
tún kěn
  • Reclamation;station troops to open up wasteland
屯垦 [tún kěn]
  • [station troops to open up wasteland] 驻扎军队垦荒

屯垦[tún kěn]
  1. 边疆屯垦政策实施下的环境变化研究

    Study on Environmental Changes by the Policy of the Station Troops to Open up Wasteland

  2. 中国西部移民屯垦的历史与现实研究

    Research of Western China Immigration Station Troops to Open up Wasteland History and Reality

  3. 他毫不气馁,认为应该有些足够吃苦耐劳的人准备要加入他的远东一顷地社会运动(FarEasternHectareSocialMovement)组织;这个在圣彼得堡创立的私人团体是为了提高众人对免费屯垦地计划的兴趣,并帮助组织移民定居。

    Undaunted , he said he thought there were enough hardy souls ready to join his organization , the Far Eastern Hectare Social Movement , a private outfit set up in St. Petersburg to drum up interest in the free land program and to organize new settlements .

  4. 关于东北军在兴安区的屯垦

    The Land Reclamation in Xing'An District Implemented by Northeastern Army

  5. 以兵团精神育人为屯垦戍边服务&石河子大学内地生源毕业生留疆工作分析

    An Investigation to Shihezi University Graduate Students from Inland Employed in Xinjiang

  6. 论古代新疆屯垦的经济意义

    On Economic Meaning of Stationing Troops to Open up Wasteland in Xinjiang

  7. 兵团的屯垦戍边对国家西北安全的贡献

    Contribution Made by Station Troops and Defense of Corps to National Security in the Northwest

  8. 民国时期新疆屯垦政策之探析

    A Probe into the Xinjiang Stationary Reclamation Policy in the Period of the Republic of China

  9. 改革三十年:与时俱进的兵团屯垦理论与实践

    Three Decades of Reform : Advancing with the Times with Theory and Practice of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

  10. 古代新疆屯垦的时空分布特征与动力机制分析

    The Characteristics of Temporal and Spatial Distribution and the Motive System of the Military Reclamation in the Ancient Xinjiang

  11. 从一开始的屯垦到现在,层层相续的历史留下了城市不断建造与与重建的遗迹。

    Cities are constantly built and rebuilt ; from the initial settlement to the present , successive layers leave traces .

  12. 兵团精神是兵团人在半个多世纪屯垦戍边实践中创造的最重要的精神成果。

    Corps spirit is the most important achievements of opening up wasteland and guarding frontier in over half a century .

  13. 要实现这一目标,必须加快农业现代化建设,提高屯垦戍边能力;

    In order to realize this goal BINGTUAN must accelerate the construction of agricultural modernization to improve the ability of guarding the frontier ;

  14. 本文采用了实证的方法研究了这些人员的基本结构、流动原因、流动率及其社会形态,使他们的生存环境得到改善,安心屯垦戍边。

    The paper studies their basic struction , floating reasons , floating ratio and social form to improve their existent environment and defend Xinjiang contentedly .

  15. 而清代末年,出于巩固边防和增加财政收入的考虑,开始由政府组织屯垦,开垦出大量的土地。

    In the late Qing Dynasty thinking of consolidating the frontier defense and increasing its financial income , the government led the reclamation in the area .

  16. 其中,又蕴含了两个相互交错的正负效应:汉民族的西扩统一的国家稳定的地缘政治关系移民屯垦兴修水利农业繁荣气候暖湿城镇发展;

    There are two negative effects interlocking each other : Han ethnic expand westward-unified country-steady geopolitics relation-emigration and land-exploitation-developing water conservancy-prosperous agriculture-warm and wet climate-urban development ;

  17. 19世纪后期新疆危局的策略应对与屯垦发展研究

    The Strategy to Cope with the Critical Situation of Xinjiang in Late 19 ~ ( th ) Century and Study on Stationing and Land Reclamation Development

  18. 屯垦点、站赤(驿站)和急递铺的设立与昭通回族社区和清真寺的建立之间有着直接的对应关系。

    The establishment of Station troops , Courier station and Urgent dispatch post station are directly corresponded with the establishment of the Hui community in Zhaotong and mosque .

  19. 屯垦戌边的历史使命、特殊的组织机构和移民文化是兵团体育形成的社会基础。

    The historical mission , special organizational structure and immigrant culture of the border stationing and construction corps are the social foundation for the formation of corps sports .

  20. 但随着兵团市场经济改革的实施和屯垦戍边实践的改变,兵团精神内涵产生了新的丰富,未来发展拥有了新的方向。

    But with the time changes and challenges of opening up wasteland and guarding frontier , the spiritual content created new wealth , the future has a new direction .

  21. 只要屯垦戍边的历史使命没有终结,那么兵团的特殊体制就将继续存在和发展下去。

    This special form will not continue to exist until the historical mission of station troops to open up wasteland and garrison the border has come to an end .

  22. 绥远屯垦经历了从无到有、从盛至衰的历史过程,文章对有清以来绥远屯垦的演变进行梳理,以期勾勒出清代以来绥远屯垦沿革的清晰脉络。

    The paper discusses the history of cultivation in Suiyuan since Qing Dynasty , with a view to give a broad outline of history of cultivation in Suiyuan since Qing Dynasty .

  23. 本文对1932年至1937年绥西屯垦这一历史现象的来龙去脉及其引发的社会影响,做了较为客观、全面的论述。

    The article has wholly and objectively discussed the process of opening up wasteland in west of Suiyuan from 1932 to 1937 , and social effectuation what this historical event brought about .

  24. 本文对东北军在兴安区的实行屯垦的这一历史事件的来龙去脉作了较为客观、全面的论述,并总结了其经验教训。

    This thesis make a discuss for the historical events of land reclamation implemented by Northeastern army in Xing'an district and Summary experience lesson , the discuss is more objective and comprehensive .

  25. 因其与农业生产联系紧密,一直被有远见的统治者所重视。为此,有关屯垦的研究历来较为活跃。

    And because it was closely linked to the agricultural production , farsighted rules paid attention to it . For this reason , the researches on opening up wasteland were always hot .

  26. 兵团不是扛枪打仗的士兵,兵团承担着国家赋予的屯垦戍边职责,是新疆经济建设的生力军。

    The corps is not soldiers for war , it bears the responsibility of reclamation and guarding the frontier endowed by the state , is the major force of economic construction in Xinjiang .

  27. 本文探讨了1928-1931年间东北军在兴安区实行屯垦的历史背景、经过,以及屯垦对蒙古民族社会所造成的影响等。

    In this thesis , the historical backgrounds , process and influences for Mongolia national society of land reclamation which implemented by Northeastern army in Xing'an district between 1928 and 1931 is discussed .

  28. 清康熙十年(1671年),朝廷准许“各省贫民携带妻子入蜀中屯垦者,准其入籍。”

    In10th year of Qing Kangxi ( 1671 ), government permitted that " poor people from other provinces who bring wife and children to enter into Shu will be granted the citizenship . "

  29. 为了驱散台湾海盗及防御日本、荷兰的侵略,晚明福建官府有在台湾、澎湖驻军屯垦及设置郡县的计划。

    In order to expel the pirate and defend the invasion of Japan and Holland , Fujian government of Late Ming Dynasty planned to send troops to station and open up wasteland in Taiwan and Penghu .

  30. 据史料记载,中国历朝历代都把屯垦戍边作为开发边疆、巩固边防的一项重要国策。

    According to historical records , all the dynasties in Chinese history adopted the practice of stationing troops to cultivate and guard frontier areas as an important state policy for developing border areas and consolidating frontier defense .