
luǎn shí
  • pebble;cobble;shingle
卵石 [luǎn shí]
  • (1) [pebble;cobble;shingle]

  • (2) 小圆石,尤指被流水作用磨圆的石头

  • (3) 状似卵石的其他物体

  • 石灰卵石

  1. 本文给出了评估智能卵石(Brilliantpebble)做为反卫星武器的能力的数学公式。

    Mathematical formulae for evaluating the capabilities of the brilliant pebble as an ASAT weapon is given in this article .

  2. 两部影片之间的关系最好用一首威廉·布莱克(WilliamBlake)的诗歌来总结——《土块与卵石》(TheClodandthePebble)。

    The relationship between them is perhaps best summed up in this poem by William Blake , called " The Clod and the Pebble " :

  3. 大车哐当哐当地行驶在卵石路上。

    The cart clattered over the cobbles .

  4. 我朝母鸡扔卵石,吓得它们乱跳乱叫。

    I threw pebbles at the hens , and that made them jump and squawk .

  5. 水流过卵石,汩汩作响。

    The water burbled over gravel

  6. 接着它飞快地回落到白色卵石的井底潺潺!

    And quick to the white-pebbled bottom it fell !

  7. 卵石层中采用高频振动锤施打PHC管桩效果分析

    Practical effect of PHC piles driven into gravel layer by high-frequency vibratory hammer

  8. 矿渣微粉与粉煤灰双掺配制C60碎卵石混用混凝土

    Grounded slag and fly ash mixing to match C60 concrete with broken pebble

  9. 泉州市区砂砾卵石层PHC管桩单桩竖向承载力探讨

    Research on the vertical bearing capacity of pre-stressed high strength concrete pile to sandy gravel , Quanzhou area

  10. 卵石层储热周期为10h、放热周期为24h。

    Heat storage period of the gravel layer was 10 hours and its radia-tion period was 24 hours .

  11. 独立成功的典范是一款名为“卵石”(Pebble)的早期智能手表。用户可通过这块手表连接智能手机、收发邮件、读取短信甚至运行应用程序。

    One breakaway success was an early-stage " smart watch " called Pebble , which could connect to smartphones , display emails and text messages and even run apps .

  12. 在风景如画的约克郡做最后的停留,可以去每一个卵石铺就的小巷尽头找一家都铎式客栈,或者走进摩登的啤酒馆,比如YorkTap、Pivni及HouseofTremblingMadness。—

    A final stay in the photogenic city of York offers a Tudor-style pub at the end of every cobbled lane , as well as modern beer temples like York Tap , Pivni and the House of Trembling Madness . -

  13. 介绍和分析了用卵石为粗骨料,利用多掺法配制C50泵送混凝土的技术路线和成功实践。

    The technical route and the successful practice by using cobble as coarse aggregate , and adopting multi-mix-method as method were introduced and analyzed .

  14. 在长4m宽2.7m的房间内铺设了150mm厚的卵石层。

    The gravel layer with thickness of the 150 mm was put in the house whose length and width were 4 mand 2.7 m , respectively .

  15. 钻孔压浆桩在黑河圆砾层中的应用成孔制桩时不产生振动;成孔穿透能力强,可穿透硬土层,诸如沙层、圆砾层和粒径不大于60mm的卵石层;

    Application Of Bored Mudjack Pile In Pudding Stone Area The process of drilling will not lead to vibration and has the capacity to penetrate hard rock layer ;

  16. 中国已经开始为一个称为HTR-PM的第四代核反应堆进行场地准备工作。这是一种气冷的、通过球状燃料而不是棒状燃料提供能量的“卵石床”反应堆。

    China has already begun site preparations for a Generation IV reactor called the HTR-PM , a gas-cooled " pebble bed " reactor powered by fuel in the form of spheres rather than rods .

  17. 采用气举反循环的钻探工艺,在孔径为3.0m、厚度为33m的超厚砂卵石地层桩基础施工中,改进了钻进施工工艺方法。

    Adopting air-lift reverse technique in super thick sandy gravels with thickness of 33 m and 3.0 m in pile diameter , construction technique and its drilling method were improved .

  18. 苏丹输油管道在喀土穆北45km处穿越尼罗河,穿越处河床分布的主要地层为中砂、卵石及努比亚砂岩。

    Sudan oil pipeline will pass through Nile 45 km away north of Al Khartoum . The mainly distributed strata at river bed includes medium sand , peddle and Nubia sandstone .

  19. 开发了CRS-1卵石河流泥沙数值模型,经水槽试验、模型试验、野外实测资料验证,计算结果与实测值吻合良好。

    A river sediment numerical model for gravel – pebble streams , CRS-1 model , is developed . The computed results by the model agree quite well with the data of flume experiment , model experiment and field .

  20. 道碴坑中部(0.7m深度处)年平均地温为-1.60℃,比卵石地表相同深度地温低1.4℃。

    The annual mean ground temperature at the middle of the closed ballast pit ( at the depth of 0.70m ) is-1.60 ℃, which is 1.4 ℃ lower than that at the same depth beneath the gravel surface .

  21. 从萨格勒布(Zagreb)出发,向北一小时,就来到了这个五万人口的重要小城。完美无瑕的卵石镇中心到处是巴洛克教堂和宫殿,比如Draskovic宫,这一主题还将延续至一年一度的巴洛克音乐节,但也就到此为止。

    One hour north of Zagreb , this small metropolis of 50000 has an immaculate cobblestoned town center and is stocked with Baroque churches and palaces like the Draskovic . The theme continues with an annual Baroque music festival , but that 's where it ends .

  22. 山区河流非恒定流航道沙卵石浅滩整治

    Sand-Pebble Shoal Regulation in Channel with Inconstant Flow of Mountainous River

  23. 强夯充填河卵石处理软土地基施工

    The Construction of Dynamic Compaction Blinding River Gravel Treating Soft Subgrade

  24. 卵石征;卵石层金刚石钻进技术

    Cobble stonesign ; The Technology of Diamond drilling for cobble layer

  25. 盾构法施工技术在无水砂卵石地层中的应用

    Application of Shield Method in Non - Water Sandy Cobble Bed

  26. 砂卵石土动力特性的动三轴试验研究

    Dynamic triaxial testing study on dynamic characteristics of sandy pebble soil

  27. 砂卵石中大口径顶管施工的三浆技术

    Three-Grouting Techniques for Large Diameter Pipe Jacking Construction in Sandy Cobble

  28. 卵石层中大管径顶管施工实践

    A Construction Practice of Large Diameter Pipe Jacking in Cobble Layer

  29. 巨型框架结构筏基砂卵石地基的静动力共同作用研究

    Dynamic and Static Interaction Research of Mega-Frame-Raft Foundation-Sand Gravel Soil Structure

  30. 卵石土地层桩侧摩阻力确定方法研究

    Research on the Side Friction of the Pile in Pebble Foundations