
tún bīng
  • station troops;quarter troops
屯兵 [tún bīng]
  • [station troops;quarter troops] 聚集军队

  • 屯兵边陲

屯兵[tún bīng]
  1. 城中屯兵上万。

    Above ten thousand troops were stationed in the city .

  2. 因为是战略要地。红军在乌克兰屯兵百万。

    one million troops in Ukraine ... because of its strategic military importance .

  3. 当时永宁、大桥两乡镇为太平天国屯兵扎营主要基地。

    At that time Yongning , Big Bridge two towns as the main base camp stationed themselves .

  4. 1812年春,拿破仑在俄国边境屯兵60万。

    In the spring of1812 , Napoleon assembled an army of six hundred thousand men on the borders of Russia .

  5. 冷战时期,因为是战略要地,红军在乌克兰屯兵百万。

    During the Cold War , the Red Army stationed nearly one million troops in Ukraine because of its strategic military importance .

  6. 屯兵设营,规划先行。营区规划是部队发展所面临的重要问题,随着节约型社会建设步伐的加快,部队营区规划的节约化也成为一个热门话题。

    Planning is the primary task of encampment construction and encampment planning is important to the devel - opment of the army , so is the saving of it .

  7. 美国军队因为韩国担心朝鲜的入侵而在那里驻军,中国也因为不喜欢美国屯兵边境转而支持朝鲜。

    The foreign ( US ) troops are there because South Korea rightly fears North Korean aggression and China supports North Korea because if rightly dislikes having US troops on its border .

  8. 但在流亡过程中却一直有人跟随刘备,屯兵新野时,徐庶为其幕僚,向刘推荐诸葛亮。

    Liu did , however , maintain the followers who had accompanied him into exile , and it was at this time while stationing in Xinye Xu Shu , one of his assistants , recommended Zhuge Liang , a master of strategies to him .