
  1. 战略技术就成为国家和地区间竞争的核心所在。

    Strategy technologies become the core competition of nationals and regional .

  2. 地区间竞争、财政自给率和公有制企业民营化

    The Effects of Interregional Competition and Fiscal Incentives on Privatization in China

  3. 产业升级与产业素质升级&兼论地区间竞争形成之原因

    Industry Upgrading and Industry Quality Upgrading

  4. 相关文献认为,分权化改革导致的地区间竞争加剧引发了各地区的国有企业民营化进程。

    According to some papers , the interregional competition induced by regional decentralization during China 's reform promotes privatization in China .

  5. 第二,从正面的角度来论证,配额制能收集分散的信息,提供激励刺激地区间竞争,发挥了很好的作用。

    Secondly , argues that the quota system can collect scattered information , provide incentives to stimulate the inter-regional competition , and played a role .

  6. 然后,在制度变迁意义上回顾中国改革开放总进程,科技与教育体制改革,并认为地区间竞争是改革过程自增强的重要动力;

    Secondly , in the view of institution change , we looked back the open and reform course of China , the reorganizing in science and technology system , education system , and believed that it was the competence among different regions that made this course self-enforced .

  7. 总部经济、地区间税收竞争与税收转移

    Headquarter - based Economy , Regional Tax Competition and Revenue Transfer

  8. 随着科技的不断发展,国家和地区间的竞争日趋激烈。

    With the continuous developments of science and technology , countries and regions are becoming more competitive .

  9. 本文旨在探讨中国省级地区间税收竞争的存在性及其对经济效率的影响。

    This article aims to examine the existence of tax competition between Chinese provinces and its impact on economic efficiency .

  10. 为保护地方人民的利益,中央政府应禁止发展地区间恶性竞争以吸引国外投资的行为。

    To protect the interests of local people , should forbid vicious competition among development zones to attract foreign investors .

  11. 但这却造成了地区间的竞争,也使得各个地区间的经济规模产生了差异。

    However , this resulted in inter-regional competition , and also makes the various inter-regional differences in economies of scale generated .

  12. 地区政府间竞争的不规范导致了地区间的贸易壁垒,阻碍了生产要素的流动,破坏了统一的经济空间。

    Non-standard regional competition led to inter-regional trade barriers , hindered the flow of production factors , destroyed the unified economic space .

  13. 本文旨在探讨转型时期中国的地区间税收竞争模式,及其对地方公共服务和经济表现的影响。

    This paper aims to examine the tax competition pattern and its impact on local public services and economic performance during the transition period in China .

  14. 究其缘由,主要在于美国地区政府间竞争是建立在市场经济的基本架构之上,服务于市场经济的运作的。

    The main reason mainly lies in the fact that intergovernmental competition in America is established on market economy and serves for the operation of market economy .

  15. 本文建立了一个地方官员政治晋升博弈的简单模型,旨在强调地方官员的晋升激励对地区间经济竞争和合作的影响。

    This paper builds a simple model of political tournament between local officials and explores the effect of promotion incentives of local officials on the competition and cooperation between regions .

  16. 其次,研究了财政分权后具有独立经济利益的地方政府的行为模式,同时,加入硬的预算约束和地区间的竞争以说明地方政府角色转换的经济效率;

    Then , the mode of local government with independent e-conomic benefit is discussed , with hard budget constraint and inter-region competition added to highlight the ef-fect on the economic efficiency .

  17. 本文主要探讨了大上海都市圈、中心城市强心、产业差异和集聚、地区间的竞争与合作等四个方面的问题。

    This paper discusses mainly four questions : the first metropolitan region of China , enhancement of function about the central city , difference and clusters in industries , and competition and cooperation between regions .

  18. 改革开放以后,随着经济的快速增长和结构的不断调整,我国政治经济制度急需实现转型,财政分权的程度不断深化,地区间经济竞争也日趋加剧。

    After reform and opening up , our politics and economics system urgently needs to realize reform , the degree of division of power in financial system continuously deepens and economic competition among regions is sharpening day by day along with fast growing of economy and constantly adjusting of structure .

  19. 中国发达地区间的发展竞争与市场一体化&来自长江三角洲与珠江三角洲的经验证据

    Development Competition and Market Integration among Developed Regions : Evidence from Changjiang Delta and Zhujiang Delta in China

  20. 在当今社会,文化已成为一种重要的生产力,是国家和地区间进行激烈竞争的要素之一。

    In today 's society , culture has become an important productive force and one of the elements of competition among the countries and regions .

  21. 产业的空间集聚所形成的空间结构即集聚经济结构,地区间产业的竞争与合作所形成的空间结构即偏离经济结构,产业的集聚经济结构和偏离经济结构影响到地区产业的增长。

    Spatial structures formed by spatial agglomeration of industries are the agglomerative economic structures , spatial structures formed by competition and cooperation of industries inter-regions are shift economic structures . Agglomerative economic structures and shift economic structures of industries influence industrial regional growth .

  22. 产业空间集聚所获取的集聚经济利益,是决定地区产业定位的重要因素。地区间产业的竞争与合作所获取的专业化经济利益,是决定地区产业协调发展的重要因素。

    Agglomerative economic benefits captured by spatial agglomeration of industries are the important factors deciding industrial orientation of regions , specialization economic benefits captured by competition and cooperation of industries inter-regions are the important factors deciding coordination development of regions .