
luǎn yuán wō
  • oval fossa
  1. 方法用大体解剖法观测山羊房间隔的卵圆窝、室间隔膜部和肌部。

    Methods The oval fossa and the interventricular septum of goat heart were observed by gross anatomy method .

  2. 房间隔、卵圆窝的观测及外科意义山羊心脏房间隔和室间隔的解剖学观测

    Surgical Anatomy of Interatrial Septum and Oval Fossa Observation on anatomical struture of the interatrial and interventricular septum in goat heart

  3. 人体心脏卵圆窝区发育上的缺陷初步观察报告

    Studies on the defects in the area of fossa ovalis of the human heart

  4. 结果:非缺损型房间隔在卵圆窝处有37.78%存在潜在通道;

    Results : 37.78 % of non-defective interatrial septa possess the potential passageway at foramen ovale .

  5. 结果显示:5例左房粘液瘤患者均获得满意的三维重建,可模拟手术途径显示左房粘液瘤的大小和形态,精确显示瘤蒂所在的部位及其与房间隔卵圆窝上下间的关系。

    Results : Left atrial myxomas were successfully reconstructed in all patients . The shape and location can be correctively determined by surgeon 's way .

  6. 方法:观察45例成人心脏标本房间隔卵圆窝缘上部下方潜在通道的形态,测量潜在通道在左、右心房面开口的宽度、高度和其弧形长度。

    Methods : The morphology of the potential passageway at foramen ovale on interatrial septum in 45 grown-up heart samples was observed and the width and height and the curve length of the potential passageway of left and right atrial surface were measured .

  7. 卵圆窝处原发隔与继发隔未能正常自然粘连融合留下一小裂隙,称为卵圆孔,卵圆孔在生后第1年内闭合,多数为功能性闭合。

    Primary and secondary oval fossa fail to properly form the natural adhesion of fusion , but leave a small fracture , which is known as the foramen ovale ; the closure of foramen ovale occurs within 1 year after birth , mostly in the form of the functional closure .

  8. 人工巢箱条件下大山雀的窝卵数与繁殖成功的关系(卵圆窝缘)维厄桑氏环

    Relationship between Clutch Size and Reproductive Success of Great Tit Breeding inside Artificial Nest-box