
  • 网络plantagenet;house of plantagenet;the Plantagenet dynasty;The Plantagenets
  1. 亨利二世是金雀花王朝的第一位国王。

    Henry II was the first king of the House of Plantagenet .

  2. 从1461年统治到1485年的英国皇室(金雀花王朝的分支);它的象征是白玫瑰。

    The English royal house ( a branch of the Plantagenet line ) that reigned from 1461 to 1485 ; its emblem was a white rose .

  3. 英国金雀花王朝的军事变革肇始于亨利二世以盾牌钱代替军事服役的改革,到爱德华三世时形成了一整套独具特色的军役制度和军事技战术。

    The military changes during the Plantagenet dynasty period in England begin in Henry ⅱ with scutage instead of military service reform . Till Edward ⅲ, it forms a set of the army officers and military tactics .

  4. 理查三世是金雀花王朝的最后一位国君,都铎王朝的继任者将其塑造成了不惜一切代价追求权力的无恶不作的暴君,还称他谋杀了他的两个侄子-也就是塔中王子-来保住王位。

    The crown passed from the Plantagenet dynasty to the Tudor monarchs who painted Richard as a deformed villain who stopped at nothing in his quest for power , even murdering his two young nephews the so-called Princes in the Tower to secure the throne .

  5. 理查三世是金雀花王朝的最后一位国君,都铎王朝的继任者将其塑造成了不惜一切代价追求权力的无恶不作的暴君,还称他谋杀了他的两个侄子-也就是“塔中王子”-来保住王位。

    The crown passed from the Plantagenet dynasty to the Tudor monarchs who painted Richard as a deformed villain who stopped at nothing in his quest for power , even murdering his two young nephews -- the so-called Princes in the Tower -- to secure the throne .