
wèi liáo
  • Wei Liao;a surname
尉缭[wèi liáo]
  1. 《尉缭子》军事用语研究

    A Study of the Military Terms of Wei Liao Zi

  2. 《尉缭子》代词研究

    Study on the Pronoun in " Weiliao-zi "

  3. 尉缭入秦的背景及其历史作用

    Brief Research into the Background and Historical Functions of Wei Liao 's Service in Qin Kingdom

  4. 三是以《尉缭子》中几个重要的军事用语为线索,探讨了该书的军事思想文化内涵。认为兵胜于朝廷是《尉缭子》军事思想的精髓。

    Third , we discussed the military thoughts of Wei Liao Zi through some of its military terms .

  5. 在此背景上,《尉缭子》提出,一个国家在战前就必须在政治、经济、民心士气和战略方针等方面确立必胜形势,然后才能取得对外战争的全面胜利。

    Under such circumstances , Wei Liao Zi states that a nation should establish a " complete victory " situation concerning politics , economy , popular support and strategic principles before military activities in order to win a complete victory over the external aggression .

  6. 第三章主要考辨《司马法》、《尉缭子》、《六韬》的作者、成书与流传,客观真实地把握其军事思想。

    Chapter three : textual research into three works : " Art of War by Sima " , " Weiliaozi " and " Six Strategies " with emphases on their authors , the date of publishing and their circulation , objectively reflecting the authors ' military ideology .