
guān nèi
  • inside Shanhaiguan Pass;inside Shanghaiguan
关内 [guān nèi]
  • [inside Shanghaiguan] 指山海关以西或嘉峪关以东一带地区

关内[guān nèi]
  1. 清朝顺治年间,由于清朝统治者同关内各种势力进行争夺,频繁的战争造成大量的人民流离失所,衣食无着。

    During Shun Zhi years , the Qing Dynasty rulers scrambled for with various forces inside Shanhaiguan Pass , which caused many people became destitute and homeless lacking in food and clothing .

  2. 面对严酷的生存危机,关内移民与朝鲜移民背井离乡,来到了东北大地。

    Facing severe survival crisis , the Migrants coming from inside Shanhaiguan Pass and Immigrants coming from Korea arrived northeast China .

  3. 1912年~1930年东北关内移民与东北社会

    The Northeast Immigrants Inside Shanhaiguan and Northeast Society from 1912 to 1930

  4. 唐代关内道军事地理,是当前学术研究中相对薄弱的一块“阵地”。

    Research on the Military Geography Teaching and Training System in e-Learning Environment ;

  5. 近代东北三省关内移民动态的分析

    The Dynamic Analysis on the Immigrants in the Three Provinces from the Interior

  6. 关内移民由南部的辽宁省逐渐向北部的吉林、黑龙江两省推进。

    The former spread from the southern Liaoning Province to Jilin and Heilongjiang gradually .

  7. 唐代关内道军事地理研究

    The Research on the Military Geography of Guan - nei Dao in the Tang Dynasty

  8. 从而得出,在唐中后期,尤其是唐后期,江南道的贡品,无论是从品种上还是数量上,要远远多于关内道,形成这种情况的原因是由唐后期南方经济的发展所决定的。

    This phenomenon is determined by the development of economy south in late Tang Dynasty .

  9. 内理根据记有数量的理货小票检查关内数量。

    The warehouse keeper checks up the quantity in the slings according to the numbered tally tickets .

  10. 官府的繁文缛节,也妨碍贸易活动的开展,并且为关内来的官员向满洲小商人敲诈勒索开了方便之门。

    Red tape was also stifling trade and giving southern officials a chance to squeeze small Manchurian merchants .

  11. 关内道是唐代都城和京畿所在之地,是国家军防部署的中心区域。

    Tal of the Tang Dynasty lay in Guan-nei Dao region , it was the center of the military deployment .

  12. 关内道军事地形的战术性能和战略价值(第三、四章)。

    Second , the tactical capability and strategy value of Guan-nci Dao ( chapter 2 , chapter 4 . 1 ) .

  13. 在取得的成果中,大多是对关内移民历史的陈述,缺少对其全方位的分析。

    In the obtained results , most of them is a statement of the immigration history , which lack of full analysis .

  14. 如今它早已从关外走向了关内,从东北走向了全国。

    Now it has long connections with the outside from the inside to turn off , from the northeast to the country .

  15. 东北作家群在20世纪30年代崛起于中国文坛,他们由一群从东北流亡到关内的文学青年组成。

    Northeast writers rose from Chinese literature world in 1930s . They comprised several youths who had been exiled from the northeast .

  16. 本文不拘于关内、关外的区隔,而着眼于走廊的区域整体,考察明代河西走廊多民族的历史过程。

    But this thesis focuses on the whole region of Hexi Corridor to study the multi-ethnic history of Hexi Corridor in the Ming dynasty .

  17. 陈寅是清代西域诗人中唯一一位没有返回关内的戍客。

    Chen Yin was the only person who settled in the border area and never returned inland among the Western Region poets during the Qing Dynasty .

  18. 我离开满洲的时候有这样一种感觉:如果蒋介石不把他的部队撤回关内,就难逃一场可怕的灾难。

    I left Manchuria with the feeling that unless Chiang Kai-shek evacuated his troops back below the Great Wall , he would suffer a terrible catastrophe .

  19. 如果不在这里修城筑关,北方的入侵骑兵可以一直到达这里,居高临下攻入关内平原地带。

    If there is no such pass , calvery from the north would easily get through from here and mount an invasion to the Beijing plain .

  20. 晚清以来的关内移民东北问题研究是我国区域社会史研究的重要组成部分。

    Since the late Qing Dynasty the issue on immigration from Shanhaiguan has been an important part of the study of the regional society history of China .

  21. 南京中央政府不给东北分配进口份额,进口商品都得从关内口岸转运来,要多付很大一笔转运费。

    The central government at Nanking had allowed the Northeast no import quotas and all produce came from ports below the Wall with consequent high extra transport charges .

  22. 1931年爆发的九·一八事变,给民国以来关内人民的闯关东运动带来了深刻影响。

    The September 18th Incident had profound influence on the movement of " Braving the journey to the Northeast " since the beginning of the Republic of China .

  23. 清代东北长期处于封禁政策的桎梏之下,城镇发展无论在质量上还是数量上都远远低于关内;

    As the Northeast China of Qing Dynasty is under confinement , the town development is far below that of inside Shanhaiguan Pass , in terms of both quality and quantity .

  24. 本文对关内道及其周边地区各种地理因素与战争的关系、及其对唐朝战备和作战行动的影响,进行了比较全面的分析述论。

    This paper systematically analyses the relationship of all sorts of geographical factors to the war , as well as the influence on the warfare preparations and military actions in Tang Dynasty .

  25. 在这个变化过程中,东三省逐渐拥有更多的财政收支权利,并逐渐向关内省份的财政形式过渡。

    In this changing course , the three Northeast provinces gradually possessed many rights of revenue and expenditure , and transited to the financial form of other provinces inside the Shanhai pass .

  26. 在改革开放和中韩建交之后,朝鲜族人口开始从东北三省流动到关内和国外。

    After reform and opening-up and the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and South Korea , the Chinese Korean people began to migrate from the three northeast provinces to the south and the west of shanhaiguan pass and abroad .

  27. 也运用了区域经济史研究中较为常见的比较法,通过横向的(同时期与关内)和纵向的(本地区各个时期)的比较,使文中得出的结论更具说服力。

    Using the regional economic history studies , the comparison is common in transverse ( the same period by inside shanhaiguan pass ) and longitudinal with this region ( comparison of each period ) the conclusion that the more persuasive .

  28. 其强烈的生命意识和生命价值追寻,对关内消极的生命态度、伤感的生命情调、颓废的价值观和黯然的生命色彩是一种强烈的冲击。

    Its intense life consciousness and the life value pursing is one kind of intense impact to the area inside the great wall negative life manner , the moved life affective tone , the dispirited values and the low-spirited life color .

  29. 对此清廷一方面给予旗人各种优惠待遇,另一方面限制关内流民开垦土地,结果是旗人生计问题更为严重。

    Qing give some interference for this situation , on the one hand , it give publicity all kind of discount , on the other hand , limiting knave inside shanhaiguan to reclaim land . The result is more serious livelihoods publicity .

  30. 以往的研究主要侧重于关内省份的收回矿权运动,对于东北的矿权交涉研究不足,并且忽视对清廷以及东北督抚在矿权交涉中的作用的研究。

    Previous studies mainly focus on the back inside shanhaiguan pass provinces mineral rights movement , the representations of the deal for the northeast research , and neglect of the qing government and the role of mine in the North-East governors representations .