
  • 网络relational proposition;relative proposition
  1. 关系命题的语形和语义&一个逻辑分析的实例

    Syntactic Structure and Semantic Meaning of Relational Proposition : A Living Example of Logical Analysis

  2. 论关系命题的逻辑性质

    On the logic Quality of Relation Proposition

  3. 英国学派的学者不仅在相关国际关系命题方面给予了国际法发展的更大空间,而且他们对国际法所做的直接研究,促进了国际法学的进步。

    The scholars of the English School also study international law directly to further the progress of international law .

  4. 从周期,拟周期和概周期的定义出发,严格地证明三概念之间的关系命题。

    This paper proves the propositions of relations among period , quasi-period , and almost period by the definitions of them .

  5. 一论命题的分类:在普通逻辑中,命题分成简单命题和复合命题两类,简单命题分成直言命题和关系命题两种。

    The first is about prepositional classification . In general logic , proposition consists of two categories , the simple proposition and the compound proposition .

  6. 普通逻辑学界流行的关于关系命题逻辑性质的认定,不能研究非二元关系命题的逻辑性质,也难以契合于具体的二元关系命题。

    The maintaining about the logic quality of the relation proposition cannot study the logic quality of the non duality relation proposition , and difficult to agree to concrete duality relation Proposition in the common logic circles .

  7. 要合理、有效地揭示关系命题的逻辑性质,必须借助现代逻辑,建立新的分析手段,把关系命题从现行的普通逻辑教本中分离出去。

    If revealing rationally and efficiently the logic quality of the relation proposition , We must build new analyse means and Should separate the relation proposition from the Present common logic teaching by the aid of the modern logic .

  8. 普通逻辑难以解释关系命题的逻辑性质,不仅在于这些所谓的逻辑性质本身容易陷入窘境,而且在于它与普通逻辑应该研究的逻辑性质相去甚远。

    The common logic difficult to explain the logic quality of the relation Proposition , not only it lie in these so-called logic quality itself easily falling into awkward situation , but lie in it is too far apart from the logic quality of the common logic should study .

  9. 第2章是理论分析部分,本章提出了一个技术性的FDI理论和模型,并得出一个有关国际商品贸易与外商直接投资之间关系的命题。

    In Chapter 2 , a technology-specific capital and a partial equilibrium model are given and a proposition of the relationship between commodity trade and FDI is educed .

  10. 科学理解“人们不能自由地选择生产关系”命题

    Comprehensive understanding of the proposition " one cannot choose production relations freely "

  11. 李约瑟关于中国传统辩证法与马克思主义关系的命题,给了我们很大启示。

    Arthur Lee concerning Chinese traditional dialectics and the naming of Marxist relationship gave us a great inspiration .

  12. 讲话人通过对语用梯级中的一个对比参照点的命题陈述或者通过对该对比参照点与目标点之间的关系的命题陈述来传递他关于同一语用梯级中的目标点的命题含义。

    Once ordered , statements concerning a comparative reference point or its relation with the target point of the scale implicate propositions about the target point .

  13. 试图运用真值条件意义理论分析语篇的命题关系以及命题的真值条件。

    It seeks to employ the Truth-conditional Theory of Meaning to analyze the propositional relations of the discourse as well as the truth conditions of propositions .

  14. 给出了向量空间中向量组间相同线性关系的命题与证明,并用命题简捷解决了向量空间典型问题的计算。

    The paper gives same linear relation proposition and argument among vector groups in the vector space , and uses proposition to solve simple model problematic calculation in the vector space .

  15. 在虚拟环境下,传播即关系的命题依然成立,并呈现出一种由传播而衍生的流动且离散的关系链。

    In virtual environment , the proposition that the essence of communication is relationship is still valid , and displaying a flow and discrete chain of relationship derived from the communication .

  16. 本篇博士论文的核心是提出一个非常规行动的概念,并从这个概念延伸出一个关于社会行动与社会变迁的关系的命题。

    The core of this dissertation is the concept non-routine action and a proposition of social action and social change which is just stretched from this concept . Among the legacy of western sociological thoughts , there are three classic sorts of action based on distinct dimensions .

  17. 技术创新策略与创新战略动机关系的若干命题

    Research on the relationship between technological innovation strategy and its strategic motivation

  18. 汉语空间关系简单句命题表征项目顺序特点

    The Characteristics of Item Order of Propositional Representation in Simple Sentences about Spatial Relationship in Chinese

  19. 中国诗学审美命题是表达诗学范畴之间意义关系的理论命题。

    The aesthetic proposition of Chinese poetics is an academic proposition that gives expression to meaning relationship among categories of poetics .

  20. 预设往往是以句子形式来探讨命题间的关系、判断命题的真假。

    Presupposition is , in the form of sentence , an investigation of the relationship between statements and judgment of their truth value .

  21. 命题是逻辑思维的重要形式,而命题形式之间的对当关系则是命题理论的一个重要内容。

    The proposition is an important mode in logical thinking . The opposition between propositional forms is one of the most important contents of the propositional theory .

  22. 分析多元文化与教师专业发展的关系与相关命题,确立本研究的理论基础和价值取向。

    The paper analyzes the correlations between multiculture and teachers ' professional development and the related topics to establish the theoretical foundations and value orientations of this study .

  23. 首先,通过对再生核的研究,给出了小波级数的部分和在跳跃间断点处的收敛性与再生核之间的关系的等价命题。

    First , by studying the producing kernel , equivalent positions of the relation between the convergence of partial sums of wavelet expansions at jumping points and producing kernel are given .

  24. 通过分析奥斯丁、凯尔森以及哈特三人理论的共同点,我认为,坚持法律与道德之间不存在必然关系的分离命题是某一理论得以称为实证主义的主要条件。

    Through research the theory of John Austin , Hans Kelsen , and Hart , the Separation Thesis is the key to understanding positivism , which object the necessary connection between law and morality .

  25. 试论党关于新闻媒介与思想政治工作关系的基本理论命题&以土地革命战争时期为例

    Theoretical Proposition about Relation between Media and Propaganda & Cases in the Agrarian Revolution Wartime

  26. 国家利益是国际关系研究的核心命题,是一个国家制定对外战略的唯一依据。

    The national interest is the core proposition of the study of international relations , and the sole basis for a country to make external strategies .

  27. 本文论述了一般位置直线与各投影面的夹角相互关系问题及其在命题、解题方面的应用。

    The relationship between the oblique line and every projection plane included angle , and It 's application on problems proposed and solved were discussed in the paper .

  28. 马克思对人的新发现在于揭示出人是人的最高本质、人的本质是一切社会关系的总和等命题,并从人的存在方式的多样性角度提炼出人的本质和特点。

    Marx ' new discovery about man lies in such propositions as human beings ' natures are themselves , man 's nature is the totality of all social relationships .

  29. 构建和谐世界的重要思想是当代国际关系理论的崭新命题,也是中国外交的重要理论创新,是对马克思交往理论的运用和实践。

    Building the harmonious world is a brand-new idea in contemporary international relationship and an important theoretical innovation in China diplomacy as well , which practices Marx 's theory of communication .

  30. 从理论的一般构成入手,提出了生物-心理-社会医学模式的理论构成,即10个基本概念、3层逻辑关系、6个命题。

    According to the basic framework of theory , the researcher puts forward the theory framework of bio-psycho-social medical model , namely 10 conceptions , 3 hiberarchy logic connections and 6 prepositions .