
chì wěi
  • declination
赤纬[chì wěi]
  1. 行星在天赤道(celestialequator)上的升落使得赤纬成为了业力占星学中需要考虑的第三个因素。

    As the planets rise and fall on the celestial equator , Declination becomes another factor of planetary karma that we need to consider .

  2. 本文叙述了我国目前气象观测业务中使用的太阳赤纬和时差的计算方法,并比较了WMO推荐的计算公式的精度差异,对气象观测中公式的使用提出了建议。

    The thesis described the formula of the solar declination and time difference in meteorology , compared the formulas recommended by the WMO , and given an advice on the practice of the observation in meteorology .

  3. 进行赤纬扫描时,可以把天线倾斜。

    Scanning in declination may be achieved by tilting the aerial system .

  4. 气象用太阳赤纬和时差计算方法研究

    Study on the Formula of the Solar Declination and Time Difference in Meteorology

  5. 天体赤纬测定中的度盘精确定位与测微器精度研究

    Precise Positioning of the Circle and Accuracy Investigation of Micrometers for Declination Determination of Stars

  6. 川滇地区地震时的月日赤纬及黄经差特征比较

    A Comparison of the Characteristics of Co-seismic Lunar-solar Declination and Ecliptic-longitude Difference between Yunnan and Sichuan

  7. 每个搜索区域有大约包括赤纬10度,赤经一小时。

    Each search area is about 10 degrees in declination and one hour of right ascension .

  8. 对赤纬控制系统,不需把恒星时调制到旋转变压器激磁信号中去。

    For the declination control system there is no need of modulating sidereal time into the signal which excites the resolver stator windings .

  9. 1982~2005年中国江南旱涝变化特征及其对月赤纬的显著响应

    Changing characteristics and significance correlation of flood / drought in southern part of China which respond to declination of the moon during 1982 ~ 2005

  10. 月亮赤纬最大年垂向引潮力对九江地区的地震有触发作用。

    The vertical component of tidal force during the year of greatest declination of the moon has trigger effect on the earthquake occurrence in Jiujiang-Macheng region .

  11. 坡面日出日没时角的配置关系与太阳赤纬

    Of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets . Match Relations Between Sunrise and Sunset Hour Angles of Slope Surfaces and Solar Declination

  12. 同时,通过计算表明,实际工作中,太阳赤纬σ每十日取一概略值已足够精确了。

    And the calculation also shows that the adoption of one approximate value of declination of the sun every 10 days in practical work is accurate enough .

  13. 地球自转角速度的变化对脉冲星周期变率影响的数值,取决于脉冲星的赤纬和观测台站的纬度;

    The magnitude of the effect on the rate of change of pulsar period depends on the declination of the pulsar and the latitude of the observing station .

  14. 该方法利用截面圆和固定区域的性质,根据赤纬值求解赤经跨度来确定选星条件;

    This method makes use of the property of sectional circle and fixed field to derive the span of longitude based on latitude value as the condition for selecting stars ;

  15. 当然,古代的印度圣哲是知道热带的,在适当的时候也使用以季节为基础的太阳偏角(太阳赤纬)南比变化周期。

    Of course , the ancient rishis were aware of the tropical , season-based cycles of northern and southern declination paths of the sun and used them also when appropriate .

  16. 刻度盘的误差,是子午环固有的仪器误差之一,它直接影响了天体赤纬的测定精度。

    Observation of Stars with An Astrolabe And A Meridian Circle The errors of the circle of a meridian circle will immediately affect the precision in determining celestial bodies ' declinations .

  17. 全面仔细地研究度盘,提高度盘读数的精度,是精确测定赤纬的前提之一。

    It is one of the prerequisites for the accurate determination of the declination to study the graduated circle all-sidedly and carefully so as to improve the accuracy of the circle reading .

  18. 分析了章动常数误差与用连锁法计算的赤纬、自行改正之间的关系,并考虑了改正这种影响的方法。

    The relation between the error of nutation constant and the corrections of declinations , proper motions calculated by chain method is analysed , and the method to correct this effect is considered .

  19. 它与现有的按时角和赤纬或者高度和方位坐标跟踪太阳的系统不同,具有占用转动空间小、结构简单以及焦点固定等优点。

    It is different from the existing tracker which tracks the sun by the coordinates of declination-hour angle or of altitude-azimuth . It has more advantages for use , such as , small turned space , simple construction , and fixed foucs .

  20. 本文利用极坐标下斯涅尔定律,系统地讨论了电离层折射对赤经赤纬的修正问题,并据此给出了射线描迹法。

    Using the Snell 's law in polar coordinates , the ionospheric refraction effects on the declination and right ascension determination is discussed in this paper .

  21. 导航星表由1532颗导航星构成,存储导航星的赤经、赤纬、星等信息,大小为20.9k;

    The guide star catalogue contains of 1532 guide stars , and stores longitude , latitude and starlight of guide star , and it take up 20.9k storage .

  22. 按赤经、赤纬方向测定三角视差的系统差问题

    On the systematic difference between trigonometric parallaxes determined in right ascension and declination

  23. 中国古代使用一个完整的赤道坐标系来表达恒星位置,赤经、赤纬和分点的概念都是十分清楚的。

    There was a complete equatorial coordinate system on the sky in ancient China .

  24. 这个位置也以天球坐标形式显示在右下角(赤经和赤纬)。

    The location is also noted in the lower right corner in celestial coordinates ( Right Ascension and Declination ) .

  25. 大型反射子午环是用来绝对测定恒星赤经和赤纬的仪器。

    A large reflect meridian circle is an instrument for the absolute determination of the declination and right ascension of a star .

  26. 任何一个参考星的赤经或赤纬偏差超过这个值将被拒绝进行天文测量处理。

    Any reference star that if found to show larger residual in either Right Ascension or Declination will be rejected from the astrometric solution .

  27. 这种天体被观测到之后,他们的赤经和赤纬坐标就会公布出来,以便他人观测。

    When such new objects are announced , right ascension and declination coordinates are normally given to allow other people to locate the object .

  28. 利用计算机完成天文定位中的太阳赤经、赤纬、太阳格林时角、春分点格林时角、测者地方时角的计算。

    How to complete the calculation of sun declination , sun right ascension , sun greenwich hour angle , greenwich hour angle of aries and sun local hour angle in Astronomical Position .

  29. 其中有4颗是依巴谷星,它们的赤经和赤纬自行精度的平均值分别为0.024ms/a和0.21mas/a。

    There are 4 Hipparcos stars among the 11 stars . The mean internal errors of proper motions of them in right ascension and declination are 0 . 024ms / a and 0 . 21mas / a , respectively .