
wàn shènɡ jié
  • Halloween;All Saints' Day
  1. 一是11月1日是万圣节,对于罗马天主教徒来说是非常神圣的日子;

    November first is All Saints Day , a holy day for Roman Catholics .

  2. 我们首先从万圣节开始。

    We 'll start with All Saints Day .

  3. 他执意要她来劳福德参加万圣节聚会。

    He had insisted that she come up to Lawford for the Halloween party .

  4. 人们经常在复活节吃巧克力,或者在情人节、万圣节和圣诞节等其他节日吃巧克力。

    People often eat chocolate at Easter , or during other festivals like Valentine 's Day , Halloween and Christmas .

  5. 这次的万圣节我要扮成木乃伊。

    I 'm going to be a mummy this Halloween .

  6. “快闪商店”通常卖季节性物品,如万圣节的服饰和装饰品、圣诞礼物、圣诞树,或烟花之类。

    They are often used by marketers for seasonal items such as Halloween costumes and decorations , Christmas gifts and Christmas trees , or fireworks .

  7. 万圣节派对过后,两男人图个乐呵,打算抄近路穿过墓地回家。走到墓地中央时,他们被从迷雾中传来的“答、答、答”声惊吓到了。

    Two men were walking home after a Halloween party and decided just for laughs . Right in the middle of the cemetery they were startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows .

  8. 尽管目前经济前景尚不明朗,但全美零售联盟(NationalRetailFederation)仍然预期2011年民众会大量购买万圣节饰品、糖果和服装。

    The National Retail Federation expects strong spending on Halloween decorations , candy and costumes in2011 despite a tentative economic outlook .

  9. 万圣节的时候,Clifford喜欢南瓜灯。

    On Halloween , Clifford liked the Jack-o ' - lantern .

  10. Lily大爸确实错过了游行,但他为万圣节倾尽心力。

    Yes . Lily , your daddy may have missed the parade , but he was all over Halloween .

  11. 那年的万圣节,Clifford发现了糖果苹果。

    That Halloween , Clifford discovered candy apples .

  12. 感谢大家在万圣节收看CNN学生新闻。

    It 's good you can join us for this Halloween edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  13. Claire就喜欢血、脓、内脏,可谁说万圣节一定要恐怖?

    Claire loves blood and guts and gore , but who says Halloween has to be scary ?

  14. TrickorTreat是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。

    5 . Trick or Treat is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume , asking for treats like candy or toys .

  15. 万圣节即将到来,Jennifer有三套服装需要准备,似乎她已提前进入了过节的状态。

    With Halloween approaching and three costumes to plan , Jennifer seems to already be getting in the holiday spirit .

  16. 周五,北京地铁禁止穿着万圣节(Halloween)服饰的乘客进站,警告称,他们可能引起恐慌和踩踏。

    The Chinese capital on Friday banned Halloween costumes from its subway system , warning they could cause panic and stampedes .

  17. JK罗琳表示,她将于万圣节当天在网站上发布哈利波特系列的一篇短篇小说,作为给粉丝们的万圣节惊喜。

    JK Rowling is set to publish a special Harry Potter story on her website as a Halloween surprise for fans .

  18. 该项由visa信用卡公司在美国消费者中开展的调查显示,今年万圣节的人均消费预计为47美元,比去年增长18%。

    The average American will spend $ 47 on Halloween , 18 percent more than last year , credit card company visa Inc said , based on the findings of its polls of American consumers .

  19. 问题是,万圣节玩“不给糖就捣蛋”(trick-or-treat)时,我该穿哪双鞋呢?

    The question is , when it comes time to trick-or-treat , which pair of shoes do I wear ?

  20. 流行的万圣节服装包括vampires(吸血鬼),ghosts(死者的灵魂)和werewolves(每当月圆时就变成狼形的人)。

    Popular Halloween costumes include vampires ( creatures that drink blood ), ghosts ( spirits of the dead ) and werewolves ( people that turn into wolves when the moon is full ) .

  21. 万圣节、圣诞前夜还有新年在D22的演出总是很火爆。

    The Halloween , Christmas Eve and New Years shows at D-22 are always a blast .

  22. 根据调查机构eMarketer的报告,大约25%的美国消费者早在万圣节前就完成了部分节日购物。

    About 25 percent of American consumers had already finished some holiday shopping before Halloween , according to a report from eMarketer , the research firm .

  23. 我还要说,接下来,就好像过万圣节一般,日本央行行长白川方明会戴上本•伯南克的面具,并竭尽模仿之能事,推行量化宽松(QE)政策。

    I was going to say that what comes next is that Japanese Central Bank chief Masaaki Shirakawa will put on his Ben Bernanke mask , as if it were Halloween , and do his best " QE " ( quantitative easing ) imitation .

  24. 她对WABC说:这只鸭子一直在路边走过来走过去的。我以为它是万圣节的疯子。

    This duck kept going to the curb , off the curb . I thought it was a crazy guy on Halloween , she told WABC .

  25. 晚饭过后,康纳夫人在做万圣节的饼干和南瓜派。

    After dinner Mrs Connor makes Halloween cookies and pumpkin pies .

  26. 凯丽和梅格恩很是兴奋,因为她们都爱万圣节。

    Kelly and Megan are very excited because they love Halloween .

  27. 他们喜欢买一些东西在万圣节前夕的派对上。

    They would like to buy things for a Halloween party .

  28. 万圣节前夕,小孩子平日都乔装打扮,玩得很高兴。

    Young kids often dress up and have fun at Halloween .

  29. 他在万圣节前夕化装成了海盗。

    He was dressed up as a pirate on the Halloween .

  30. 和万圣节有关的迷信还有很多。

    7 . There are many other superstitions associated with Halloween .