
  • 网络Snares crested penguin
  1. 工作人员还给小企鹅播放录音,让它熟悉长冠企鹅种群的叫声。

    Staff also played the chick a record of the sounds made by a group of macaroni penguins .

  2. 饲养员自制了一只手套玩偶,装作成年长冠企鹅的模样。

    In order to hand-rear the chick , keepers used a homemade glove puppet to mimic an adult macaroni penguin .

  3. 巨藻紧附在新西兰斯奈尔斯群岛的海岸边,在其中藏匿着捕食斯奈尔斯竖冠企鹅的海狮。

    Bull kelp clings to the coastline of New Zealand 's The Snares islands , hiding sea lions that prey on Snares crested penguins .