  • egg;ovum;spawn
  • 动植物的雌性生殖细胞:~子。~巢。

  • 特指动物的蛋:~生。~石。~翼(喻养育或庇护)。

  • 昆虫学上特指受精卵,是动物发育的第一阶段。

  • 男子睾丸的俗称。


(动植物的雌性生殖细胞) ovum; egg; spawn:

  • 单精受精卵

    monospermic egg;

  • 成熟卵

    mature egg;

  • 受精卵

    fertilized egg; zygote;

  • 无黄卵

    alecithal ovum;

  • 均黄卵

    homolecithal ovum;

  • 鸟类、爬虫及昆虫是卵生的。

    Birds, reptiles and insects come from eggs.

  1. 前列腺素F(2α)和E2对小鼠孕卵运行的影响

    Effect of prostaglandins f_2 α and e_2 on fertilized ovum transport in the mice

  2. 通过ELISA检测发现,取食人工卵赤眼蜂蛹的雌虫卵黄蛋白合成和摄取都明显减弱。

    Through ELISA detection , vitellin 's synthesis and intake of female worm taking in artificial ovum Trichogramma 's pupas were both obviously reduced .

  3. 卵受精后细胞立即开始分裂。

    Immediately after fertilization , the cells of the egg divide .

  4. 如果卵细胞没有受精,雌激素和黄体荷尔蒙就会下降。

    If the egg is not fertilised oestrogen and progesterone decrease .

  5. 每个雌体四五月份只产一粒卵。

    Each female will lay just one egg in April or May .

  6. 两天以后,他们把受精卵重新植入了我的体内。

    Two days later , they implanted the fertilized eggs back inside me .

  7. 当卵孵化后,幼虫取食寄主的鲜肉。

    When the eggs hatch the larvae eat the living flesh of the host animal .

  8. 当受精卵植入子宫壁时,妊娠就开始了。

    Pregnancy begins when the fertilized egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus .

  9. 借用梳子据说是虱卵在人之间传播的原因。

    Borrowed combs were said to be the cause of spreading nits from one to another .

  10. 生育过非同卵双胞胎的母亲再怀上双胞胎的可能性更大。

    A mother who already has non-identical twins is more likely to conceive another set of twins .

  11. 非同卵双生子是两个受精卵同时在子宫内着床的结果。

    Non-identical twins are the result of two fertilised eggs implanting in the uterus at the same time .

  12. 覆巢之下无完卵。

    When a bird 's nest is overturned , no egg can remain intact .

  13. 颈卵器的早期发育在授粉后两周内就业已明显。

    Early archegonial development is already evident two weeks after pollination .

  14. 雌配子体中的极核和卵核遗传上是同一的。

    The polar and egg nuclei of the female gametophyte are genetically identical .

  15. 他让这些“无核”的卵跟海胆属的海胆的精子受精。

    He allowed these " enucleated " eggs to be fertilized by sperm from sea urchins of the genus echinus .

  16. 研究发现,澳大利亚的壮丽细尾鹩莺会在孵化卵的过程中一遍又一遍地重复一种声音。

    Female Australian superb fairy wrens were found to repeat one sound over and over again while hatching their eggs .

  17. 每一个斑点就是青蛙卵的核心部分。

    Each of these specks is the centre of an egg .

  18. 同卵双生双胞胎和双卵双生双胞胎分享仅50%的基因。

    Siblings and dizygotic twins share only 50 % of their segregating genes .

  19. 它把这些卵仔细地盖好,然后慢吞吞地走开了。

    Carefully she covers them and lumbers away .

  20. 这些胶状物质由大量的青蛙卵,叫做“卵块”组成。

    This jelly-like stuff consists of a number of frogs ' eggs or " spawn1 . "

  21. 例如藓类颈卵器(雌性器官)分泌蔗糖

    For example , the archegonium ( female organ ) of the moss Funaria secretes sucrose .

  22. 蜂后产下的每一颗卵都被放入到小的蜡室之中。最初,它们会孵化成像蛆虫那样没有腿的白色物体,这就是幼虫。

    Each egg laid by the queen bee is put into a little wax cell , and changes first into a little white thing like a maggot without legs , which is called a larva .

  23. 用激光共聚焦显微术在小鼠卵母细胞中检测蛋白激酶C

    Detection of Protein Kinase C by Confocal Laser Microscopy in Mouse Oocyte

  24. 卵透明带DNA避孕疫苗的研究

    The Study of Zona Pellucida DNA Contraceptive Vaccine

  25. 发现超排卵的激活率和发育率极显著高于卵巢卵(p<0.01)。

    Both the percentage of activation and development , the oocytes from oviduct was significantly higher than those from ovary .

  26. 牵牛花受精前后卵细胞质体和线粒体及其细胞质DNA的变化

    Changes of plastids mitochondria and their DNA in the egg cell before and after fertilization in Pharbitis

  27. 猪卵透明带-3β蛋白核心片断在E.coli中的表达

    Expression of Core Domain of Porcine Zona Pellucida Protein 3 β in E.coli

  28. 目的探讨CT定位经皮穿刺卵圆孔的精确性与射频热凝治疗三叉神经痛的疗效评价。

    Objective To explore the therapeutic effect and the accuracy of radiofrequency thermocoagulation through the foramen ovale under CT guide for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia .

  29. 方法微量注射仪将纯化的大鼠脑mRNA注入准备好的爪蟾卵母细胞内并于19℃温浴48h以上使其表达;

    Methods mRNA was isolated from brain of neonatal rat and injected into prepared Xenopus oocytes .

  30. PCOS大鼠窦状卵泡卵母细胞超微结构变化

    Ultrastructure of Oocytes in PCOS Rat Antral Follicles