
  • 网络Very Large Telescope;vlt;VLT,Very Large Telescope
  1. 索夫拉尔和他的同事利用南方天文台在智利设置的甚大望远镜(VeryLargeTelescope)、夏威夷的W·M·凯克天文台(W.M.KeckObservatory)及其他大型望远镜,继续之前寻找由氢组成的发光星云的工作,这些星云可能代表着早期的星系。

    Dr. Sobral and his colleagues were using the Very Large Telescope of the Southern Observatory in Chile and the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii , among other big telescopes , to build on an earlier search for glowing clouds of hydrogen that might represent very early galaxies .

  2. 最新的记录保持者是右下角嵌图中的星系,它是由位于智利的8.2米口径甚大望远镜(VLT)所拍摄。

    The new claimed record holder is now the faint smudge indicated in the above images by an8.2-meter Very Large Telescope ( VLT ) operating in Chile .

  3. 比如,弗莱彻说他希望把甚大望远镜观测到的天气规律,和“朱诺号”测量到的氨和水——木星云层的关键成分——数据放在一起。

    For example , Dr. Fletcher said he wanted to piece together Juno 's measurements of ammonia and water - key constituents of Jupiter 's clouds - with the weather patterns seen in the Very Large Telescope pictures .