gnarled .

  28. 橄榄树一直是宝贵的粮食和油料资源。

    The olive tree has always been a valuable source of food and oil .

  29. 橄榄树的木料,坚硬、黄色、常带斑纹,用于细木工。

    Hard yellow often variegated wood of an olive tree ; used in cabinetwork .

  30. 他们先找到了橄榄树,但橄榄树拒绝了他们的请求,

    So they asked the olive tree first . And the olive tree refused .