
shí yīnɡ shā
  • Quartz sand;arenaceous quartz
  1. 石英砂对TiO2压敏陶瓷性能的影响

    Influence of SiO2 on Property of TiO_2 Varistor Ceramics

  2. 试验结果表明,M3C型碳化物定向排列以后,不论在硬磨料(石英砂)还是在软磨料(玻璃砂)条件下,相对于砂型铸造试样耐磨性均有提高。

    The results indicated that the abrasive wear resistance of specimens with unidirectionally arranged carbide is better than that of sand casting ones .

  3. 添加La2O3、纳米Al2O3和石英砂后,UHMWPE的磨粒磨损性能均有提高,石英砂效果最为显著;

    The wear resistance of UHMWPE are all increased after filled with La_2O_3 , nano Al_2O_3 and arenaceous quartz , while arenaceous quartz is superior .

  4. 在室温条件下,选用三体磨粒磨损试验机,石英砂磨料,研究增强相WC颗粒直径对WCp增强钢基表层复合材料磨损性能的影响,以20%Cr高铬铸铁作为标样,计算相对耐磨性值。

    Under three-body abrasive wear conditions , quartz sand as abrasives , the relative wear resistance of the WC ( p ) reinforced steel matrix composites , mating material is white iron 20 % Cr , was investigated at room temperature .

  5. 实验测得无烟煤、锰砂和石英砂的LHR值依次为1.93、0.75和0.69,说明无烟煤的亲油性较好而锰砂和石英砂表现出了亲水性;

    The calculated LHR values of anthracite , manganese sand and quartz sand were 1.93 , 0.75 and 0.69 respectively , showing that anthracite was lipophilic comparatively while manganese sand and quartz sand were hydrophilic .

  6. 拉丁文:燧石(Silex)由瑞典化学家贝采利乌斯(J.J.Berzeliuz)于1810年在加热石英砂、炭和铁时发现,晶体硅由法国人德维尔(S.C.Deville)于1854年制得。

    Silicon was coined in 1817 by the British chemist Thomas Thomson . Like the slightly earlier silica , it was based on Latin silex'flint . " From the same source comes silicone , which dates from the 1860s .

  7. 石英砂被覆膜树脂后同中密度的陶粒支撑剂(52MPa)相比,具有密度小、酸溶解度低、抗破碎能力强和短期导流能力好等特性。

    This resin coated sand particles possessed excellent properties , such as lower density and acid solubility , better resistane to crushing , as well as higher short term flow conductivity compared with traditional ceramsite proppant (( 52 MPa )) .

  8. 为了搞清煤对矿山机器的磨损作用及磨损机制,用不同碳含量的钢在改装的M-200磨损试验机上进行了原煤、浮选煤和煤中加不同石英砂含量的三体磨料磨损试验。

    In order to understand the abrasiveness of coal to mining machinery and its mechanism , abrasive wear tests have been made in a modified M-200 tester with steel of different carbon contents , using mining run coal , float coal and coal with different quartz contents as abrasives .

  9. 石英砂均质滤料过滤性能的试验研究

    Study on the performance of filtration by uniform quartz sand media

  10. 石英砂负载氧化铁吸附除锑的研究

    Removal of antimony from water by iron - oxide coated sand

  11. 南极无冰区典型沉积环境石英砂表面结构特征及其在沉积环境识别中的应用

    Characteristics of quartz grain surface textures in the Antarctic Ice-free area

  12. 氧化铁对石英砂表面改性的研究

    Study on surface modification of quartz sand with iron oxide

  13. 石英砂均质滤料截污规律的分析研究

    Study on the interception capacity in quartz sand uniform media

  14. 高温焙烧对石英砂表面的影响

    Effect of calcination on the surface of silicate Sands

  15. 石英砂对水中的氟无任何去除效果。

    However , no fluoride removal effect was observed by using quartz sand .

  16. 石英砂负载氧化铁的表征及其除锑吸附性能研究

    Characterization of iron oxide coated sand and its adsorption properties in antimony removal

  17. 石英砂负载氧化铁吸附锑的动力学及其吸附机理研究

    Adsorption of antimony on IOCS : kinetics and mechanisms

  18. 石英砂有密集的翻卷片、蛇曲脊、圆麻坑,这些结构反映了风成特征。

    These ones are characteristics of aeolian origin .

  19. 石英砂均质滤料气水反冲洗强度数学模型的建立

    Establishment of Mathematical Model for Air-Water Backwashing Intensities of Uniform Quartz Sand Filtrating Media

  20. 衬板用钢在石英砂介质中的冲击腐蚀磨损行为

    The impact - corrosion - abrasion behavior of the steel used in liners in quartzite slurry

  21. 外观洁白,多棱角,无粉末积附于石英砂表面。

    Appearance white , more edges and corners , without powder product attached to quartz sand surface .

  22. 盐对热采添加剂在石英砂表面吸附的影响

    The Effect of Inorganic Salt on the Adsorption of Steam Injection Additives on the Surface of Quartz

  23. 昆仑山垭口地区第四纪地层石英砂表面特征与沉积环境

    Surface Character and Sedimentary Environment of the Quartz Grains in the Quaternary Strata in Kunlun Mountains Pass Area

  24. 石英砂是制造玻璃的重要原料,也是建材工业不可少的重要非金属矿产。

    Quartz sand is a major material for making glass and an indispensable nonmetal mineral product of building material industry .

  25. 在试验进水水质条件下,通过自然培养,石英砂生物除锰滤池可在60天内培养成熟;

    Under the influent quality conditions , the biological sand-filter was ripened in 60 days with the natural culture of bacteria .

  26. 石英砂在加热时相变吸收的热量大于冷却时相变放出的热量,焙烧石英砂相变时需要更多的能量。

    To the calcined high purity quartz sands , there is only a endothermic peak at569 ℃ in the DSC curve .

  27. 首先,石英砂和合成树脂在螺旋给料器中混合,再由螺旋给料器挤出落进兜砂布中。

    In the program , sand and synthetic resin are mixed in the spiral feeder and extrude out to the cloth .

  28. 此法克服了水玻璃法生产成本高,石英砂-烧碱法高压操作、工艺复杂的矛盾。

    This method overcame some shortcomings such as high cost of soluble glass method and high pressure of complex craft of quartzite-caustic soda method .

  29. 结果发现,石英砂加热过程中,分别在574℃和790℃附近出现了两个吸热峰,高纯度石英砂焙烧后进行加热时只在569℃出现一个吸热峰。

    It is found that there exist two endothermic peak at574 ℃ and790 ℃ differently in the DSC curve of the quartz sand during heating .

  30. 使用电子显微镜对石英砂表面特征进行观察,并对其表面特征进行统计,发现了在不同沉积环境中,石英砂的表面特征结构的组合是不同的。

    We observed and t counted the quartz surface texture characteristic with SEM , the quartz surface texture combination is different in different deposition environment .