
  • 网络Headward erosion;retrogressive erosion;headcut
  1. 冲沟是生态系统严重退化的产物,在金沙江流域元谋干热河谷发育的冲沟,溯源侵蚀速度为50cm/a,最大达200cm/a。

    Gully is formed when land is dramatically degenerated in arid valley . In the Yuanmou arid hot valley of Jinsha river , the speed of headward erosion is 50 cm / a to develop gully , and the maximum speed reaches 200 cm / a.

  2. 河流下切与溯源侵蚀则成为岸坡失稳破坏的重要诱发因素。

    Stream trenching and headward erosion are the very important inducement for slope failure .

  3. 冲沟溯源侵蚀速度加快,如元谋地层上发育的冲沟,年均溯源侵蚀速度50cm左右最大达200cm,沟谷密度一般为3~5km/km~2;

    The speed of headward erosion of the gullies has been increased . The erosion speed of the gullies which are developed on the Yuanmou layer is about 50 cm / a , the maximum speed reached 200 cm / a.

  4. 细沟发育过程中的溯源侵蚀与沟壁崩塌

    Development ; Headcut and Bank Landslip in Rill Evolution

  5. 形成机制是流水溯源侵蚀岩石块体崩塌谷坡后退。

    The formation mechanism is the flowing water trace to the source erosion-rock collapse-ancient slope withdrawal .

  6. 最后还探讨了洞穴侵蚀与其它侵蚀方式之间的相互联系与作用,对沟谷溯源侵蚀的发生机理提出了新的认识和建议。

    The new understanding on gully retrogressive erosion was put forward by an approach of relationship between tunnel erosion and other erosion forms .

  7. 峡谷东段拉吉玛、罗汉堂地区已进行溯源侵蚀,水体向东流向贵得盆地。

    The east part of Longyang Gorge in Lajima and Luohantang area had been eroded to source , the fluid flowed to the Guide basin .

  8. 而先有断层,后溯源侵蚀发育的冲沟则不能形成”肘状拐弯“的断错水系。

    However , the gully which later developed by retrogressive erosion can 't be called " elbow bending " offset system if it appears later than the fault does .

  9. 开挖区地面扰动频繁,风蚀和重力侵蚀加剧,应注重周边溯源侵蚀和崩塌的防护;

    There are frequent surface disturbance and severe wind erosion and gravity erosion in excavation area , prevention of circumferential retrogressive erosion and devolution should be laid stress on .

  10. 长江源地区主要水系至少自全新世以来是沿新构造运动产生的不同性质断裂构造溯源侵蚀发育而成。

    The main drainage system in the source region of the Yangtze River formed at least by headward erosion a-long the faults of different natures generated by neotectonic movement during the Holocene .

  11. 在河流溯源侵蚀尚未进入的分水岭上,残丘溶原、峰林盆地中,为岩溶生态良好区,但因不合理的人文开发诱发石漠。

    Human activities are an major factor of the formation of stony desert in the karst pimple plain , and peak forest basin on the water parting , where headward erosion can 't occur .

  12. 认定贵州新构造运动的主要形式是间歇性持续上升,总体西高东低的地势为历次溯源侵蚀夷平范围渐次缩小而成。

    The major process of neotectonic movement of Guizhou is continuous lift in interval , and the whole topography of high west and low east has developed in all previous gradual range-reduction of retrogressive planation surface of denudation .

  13. 由于溯源侵蚀,最下部坡段的相对侵蚀量从92%减少到37%,呈显著下降趋势,其它3个坡段则分别从4.7%、0.25%、2.14%增加到29%、17%和23%。

    The rill relative erosion amount hi the bottom section obviously decreased from 92 % to 37 % , but the other three sections gradually increased from 4.7 % , 0.25 % , 2.14 % to 29 % , 17 % and 23 % respectively because of the headcut erosion .

  14. 本文阐述了溯源淤积和侵蚀基准面的概念。

    This paper dwells the concepts of retrogressive aggradation and the datum of erosion .