
  • 网络Geographic location;location;Geography Location;Geographical Location
  1. 健身俱乐部所处的地理区位对于健身俱乐部的经营状况有着明显的影响,处于商业区的健身俱乐部经营状况良好。

    The geographic location of fitness clubs has an obvious impact on the management status of them .

  2. 中部地区包括皖、赣、豫、鄂、湘5省区,旅游资源丰富,地理区位优势突出,旅游业大发展具有良好的基础。

    The central China , including five provinces , with abundant tourist resources which superiority is outstanding , occupies moderate geographic location .

  3. 尽管印度确实饱受教育水平低下和技能严重匮乏之困,但印度世所闻名的IT优势所处的地理区位也恰好与汽车工业的所在地重合:比如金奈(Chennai),古尔冈(Gurgaon),浦那(Pune)和孟买。

    It is true that India suffers from poor education and a desperate shortage of skills , but it also has well-known strengths in IT in geographical areas that overlap with those of the motor industry : in Chennai , Gurgaon , Pune and Mumbai , for example .

  4. 地理区位对生态市建设影响显著。

    Geographical location had significant effect on the eco-city construction .

  5. 地理区位有重要的经济意义。

    Geological location is of vital significance in economy .

  6. 地理区位、农户特征是决定贫困分布的重要因素。

    Geographical condition and household characteristics determine together distribution of farmers ′ poverty .

  7. 四是地理区位和民族文化的问题和其他特殊问题。

    The geographic situation and ethnic groups problems , other special problems as well .

  8. 会展业的发展在空间上客观存在着一个公道的地理区位。

    The development of convention and exhibition industry in space has a reasonable geographical position .

  9. 基于地理区位的区域发展分析&以重庆市为例

    Research on Regional Development on Base of Geography Location & A Case Study of Chongqing City

  10. 这一模式的形成与遗址所在的地理区位条件和当时的生产力发展水平有关。

    The formation of this model involves the geographical location and productive force factors at that time .

  11. 当我们谈及全球化的中国企业,我们描述其分布在全球不同地理区位的商业活动。

    When we talk about global Chinese companies , we are describing activities that are geographically distributed .

  12. 研究发现,地理区位和农户特征决定了农户贫困规模和程度的差异性,这种差异性是确定西海固农村扶贫开发对象和重点的参考依据。

    It describes the poverty distribution characteristics which are useful for identifying targets and focus of anti-poverty in rural areas .

  13. 这种差距的扩大是地理区位、历史、政府政策、金融支持、产业结构等多方面因素综合作用的结果。

    This resulted from the integration of geography , history , policy , finance , industrial structure , and so on .

  14. 舟山市地处东海海滨,有着优越的地理区位和资源条件。

    The City of Zhoushan is located in the seaside of the East ChinaSea , and has a superior geographic location and resources .

  15. 除了地理区位以及区域政策以外,空间结构因素也是造成长株潭城市群竞争力较低的主要原因。

    In addition to the geographical location of and regional policy , the affect of spatial structure is also contributed to less competitive .

  16. 长江沿线各省市经济基础雄厚,旅游资源丰富,地理区位优势突出,具有都市旅游发展的良好条件。

    Yangtze River region have strong economic foundation , aboundant resources and geography district advantages , having the good condition that city tourism development .

  17. 典当业分布的地理区位,与苏州城市经济及其功能分区息息相关,这反映了传统典当业依附于商业经济发展的寄生性。

    The distributing of pawn related to the city economy and the functional subarea . The traditional pawn must adhere to the commercial city economy .

  18. 当代在校大学生的恋爱观和恋爱行为,不仅与其生源地有关,而且与高校所在的地理区位有关。

    Contemporary undergraduates ' attitude towards love and love behavior are not only related to their hometown but also the geographical location of the university .

  19. 一个国家或地区城市化可达到的水平,既受经济发展水平的影响,又受自然条件、地理区位、人口、资源和历史文化等诸多因素的制约。

    The urbanization level is determined by natural conditions , geological environment , population , resources , history and culture as well as economic development .

  20. 汉滨区地理区位优势独特,位处川、陕、鄂、渝四省市结合部,农业发展潜力较大。

    Hanbin District , unique geographical advantage , located in Sichuan , Shaanxi , Hubei , Chongqing four provinces with the Department , agricultural development potential .

  21. 烟台属于我国首批沿海对外开放城市,其经济发展水平和地理区位优势决定着烟台会展经济发展的潜力。

    As one of the earliest open-up cities , Yantai has its economic development and geographical location decide the potential of developing conference & exhibition industry .

  22. 从区位分析入手,阐明了绍兴市旅游业发展的地理区位、经济区位、文化区位和旅游区位的特征。

    Beginning with location analysis , authors expound characteristics of geographical location , economic location , cultural location and tourist location of tourist industry development in Shaoxing .

  23. 从首都东京到横滨只需20分钟的火车旅程,且对游客而言,横滨的海湾地理区位,兼容的建筑风格、久负盛名的啤酒厂和可口的美食吸引力显著。

    Yokohama is just a 20-minute train journey from the capital and packs considerable appeal with its bayside location , eclectic architecture , microbreweries and tasty cuisine .

  24. 南京具备成为国际生产制造中心的产业基础,在劳动力、资本力、地理区位方面还具有优势,不足之处在于制造技术与产业规模。

    Nanjing has advantages in labor , capital , industrial structure and economic geographic location , but is lack of high manufacturing tech and industry of scale .

  25. 其二,发挥地理区位优势,尤其是口岸及通道优势和客货航线优势,拓展合作。

    Second , make full use of the geographic advantage , especially in port and channel advantages , and passenger and cargo flights advantages , and expand cooperation .

  26. 这种状况源于金融机构自身商业性要求以及中部农村地区地理区位分布不利、经营效益较差等。

    This situation stems from commercialization requirements for financial institutions of their own , ill geographical distribution in the central rural areas , poor operating efficiency as well .

  27. 由于其地理区位的独特性,艾比湖湖面大幅度变化对沿湖铁路线的影响,已成为关系到北疆铁路安全畅通的紧迫问题。

    Because of its unique geographical location , the great change of the lake area has become a hot issue concerning the safety of the North railway of Xinjiang .

  28. 唐山拥有丰富的铁矿、煤炭资源,毗邻京津,东临渤海,具有优越的地理区位优势。

    Tangshan has the rich iron ore , the coal resources , adjoins Beijing and Tianjin , east is near Bohai Sea , has the superior geography geographical superiority .

  29. 第一章讨论选题的背景、蜀道的地理区位界定、历来蜀道研究的相关成果和本文的创新点。

    Chapter one discusses the background , the definition of geographical location of Sichuan road , relative research results in the history and the creative point in this paper .

  30. 由于城乡交界带土地的特殊地理区位,使得城郊土地成为城市外延发展中土地利用的焦点。

    The suburb is a special geographical district between rural and urban area . The land in suburb has become the focus of land use in the city expansion .