
  • 网络Traceability;tractability;Retroactive
  1. 最后,本研究针对山东省X质检机构实验室质量控制关键要素人员、设备、检测校准方法、设施和环境条件、检测结果质量保证、测量溯源性存在的问题,提出了整改方案。

    Finally , I put forward improving scheme direct at specific problems existing in Personnel , equipment and testing method of calibration , facilities and environment conditions , testing results of quality assurance and measuring traceability .

  2. 结论用cfas转移血清酶定值的新鲜混合血清作为校准品对不同检测系统进行校准,既保证了结果的可溯源性,又可以实现血清酶测定的一致性。

    Conclusions Calibration with the mixed serum ensured the traceability of the result of serum enzyme , also improved the assay precision among different system .

  3. 基于粗糙AHP法的自动测试系统溯源性灰色评价

    Grey Comprehensive Assessment of Traceability for Automatic Test System Based on Rough Analytical Hierarchy Process

  4. 本文简要介绍了化学测量溯源性和具有绝对测量性质的同位素稀释质谱法(IDMS),并应用该法为国际测量评估计划(IMEP-9)河水样品中的钾提供可直接溯源到SI单位的标准值。

    This article briefly described the chemical measurement traceability and isotope dilution mass spectrometry that has the potential to be primary method , and also described how to provide the Si-traceable value of K in river water by the means of IDMS .

  5. 环境样品放射性测量的溯源性实践和经验

    Practice and experience in traceability of radioactivity measurements of environmental samples

  6. 对天然气能量计量溯源性的若干认识

    An Understanding of the Traceability for Natural Gas Energy Measurement

  7. 血清酶校准品在室内质控血清中溯源性研究

    Original Research of Serum Enzyme Calibrator in Indoor Quality Control of Serum

  8. 化学成分量值的溯源性与有证参考物质

    Traceability of values of chemical ingredients and certified reference materials

  9. 应用新鲜全血对血液分析仪质控检测溯源性传递的评价

    Evaluation of Transfer Traceability for Automated Hematology Analyzers with Fresh Whole Blood

  10. 自建生化检测系统的量值溯源性和可比性研究

    Study on the traceability and comparability of a self-developed biochemical testing system

  11. 天然气分析测试的溯源性准则

    The Traceability Guideline for Natural Gas Analysis and Measurement

  12. 欧盟及美国的溯源性牛肉生产系统简介

    Traceability Production System of Beef in EU and USA

  13. 血清酶测定结果可溯源性研究

    Study on the traceability of the serum enzyme assays

  14. 化学测量的特殊性与溯源性

    Particularity of Chemical Measurement , as well as Traceability

  15. 目的探讨临床生化检验量值溯源性方法。

    Objective To study the method for the traceability of clinical biochemical analysis .

  16. 2000年中国总膳食样品中六六六和滴滴涕污染的溯源性分析

    Contamination source identification study of organochlorines pesticides in 2000 Chinese total diet study

  17. 实现标准物质量值溯源性的初步探讨

    Primary discussion on realizing traceability of CRM value

  18. 地质标准物质中痕量元素量值溯源性探讨

    Discussion on Traceability of Property Value for Trace Elements in Geologic Certified Reference Materials

  19. 本文介绍了欧美国家及美国新型的牛肉生产系统&溯源性系统。

    This paper introduces a new production system , traceability production system of beef .

  20. 结论本研究方法有效,为解决临床生化检验溯源性提供了一种思路。

    Conclusion The present method is effective for ensuring traceability of clinical biochemical analysis .

  21. 化学测量溯源性的探讨

    Discussion on the traceability in chemical measurement

  22. 同位素稀释质谱法用于河水中钾的测量溯源性研究

    Study of the Measurement Traceability of Potassium in River Water by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry

  23. 准确性、可比性及溯源性在静脉血细胞参考范围调查中的应用

    Application of accuracy , comparability , and traceability in investigation of venous blood cell reference levels

  24. 讨论了建立溯源性、均匀性检验等方面的一些问题。

    Remarks were given on some topics of the demonstration of traceability and the test of homogeneity .

  25. 进行了自动测试系统的溯源性设计;

    Then , according to calibration requirements of automatic test systems , the traceability design was presented .

  26. 在某型自动测试系统研制中应用溯源性设计方法,取得了良好的效果。

    The method of traceability design was applied to a practical automatic test system and good effects were obtained .

  27. 习惯上人们认为,特定的分析方法应通过参考物质建立到基准方法的计量溯源性。

    It is believed traditionally that specified analysis methods should have a metrological traceability to primary method through reference materials .

  28. 针对自动测试系统的计量保障需求,提出一种自动测试系统溯源性设计方法。

    According to the measuring assurance requirements of automatic test systems , a traceability design method for automatic test systems is proposed .

  29. 测量是人类获取信息的最重要来源之一,有效的测量必须是可靠的,是有溯源性的。

    Measurement is one of the most important sources for us to acquire information , and thus it must be reliable and traceable .

  30. 与传统的对照品相比,标准样品具有准确性、可比性和可溯源性等优点。

    By comparison with traditional reference standards , reference material has many advantages , such as accuracy , comparability , traceability and so on .