
  • 网络Yuli;yuli county
  1. 阐述了农用土地定级的意义,主要论述了GIS在农用土地定级中的应用,并以新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州尉犁县农用土地定级为例,探讨了利用GIS进行定级数据处理的过程和方法。

    This paper is related the significance of agricultural land grading . Taking Yuli County in Xinjiang for an example , the paper describes some techniques in GIS application for agricultural land grading , especially processing the grading data .

  2. 尉犁县生态园区地下水位年变化规律及其影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Change of Groundwater Level beneath the Ecological Garden Area and Its Affected Factors in Yuli County , Xinjiang

  3. 第三部分:以生态系统健康学和景观生态学理论为基础,通过遥感与GIS技术,建立评价模型,对尉犁县土地荒漠化现状进行评价。

    Third : Based on the theory of ecosystem health and landscape , by RS and GIS , the assessment model is build . The author finishes the assessment of land desertification .

  4. 新疆尉犁县牲畜常见毒草中毒的探讨

    Discussion on Livestock Poisoning Resulting from Poisonous Grass in Yuli Xinjiang

  5. 干旱区典型绿洲农业生态经济系统的结构和功能分析&以塔里木河中下游的尉犁县为例

    Study on the Structure and Function of Agriculture Eco-economy System in Yuli County , Xinjiang

  6. 不同植物的咸水滴灌量试验研究&以新疆尉犁县为例

    Salt Water Irrigation Amount for Different Plants by Drip Irrigation : a case study in Yuli , Xinjiang

  7. 尉犁县土地荒漠化评价及其动态变化的驱动因子分析

    The Assessment of Land Desertification and the Analysis of Dynamic Change ' Drive Factor of Land Desertification in Yu Li

  8. 退耕还林优化了尉犁县农业产业结构,使林产品收入有所增加。

    By returning farmland to forests project , the agriculture structure of Yu-Li County is optimized and the forest products harvest is increased .

  9. 结论表明:人口的增长和经济的发展是尉犁县土地利用变化的主要驱动因子。

    The conclusion shows that the increase of population and development of economy are the main factors , which lead to LUCC of YULI .

  10. 以尉犁县塔里木二库为试验对象现场试验,初步探讨干旱区平原水库防蒸发节水的工程措施。

    Tarim reservoir of Yuli County . In order to prevent evaporation in arid area plain reservoirs , the engineering measure of saving water is preliminarily discussed .

  11. 塔里木河中下游生态养羊技术模式探讨&以尉犁县为例

    Study on the Technological Mode of Ecologically Breeding Sheep at the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Tarim River & A Case Study in Yuli County , Xinjiang

  12. 并以新疆国土资源环境遥感综合调查项目的土地资源遥感调查重点县尉犁县为例,利用2000年4~9月中巴资源卫星遥感资料,计算了遥感资料在土地调查中的分类精度。

    Based on CBERS-1 data from April to September in 2000 . A case in Yuli given the classify precision of remote sensing data in the investigation of glebe resource .

  13. 尉犁县实施退耕还林工程,提高了土地利用率以及人均林地占有面积,产业结构进一步得到调整,资源配置趋于合理。

    By the implementation of Yu-Li County returning farmland to forest project , the utilization of land and people occupation of forest are improved , the industrial structure is further adjusted , the allocation of resources is rationalized .

  14. 因而尉犁县退耕还林工程的经济效益在短时期内还不是很显著。再者,发挥了相应的社会效益,其指数为0.65,效益比较显著。

    So in short time the economic benefits of Yu-Li County returning farmland to forests project is not very significant . Furthermore , the corresponding social benefits are brought into play , the index is 0.65 , and the effectiveness is significant .

  15. 同时,也提高了尉犁县的知名度,为尉犁县退耕还林工程的持续开展创造了条件。最后,尉犁县退耕还林综合效益指数为0.699。

    At the same time , Yu-Li County is known more widely and the conditions for the Yu-Li County returning farmland to forests project continual implement are created . Finally , the overall efficiency index of Yu-Li County returning farmland to forests is 0.699 .

  16. 尉犁县位于塔里木河中下游地区,由于光、热条件充足,成为了新疆重要的棉花生产基地,对该区域绿洲用地利用情况的可持续性进行研究具有重要的实际意义。

    Yuli is located in the middle reaches of Tarim River , as light and heat conditions is sufficient , it becomes a major cotton production bases in Xinjiang , so it has an important practical significance to study on the sustainability of oasis land in this region .