
  • 网络attention;SVHC;Notability;Compelling
  1. 一种基于对象属性关注度的QoS传输控制方法

    A Method Based on the Degree of Object Attributes Attention for Transmission QoS Control

  2. 企业社会责任主题关注度的演变(1979&2008)

    The Attention Changes in Corporate Social Responsibility Themes ( 1979-2008 )

  3. 商业化已经让多项体育运动有了更高的公众关注度。

    Commercialisation has given many sports a higher profile .

  4. 布兰森先生的胜利,以及随之而来的关注度,都是理所应当的。

    Mr Branson 's victory , and all the attendant publicity , were well deserved .

  5. 例如,在美国和欧洲,因特网的兴起导致读者对自己国家之外的新闻关注度下降。

    In the U.S. and Europe , for example , the rise of the Internet has led to a declining consumption of news from outside the reader 's borders .

  6. 今天至少有几个小时,当全美人民把目光从巴格达转向圣地亚哥时,大家的关注度可能会暂时从小布什身上移开。

    For example : For a few hours at least today , the heat will be off George W Bush as America switches focus from Baghdad to San Diego .

  7. 最后,Joe和我找到一个提升他担心关注度的方法。

    In the end , Joe and I found a way for him to raise his concerns .

  8. 卫生总费用在GDP中所占比例是反映国家对卫生关注度的重要指标。

    The proportion of National Health Expenditure in GDP is a key indicator which reflects the extent the country is concerned about health .

  9. 随着Android系统市场份额的不断提高,人们对Android平台应用的隐私泄漏的关注度提高。

    The focus on privacy leak of Android Applications is increasing since the continuous improvement of Android system market share .

  10. 相对安卓(Android)手机和Windows电脑而言,苹果的产品不太容易受到恶意软件的侵袭,这让本次WireLurker事件关注度颇高。

    Compared with Android phones or Windows PCs , Apple 's products are relatively impervious to malware , which is what makes WireLurker so interesting .

  11. 从实践应用层面来看,我国相对发达省份对CRM的关注度要远高于经济薄弱省份以及地区。

    For practice application level , the relatively developed provinces in China to the attention of CRM are more than province and region economic weakness .

  12. 哈斯商学院招生办公室主任彼得·约翰逊(PeterJohnson)表示,学校招聘播客受关注度之高令他惊讶不已。

    Peter Johnson , Haas ' director of admissions , says he was surprised at the amount of attention the school 's recruitment podcasts attracted .

  13. 随着WTO的建立,多边贸易体制对环境保护问题的关注度则明显加强,特别是WTO上诉机构的争端解决实践,表明WTO的价值天平向环境保护倾斜的趋势似乎在逐步明显。

    With the establishment of WTO , multilateral trade system paid more attention to it . The practices of the appellate of WTO reflected a trend that the value balance of WTO inclines to environment .

  14. 尽管我认为没有一个框架可以获得当初Struts曾经获得的关注度,但我认为Grails将成为领先的JVMWeb框架。

    Though I don 't think any single framework will ever hold the spot that Struts did , I think Grails will become the leading JVM web framework .

  15. 随着SA8000的出台,企业社会责任的关注度越来越高。

    With the appearance of SA8000 , more and more enterprises focus on ESA ( Enterprise Social Accountability ) .

  16. 在Firefox中浏览页面将形成Tasktop的关注度模型,这意味着手工跟踪Web页面已成为历史。

    Navigating to pages in Firefox will populate Tasktop 's degree-of-interest model , meaning that manually tracking web pages becomes a thing of the past .

  17. 智能手机开发平台对3G移动通信的纵深市场关注度不够,这需要3G特征手机平台发挥力量。

    The attention toward the depth direction of mobile communication is not enough with smart phone development platform , and 3G feature phone development platform will take important effect on it .

  18. NPS这次早餐会只不过再一次证明了,对冲基金对亚洲的关注度已升温到何种程度。

    The NPS breakfast is just one more indication of the extent to which hedge funds are paying increasing attention to Asia .

  19. 最近,对“性别失望”的关注度很高。MSNBC上的一项在线调查收到了6000多份投票。

    Recently there has been a lot of attention paid to the idea of'gender disappointment .

  20. 目前国内外存在各种各样的抄表方式,但是通过这种GPRS无线网络进行数据传输的方式目前市场的需求量以及关注度在逐渐加大。

    At present the domestic and foreign present in a variety of meter reading , but through the GPRS wireless network for datatransmission by means of current market demand and attention in step .

  21. 我们相信电子竞技有助于保持X-Games极限运动的关注度。

    We believe that eSports helps keep the X-Games relevant .

  22. 近年来,公众、政府和企业对CSR的关注度越来越高,越来越多的企业以各种途径参与到承担CSR的行列。

    In recent years , the public , government and business have paid increasing attention to the CSR , and more and more enterprises take the responsibility of CSR through various ways .

  23. 麦肯锡(mckinsey)的一项调查对中国消费品市场不断上涨的竞争压力发出了警告中国消费者的价格关注度上升、品牌忠诚度下降,并且普遍变得更难以取悦。

    Chinese consumers are becoming more price conscious , less brand-loyal and generally harder to please , according to a McKinsey survey that warns of increasing competitive pressures in the Chinese consumer goods market .

  24. 为了解DreamMover的影响力,我们随机选择了1500名受访者,发现那些用过这款应用的人对骏河银行的关注度、信赖度和正面印象都有提升。

    To assess the impact of Dream Mover , we surveyed 1,500 randomly selected respondents and found that among those who used the app , there was a measured increase in awareness , trust and positive consideration of Suruga Bank .

  25. 今年,多亏了全世界病毒式传播开来的ALS冰桶挑战,对肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS,又称的葛雷克氏症)上升的关注度达到最高纪录。

    This year , awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , better known as ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease , reached an all-time high around the world due to the viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge .

  26. 在适当的时候,ECHA将公布有关当事人提交的高关注度物质资料的非机密版本。

    In due course , ECHA will publish a non-confidential version of the information submitted by interested parties on the proposed SVHCs .

  27. 相反,谷歌将堪萨斯城划分成204个区(谷歌坚持使用别扭的“网区”称谓),并且诚邀需要1GB网络服务的用户提前登记,只有关注度最高的46个地区中感兴趣的用户才能获得该项服务。

    Instead , Google has divided Kansas City into 204 districts ( which it annoyingly insists on calling " fibrehoods " ) , has invited consumers who want the one-gigabit service to register in advance , and will deliver service to the 46 areas with the highest concentration of interested consumers .

  28. 各种大众媒体中体育新闻的关注度、报道量都有开拓,被称为体育新闻的拓展时期。

    The concern and amount of different sports media were expanded .

  29. 现在,人们对于市场反馈的关注度远高于从前。

    Now there is a lot more focus on market feedback .

  30. 更高关注度会进一步促进店铺其它产品的销售。

    And the attention generated elevates the rest of their stock .