
  • 网络aqaba;Aqabah;Akaba
  1. 约旦打算使用核能淡化来自亚喀巴湾的海水并输送到南方,然后输送到安曼、伊尔比德以及Zarqa的人口中心。

    Jordan plans to desalinate sea water from the Gulf of Aqaba to the south , then pump it to population centres in Amman , Irbid , and Zarqa , using its nuclear-derived energy .

  2. 巴勒斯坦的一个古国,位于死海与亚喀巴湾之间。

    An ancient country of Palestine between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba .

  3. 还有死海,还有亚喀巴港,那里有不可思议的珊瑚礁。

    There is also the Dead Sea , and Aqaba , where we have an incredible Coral Reef !

  4. 在苏伊士湾和亚喀巴湾延伸从红海向地中海。

    The Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba extend from the Red Sea toward the Mediterranean .

  5. 最北穿过叙利亚和黎巴嫩,越过约旦河谷、死海和亚喀巴湾。

    The northernmost extension runs through Syria and Lebanon , the Jordan valley , the Dead Sea , and the Gulf of Aqaba .

  6. 约旦和挪威政府上个月(1月11日)签署了一项协议,从而在红海的亚喀巴附近建立一个20公顷的示范中心。

    The governments of Jordan and Norway signed an agreement last month ( 11 January ) to build a20-hectare demonstration centre near Aqaba on the Red Sea .

  7. 约旦是中东的一个内陆国家,南部的亚喀巴港是通往红海的出口。

    Jordan is a Landlocked country in the middle east , with the port of Aqaba in the south giving it a narrow outlet to the Red Sea .

  8. 最受欢迎的网站,为这种类型的旅游业是东部沿海的亚喀巴湾,大多是岩石海岸,与一,立即深水港的优势。

    The most favored site for this type of tourism is the eastern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba , a mostly rocky coast with an immediately deep-water edge .

  9. 学者们会记得几年前,有个牧羊人在亚喀巴湾漫步时被一个洞绊倒,洞里有几个大陶罐,还有两张冰上音乐表演的入场券。

    SCHOLARS will recall that several years ago a shepherd , wandering in the Gulf of Aqaba , stumbled upon a cave containing several large clay jars and also two tickets to the ice show .

  10. 同年,不知详细时间,萨拉丁袭击并夺取了十字军堡垒埃拉特,它建在亚喀巴湾湾岬外的一座岛上。

    It is unclear exactly when , but during that same year , he attacked and captured the Crusader castle of Eilat , built on an island off the head of the Gulf of Aqaba .