
èr dié xì
  • Permian System
  1. 西南某大型水电站左岸坝肩边坡分布有多层二叠系凝灰岩软弱夹层,其中对该边坡稳定性影响最大的是标记为A3的软弱夹层。

    There are many weak seams made from tuff of Permian system in the slope of the left dam abutment of a hydroelectric station in southwest China , and of all the weak seams A_3 has the most influence on the stability of the slope .

  2. 二叠系在这些盆地有着广泛的分布。

    The Permian system has the extensive distribution in these basins .

  3. 二叠系碳酸盐岩属台地碳酸盐岩岩相,包括潮坪、局限台地、台地浅滩、开阔台地A、开阔台地B、边缘浅滩、斜坡等七个次级相。

    Tidal flat , restricted platform , platform shoal ; broad platform A , B ; edge shoal and platform slope .

  4. 经传统岩相分析,鄂中拗陷二叠系碳酸盐岩确认为碳酸盐岩台坪相,它包含五个亚相,即局限台洼、台坡B、台洼、台坡A和台滩相。

    Permian carbonate rocks in the central Hubei basin have been identified as carbonate platform facies after traditional facies analysis . It includes five subfacies , i.e. sub-facies of districted depression , slope B , depression , slope A and shallow out .

  5. 从华北西部和南部五个煤矿取得的石炭、二叠系腐殖煤的饱和烃馏分中,经GC和GC/MS分析,检测出了较丰富的二萜类生物标志物。

    Diterpenoid biomarkers were evidently detected by GC and GC / MS analysis in the saturated hydrocarbon fractions of Carboniferous and Permian humic coals in five coal mines in the western and Southern North China .

  6. 变形体和危岩体主要分布在1000m高程左右,岩性主要为二叠系下统角砾状灰岩、石英角砾岩等分布地带,少量发育在震旦系白云质灰岩中;

    Distortion and dangerous rock mass is distributed in the area at 1000m which lithology is limestone of Sinian and breccia of Permian .

  7. 锆石U-Pb同位素年龄印证了矿区及外围缺失二叠系以后古生界及中生界的地层或岩浆岩。

    The U-Pb isotopic ages of Zirconium proved that the district is lack of the strata or magma of after Permian period in Paleozoic group and Mesozoic group .

  8. 综合评述了5年来对二叠系三叠系界线(PTB)全球层型剖面煤山D剖面的研究进展。

    This paper provides a synthesis of the research conducted on the Meishan section D , the Global Stratotype Section and Point of the Permian-Triassic Boundary ( PTB ), East China .

  9. 其主要地质特点是:下二叠系盐层发育,盐层厚度可达3000m以上;

    The main characteristics of formation are : the salt formation is so developed that may reach about to 3000 meter thickness in permian above main area of salt dome .

  10. 研究区的二叠系硅质岩类,主要由大量硅质生物遗骸溶解成溶胶状态的SiO2并保存在沉积物中,在成岩&后生阶段早期发生交代作用而形成。

    In the study areas , the Permian siliceous rocks consisting mainly of large amount of siliceous organic remains which dissolved into colloidal solution of SiO2 and preserved in the sediments were formed by the replacement during the early stage of diagenesis - epigenesis .

  11. 石炭二叠系煤系在中、下三叠统沉积后完成第一次生烃过程,Ro、磷灰石裂变径迹等资料证实,当时煤系的古埋深约为3500m,古地温为118℃,Ro值为0.85%;

    The first hydrocarbon generating process occurred after Early-Middle Triassic sedimentation . According to the R_ o values and apatite fission track , the paleo-burial depth of the coal formation was about 3500m at that time , the palaeo-temperature was 118 ℃, and the R_ o reached 0.85 % .

  12. 由于该区石炭系目的层埋深大(超过3500m),特别是上覆二叠系巨厚盐丘造成速度横向、纵向剧烈变化,从而导致石炭系构造畸变。

    Since the deep depth of Carboniferous targets in the region ( deeper than 3500m ), especially the rapidly changed velocity in both lateral and vertical direction resulted from significant thickness of overlying Permian salt dome leads to imaging distortion of Carboniferous structures .

  13. 浙江长兴二叠系&三叠系界线剖面层序地层研究

    Sequence stratigraphy of the Permian-Triassic boundary section of changxing , Zhejiang

  14. 江西二叠系地层分区及岩石地层单位讨论

    Stratigraphic regionalization and litho stratigraphic units of the Permian in Jiangxi

  15. 四川盆地二叠系三分及其意义

    Dividing Permian into 3 series and its significance in Sichuan Basin

  16. 海相二叠系、三叠系生物地层界线划分的新方案

    A new scheme of biostratigraphic delimitation between marine Permian and Triassic

  17. 而本文作者认为,上述天然气主要是源于石炭、二叠系的腐殖型热成气,依据是:①奥陶系风化带的天然气属于煤成气;

    The gas from Ordovician weathered zone belongs to coal-formed gas ;

  18. 伊4井石炭&二叠系粘土矿物研究及对储层物性的认识

    On clay minerals and reservoir properties of c-p , drill yi-4

  19. 鄂西南二叠系层序地层与盆地演化

    The Permian Sequence Stratigraphy and Basin Evolution in Southwest of Hubei

  20. 古生界为泥盆系。其次为寒武奥陶系和石炭二叠系;

    Devonian System of paleozoic secondly Cambrian-Ordovician System and Carboniferous-Permian System .

  21. 伊犁盆地石炭&二叠系构造演化与层序特征

    Yili Basin Tectonic Evolution and Sequence Characteristics of the Carboniferous-Permian Strata

  22. 伊宁凹陷二叠系含油气系统评价

    Evaluation on Permian oil and gas bearing system in Yining depression

  23. 四川盆地二叠系白云岩的分布及天然气勘探

    Distribution of Permian Dolomite and Natural Gas Exploration in Sichuan Basin

  24. 南华北地区石炭系-二叠系有机质热演化成因类型研究

    Carboniferous-Permian Organic Mass Thermal Evolution and Genesis in South Huabei Area

  25. 川东二叠系生物礁油气藏的地震勘探技术

    Seismic exploration technology of Permian biohermal reservoir in eastern Sichuan area

  26. 本文就贵州二叠系锰矿与峨眉山玄武岩之关系进行探讨。

    Correlation between Permian manganese ores and Emeishan basalt is introduced .

  27. 鹤壁地区石炭-二叠系稀土元素地球化学特征

    Geochemical Characteristics of REE in the Permo-Carboniferous System in Hebi Area

  28. 南京二叠系栖霞阶灰岩中燧石碱活性的探讨

    Investigation on alkali reactivity of chert in Nanjing Qixia carbonate

  29. 山西二叠系地层特征及变化规律

    Characteristics of the Permian strata in Shanxi and their laws of variation

  30. 淮南煤田二叠系高分辨率层序地层学特征

    High-resolution sequence stratigraphic characterstics in the Permian from Huainan coalfield