
gǔ rén
  • the ancients;our forefathers;one who has passed away
古人 [gǔ rén]
  • [the ancients;one who has passed away] 泛指前人,以区别于当世的人

古人[gǔ rén]
  1. 古人认为地球飘浮在水里。

    The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water

  2. 古人云,“士别三日,当刮目相看。”

    The ancients say ," after even just three days'absence , a scholar must be regarded with new eyes . "

  3. 他是研究古人礼仪的专家。

    He is an expert on the manners of the ancients .

  4. 我认为目前情况已经变得很糟糕,有很多误解和误导性信息,很多古人会称之为诡辩的东西。

    I think that things have become very gloomy these day , lots of misunderstanding , misleading cues , a lot of what the ancients would have called sophistry .

  5. 古人也称其为上元节。

    Ancient people also called it Shangyuan Festival .

  6. 中国古人根据天气的变化,把一年分为24个部分。

    Ancient Chinese divided a year into 24 parts according to the changes of the weather .

  7. 这可以追溯到几千年前,中国古人经常用动物骨头和贝壳刻符号。

    It dates back several thousand years to the use of animal bones and shells on which symbols were carvedby ancient Chinese people .

  8. 工之侨只好把琴拿回家,让漆工仿古,在琴上漆出许多裂纹,又让雕匠在琴上刻了古人的题字,然后装进匣子,埋在地下。

    Gong Zhiqiao had to take it home and asked a lacquerer to paint many crackles on the instrument in imitation of an ancient qin , and asked a sculptor6 to carve on it some inscriptions7 of ancient scholars . Then he put it in a box and buried it underground .

  9. 古人骨DNA的提取、扩增、测序与研究

    Extraction , Amplification and Sequence of Ancient DNA

  10. 3200年前中国新疆哈密古人骨的mtDNA多态性研究

    Study on mtDNA polymorphism of ancient human bone from Hami of xinjiang , china 3 ? 200 BP

  11. 传统住居告诉了我们,古人是怎样诗意地栖居在大地上(Poeticinhabitoftheearth),以此来呼唤在住居设计中对人生活本身的关注。

    The traditional dwellings evident how the ancient people lead a poetic inhabit of the earth , which appeals to us who the architecture concerned is the human being itself .

  12. mckay博士正在查看古人的生物实验室。

    Doctor McKay is checking out an ancient bio-lab.

  13. 不久,古人将想要高飞的夙愿寓于风筝制作工艺中,从而推动了风筝制造技术的发展,创造出了另一个中国发明——悬挂式滑翔机(HangGliders)。

    Soon , the urge to fly would be married with the technology of the kite to produce another Chinese invention , the hang glider .

  14. 就是说有些人和古人有相同的基因了。

    So some people have the same genes as these ancients .

  15. 古人的生活方式包括上述一切方面。

    The lifestyle of the ancients included all of the above .

  16. 古人曾说:“百善孝为先。”

    The ancients said : " 100 Yoshitaka comes first . "

  17. 我相信远古人一定给它起过名字了。

    I 'm sure the ancients have a name for it .

  18. 古人真厉害!能总结这么多!

    The ancients were just great ! What a profound summarization !

  19. 许多远古人都注意到了时间和影的关系。

    Most primitive people noticed a relationship between time and shadows .

  20. 请记住古人的科技比幽灵要远远先进。

    Keep in mind that the ancient technology was far superior .

  21. 中国画传统是古人的经验总结。

    Ancient Chinese painting tradition is a summary of experiences .

  22. 中国人类化石研究对古人类学的贡献

    Contributions of the study on Chinese human fossils to Paleoanthropology

  23. 古人管急速流淌的河水都叫白水。

    Ancient people called a torrential river a white river .

  24. 数的观念对中国古人影响很大。

    The concept of numbers has a great influence on Chinese ancients .

  25. 文物里,写满了古人智慧的灵犀。

    The wisdom of the ancients is engraved on the cultural treasures .

  26. 古人不学高等数学,难道就没有逻辑能力吗?

    The ancients do not study mathematics , can not logically capable ?

  27. 也许古人并不像回忆起他们。

    Maybe the ancients didn 't want to be reminded of them .

  28. 从而得到接近古人装置的机会。

    In order to gain access to the ancient device .

  29. 古人交付给我们的任务。

    The task handed down to us by the ancestors .

  30. 他所知道的古人的科技不比我少。

    He knows almost as much about ancient technology as I do .