
  • 网络bmp;UPS
  1. 本文研究高压直流电源系统中的二次电源DC/DC变换器。

    This dissertation is devoted to theoretical study and engineering practice on DC / DC converter of secondary power supply in HVDC power system .

  2. 描述了深圳华为公司二次电源自动化生产线管理信息系统(MIS)开发的设计思想、功能特点及应用。

    The present paper describes the development and application of management information system in the 2nd power auto-line in Shenzhen Huawei Technology Company .

  3. 应用在通信二次电源中的LLC串联谐振变换器的研究

    Research on LLC Series Resonant Converter Applied in BMP

  4. 本文以雷达二次电源为研究对象,通过Matlab和PSpice软件进行仿真,将弹性BP算法应用于容差模拟电路故障诊断,实现了较为准确的应用。

    In this paper , resilient BP arithmetic is applied to radar power by the simulation of Matlab and PSpice software and correct fault diagnosis of tolerance analog circuit is realized .

  5. 该文介绍了自由空间光通信终端机中ATP系统的组成和工作原理,设计了用于ATP系统的精瞄偏转镜、闭环控制器、星上终端二次电源系统,并给出了该系统性能的测试结果。

    The constitute and work principle of ATP is introduced . The fine pointing tip / tilt mirror , second power supply system , closed loop controller in the satellite is designed , and the test result of the system performance is proposed .

  6. 飞机二次电源智能测试系统设计与应用

    Design and Application of an Intelligent Test System for Airplane Convertor

  7. 移相控制软开关二次电源的原理与设计

    The Principle and Design of Phase-shift Control Softswitching Secondary Source

  8. 航空二次电源计算机综合测试系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of computer integrated test system for aviation secondary electric power source

  9. 基于有源箝位软开关技术的二次电源研究

    The Research of Secondary Electric Power Supply Based on the Active Clamp and Soft Switching Technique

  10. 在提高发电机容量的基础上,二次电源的地位和作用变得更加重要。

    Besides enlarging the capacity of generator , secondary power system plays a more and more important role .

  11. 集成操作电源,无须现场二次电源,现场使用更加方便快捷;

    Integrated Operating Power Unit , without Secondary Power Unit on site , more Convenient and Efficient operation on site ;

  12. 安装在雷达天线阵面上的阵面二次电源,是星载雷达的重要组成部分。

    As an important component of the satellite-borne radar , the power supplies for array are fixed on the antenna array .

  13. 简单介绍了二次电源智能测试系统研制的背景和意义,并阐述了系统的总体功能特点、工作原理、设计思路。

    This paper introduces an intelligent test and analysis system for the electric parameter of metal halide lamp based on the object-oriented technology .

  14. 论述了模块电源并联运用中的自动均分电流原理,并给出应用于具有冗余结构的程控交换机二次电源的一个实例。

    This paper introduces the framework , operation method and function of power supply module automatic testing system based on the virtual instrument technology .

  15. 此时就需要二次电源装置来协助燃料电池供电,系统的二次辅佐电源装置采用超级电容。

    So it is necessary to use the secondary power supply to assist fuel cell . The secondary power supply of system uses super capacitor .

  16. 基于自激推挽式小型化二次电源的设计发电就是将一次能源转变为电能。

    The design of miniature DC-DC converter based on self-exited push-pull converter Power generation means conversion of energy from a primary form to the electrical form .

  17. 铅酸蓄电池是目前二次电源的主要品种,广泛应用于电力、通信、交通等许多部门。

    Lead-acid battery is the main variety of second power , it is widely used in electric power , communications , transportation and many other fields now .

  18. 采用模块电源构成飞机高压直流电气系统的二次电源分布式系统,可提高供电可靠性和供电质量。

    It can improve the reliability and quality of the high voltage DC electrical system of airplane to adopt modular power supplies to construct a secondary distributed power system .

  19. 锂离子电池是一种绿色、可充式的二次电源,其工作电压高、能量密度大,大量应用于手机、计算机等便携式设备。

    Lithium-ion batteries are green and rechargeable secondary power , they are widely used in mobile phones , computers and other equipments , due to high working-voltage , large energy density .

  20. 航空二次电源是飞机电源系统的重要组成部分,其工作的可靠性和供电质量直接影响到飞机的安全和性能。

    Aviation secondary electric source is an important part of the power source system for plane . Its reliability and power supply quality has significant influence on security and performance of the plane .

  21. 在可循环利用的二次电源中,铅酸电池具有价格便宜、技术成熟和性能稳定等优点,因此得到了广泛的运用。

    In the secondary power supplies , which can be recycled , lead-acid battery has the advantages of low price , mature technology and stable performance , so it has been widely applied .

  22. 为了实现各种二次电源性能参数的自动化测试,以计算机为核心,附以信号调理箱、控制柜等硬件模块,通过VC++环境下的软件编程,设计实现了航空二次电源计算机综合测试系统。

    Using computer with signal process box and control cabinet , in virtue of VC + + environment , the computer integrated test system for aviation secondary electric power source is designed and realized .

  23. 高压直流航空电源系统具有电网重量轻、易于实现冗余与不中断供电以及二次电源功率密度高等特点,近年来成为国内外研究的热点。

    High-Voltage DC ( HVDC ) aeronautical power system has the advantages such as low weight , easiness to realize redundancy , uninterruptible power supply and high power density , it has been attracting more and more attentions .

  24. 针对电力设备的特点,提出了用信号作电源的想法,解决了某些高压柜内没有二次电源的问题,通过分析试验,能驱动电磁锁等装置。

    According to the feature of power equipment , an idea , using signal instead of power source to settle the problem without secondary power source in some HV switchgear cubicles , is put forward . Through experiment analysis , it can drive the appliance of electromagnetic lock .

  25. 并以二次电源控制的容错设计为例,模拟电源控制器的各种硬软件故障,结果表明该方法能全面验证卫星在轨飞行时电源控制系统的容错能力和可靠性。

    An example about fault-tolerant design of second power control system is given ; by simulate the software and hardware fault of power control system , it is proved that this method can completely verify the fault-tolerant capability and reliability of fault-tolerant design of satellite power control system in orbit .

  26. 二次稳压电源共模传导噪声及纹波抑制

    Rejection of Common Mode Noise and Ripple in Post Regulated Power Supplies

  27. 二次直流电源的可靠性设计

    The Design of Reliability in Secondary Direct Electrical Resources

  28. 因此,人们在不断寻求价廉、安全、环境友好、性能优异的二次化学电源材料。

    So , people are seeking cheap , security , chemical power material of secondary lithium batteries which friendly to environment and with excellent performance .

  29. 二次设备电源的供给问题,提出了新的思路,即用电容器储能,为跳合闸线圈提供能量,用蓄电池为其它设备提供电源。

    A new thoughts about power supply for second equipments is put forward , which is using capacitor to keep energy for open-coils and close-coils and by using storage battery to provide the energy for equipment else .

  30. 文中从某成像系统对二次稳压电源的要求出发,提出几种在电源设计中降低共模传导噪声、抑制纹波的方法。

    In this paper , Based on the requirements of an image system to the post regulated power supplies , and presents some strategies of rejecting the common - mode conductive noise and output ripple for post regulated power supply design .