
huī gū niang
  • Cinderella
灰姑娘 [huī gū niáng]
  • [Cinderella] 民间故事中的女主人公,一个美丽的姑娘,受到嫉妒的后母和异父姐姐以及残暴父亲的虐待,后来神灵挽救了她,一个王子爱上了她并和她结婚

灰姑娘[huī gū niang]
  1. 神仙教母的魔法使灰姑娘的破烂衣衫变成了一件漂亮的长外衣。

    The fairy godmother 's magic charm turned cinderella 's rags into a beautiful gown .

  2. 灰姑娘嫁给了王子,从此他们过上了幸福的生活。

    Cinderella marries the Prince and they live happily ever after .

  3. 这是一则王子同灰姑娘结婚的爱情故事。

    This is a romance about a prince who married a poor girl .

  4. 灰姑娘嫁给了王子,从此他们幸福地生活在一起。

    Cinderella marries the Prince and they live happily together ever after .

  5. 灰姑娘去参加聚会,与王子见面并跳舞。

    Cinderella goes to the party to meet and dance with the Prince .

  6. 在这个版本中,许多动物都是灰姑娘的朋友。

    In this version , many of the animals are Cinderella 's friends .

  7. 后来,他发现灰姑娘在家为继母干活。

    Later , he finds Cinderella at home doing work for her stepmother .

  8. 灰姑娘的父亲从聚会回来时给了她一棵小树。

    Cinderella 's father gives her a little tree when he comes back from a party .

  9. 鸟儿现在住在树上,它们给了灰姑娘一条金色的裙子和一双金色的鞋子。

    The birds now live in the tree and they give Cinderella a dress of gold and shoes of gold .

  10. 你们许多人都听过灰姑娘的故事,但你们可能不知道讲述灰姑娘故事的方式有一百多种。

    Many of you have heard a Cinderellastory , but you may not know that there are over a hundred different ways to tell the Cinderella story .

  11. 19世纪50年代,德国作家雅各布·格林和威廉·格林写了另一个版本,在这个故事中,鸟儿帮助了灰姑娘。

    In another version of this story written in the 1850s by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm from Germany , the birds help Cinderella in the whole story .

  12. 在这个版本中,鸟儿帮灰姑娘做衣服,老鼠则变成了马车夫,驾驶南瓜马车送灰姑娘去参加舞会。

    This is the version where the birds help make Cinderella 's dress and the mice turn into carriage menand help Cinderella go to the dance in a pumpkincarriage .

  13. Cinderella《灰姑娘》迪士尼在2015年出了一部真人版电影《灰姑娘》,但是和1950年动画版并没有太大差别。

    Disney 's live-action Cinderella came out in 2015 , but it wasn 't much different from the 1950 cartoon .

  14. 灰姑娘的连衣裙使她姐姐们的服装黯然失色

    Cinderella 's dress took the shine out of her sisters ' .

  15. “灰姑娘”手术指为了穿上某双鞋或某种鞋而进行的整形手术。

    Cinderella is a cosmetic surgery procedure to help the feet fit into a particular shoe or shoe style .

  16. spot:当场的step:台阶在皇宫酒店台阶前,Cinderella:灰姑娘pumpkin:南瓜insteadof:而不是carriage:马车灰姑娘坐进了南瓜车,而不是她自己的马车。

    Gossip girl : Spotted on the steps of the Palace , Cinderella stepping onto a pumpkin instead of her carriage .

  17. 在破产后重组的新通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors),别克车继续上演着灰姑娘的故事。而且,在这篇童话中,要变幻出“玻璃舞鞋”,远不只增加新车型那么简单。

    The Cinderella story at the new General Motors continues to be Buick & and this fairy tale has more glass slippers than simply a supply of new models .

  18. 然后,全屋的女士就如一群热衷交际的灰姑娘(Cinderella),开始小心翼翼地脱去自己的高跟鞋,奔放热情一发而不可收。

    Then , like a flock of social Cinderellas , women all over the room began to discreetly slip off their towering footwear . No one could curb their enthusiasm .

  19. 肖娜来自英国的埃塞克斯,是一位化妆师,也是视频分享网站YouTube上的红人。她耗时一个半小时将自己打扮成灰姑娘、白雪公主等经典公主形象,但在其中都添加了个恐怖元素。

    Makeup artist and YouTube star Shonagh Scott from Essex spent 90 minutes transforming herself into the classic princesses - such as Cinderella and Snow White - but with a macabre twist 。

  20. 它似乎更像《摩登原始人》(TheFlintstones)的车,而不是灰姑娘的南瓜车。

    It seemed more like The Flintstones " car than Cinderella 's pumpkin coach .

  21. 虽然迪士尼让米老鼠Cutie化,但仍然坚持香港迪士尼乐园中灰姑娘和白雪公主角色必须由西方女性扮演。

    Disney tweaked Mickey into'Cutie'form but still insists that only Western women can play Cinderella and Snow White at Tokyo and Hong Kong Disneylands .

  22. 莉莉·詹姆斯(LilyJames)在《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中饰演克劳利家的表亲——活泼迷人的罗斯·阿尔德里奇·麦克克莱尔夫人(LadyRoseAldridgenéeMacClare);为迪士尼的《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)试镜时,她本该饰演被宠坏的继女。

    As Lady Rose Aldridge n é e MacClare , the ravishingly feisty Crawley cousin on " Downton Abbey , " Lily James might have appeared the embodiment of a spoiled-rotten stepsister when auditioning for Disney 's " Cinderella . "

  23. 有些人认为“保持勇气,保持善良”这句箴言让灰姑娘显得像个反对女权主义的胆小鬼,布拉纳把这句话和小马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKingJr.)、纳尔逊·曼德拉(NelsonMandela)与圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)的非暴力抵抗相提并论。

    As for " have courage and be kind , " the mantra that some have suggested reduces Cinderella to an anti-feminist milquetoast , Mr. Branagh likened it to the nonviolent resistance of Martin Luther King Jr. , Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi .

  24. 迪士尼正努力用《冰雪奇缘》拉动下一部真人电影《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)的票房销售。《灰姑娘》将于周五(3月13日)上映,预计头三天将至少赚取6500万美元。

    Disney is trying to use " Frozen " to drive ticket sales for its next live-action movie , " Cinderella , " which opens on Friday and is expected to take in at least $ 65 million over its first three days .

  25. 他每天的生活就像一个灰姑娘的故事。

    His daily life was just like in a Cinderella story .

  26. 床。他们帮助灰姑娘。他们帮助她。

    The bed . They help Cinderella . They help her .

  27. 灰姑娘:不,我是我爸爸的女儿。

    Cinderella : No , I 'm my father 's daughter .

  28. 灰姑娘闯到舞会,勾引王子。

    Cinderella crashed a party to hook up with a prince .

  29. 灰姑娘教会我们:欲擒故纵才是硬道理

    Cinderella Teaches Us the Right Way to Play Hard to Get

  30. 灰姑娘在家不停地做家务,显得疲惫不堪。

    Cinderella is doing housework ceaselessly , she feels very tired .