
  • 网络Prepared by;Pessoal fora do quadro
  1. 通过编制人员疏散行动时间预测的计算机应用软件,计算出人员疏散行动时间,进而对安全疏散设计进行评价。

    The author works out software to calculate the time of evacuation movement .

  2. 高等学校非编制人员思想政治教育工作研究

    Higher School Non-compilers Ideological and Political Education Research

  3. 为什么适用于永久编制人员的工资等级不适用于临时雇员?

    Why are pay rates that apply to permanent staff inapplicable to temporary employees ?

  4. 因此该草案已经不能适应社会经济的发展、卫生技术的进步以及人民群众卫生需求的变化,各级医院对重新核定医院编制人员规模的愿望也越来越迫切。

    So the protocol has been unable to meet the development of social economy , health technology and the health needs of the people .

  5. 医疗改革已经成为他改革议程的中心话题,不过这个议题分化成了美国民众和国家机关编制人员两块。

    Healthcare reform has been the central issue of his change agenda but has divided both the US public and the country 's political establishment .

  6. 结论:机构编制人员不足,人员综合素质有待提高;卫生监督机构工作条件和装备落后。

    Conclusion : The agency and staffing enough staff , personnel need to further improve the comprehensive qualities ; Health supervision agencies working conditions and ill-equipped .

  7. 系统生成终端更换单的编制人员和编制时间信息,保存后完成终端更换单编制。

    The system is to generate the staffing and compilation date of the terminal replacement list , the compilation of terminal replacement list is accomplished after being saved .

  8. 依据司法解释:国有事业单位人员和国家机关中事业编制人员可以作为妨害公务罪的侵害对象;

    According to judicial interpretation , state-owned institution staff and institutional person in government organizations can be the objective of infringement of interference with the exercise of public functions .

  9. 她说尽管没有报酬、没有固定编制人员,也没有正式的推销方式,这个网络的增长“逐步但是稳定”。

    She said that despite having no paid , permanent staff and no formal means of marketing , the network 's growth has been a " gradual but stable one " .

  10. 在预算能力方面:对经费预算知识掌握较少;预算编制人员的专业素质不高;预算编制不规范;预算执行随意性大。

    Secondly , on the capacity in budgeting : little knowledge on budgeting ; low professional quality on budgeting ; seldom do standard budgeting preparation ; arbitrary output during implementing the budget .

  11. 她最近也是平生第一次加人了一家健身俱乐部加强身体锻炼,因为如果不是公司的永久编制人员,得病是最大忌讳。

    She has also recently joined a gym for the first time in her life to keep herself fit and healthy , as sick days are a no-no when you 're not permanent staff .

  12. 为了能使程序编制人员高效率地进行软件开发,研发出质量高、扩展性强、便于维护的软件产品,人们一直在探索更好的软件体系结构和开发方法。

    Procedures for staff in order to enable efficient software development , research and development of high-quality , scalability , and ease of maintenance of software products , it has been exploring better software architecture and development methodology .

  13. 要发挥零基预算的作用,应建立与之相适应的指标体系和信息系统,加快配套改革,运用现代手段,提高预算编制人员的水平。

    In order to make Zero Base Budget more effective , we need to work out a corresponding target and information system to speed up the auxiliary reform and improve the proficiency of budget staff by means of modern media .

  14. 倡导标书编制人员应具备高度的责任感和敬业精神,以避免或减少遗漏和失误,做到真实、全面、准确、详细,提高标书制作水平,提高中标率。

    It is suggested that the personnel preparing bids should have strong responsibility and dedication to this work in order to avoid any possible mistakes and to ensure the document to be true , accurate and detail , so that the success ratio of awarding the bid could be improved .

  15. 在节目的编制和人员按排上我都不打算做什么变动。

    I plan to make no big changes in the staff or in the show ,

  16. 在编制紧缩人员减少的情况下,医院狠抓人才队伍建设,从建立优秀人才队伍;

    The military Hospital laid stress on construction of talent team under circumstance of cutting personnel .

  17. 编制外人员的情绪和工作态度将更多的相关与外在的组织条件因素,例如工作条件、政策、待遇等等。

    The emotions and working attitudes of personnel outside establishment will related to more exterior factors , such as working conditions , policies and salaries . 5 .

  18. 研究的目的和意义编制外人员是公立医院人力资源的重要组成部分和有益补充,强化编制外人员管理,对于公立医院适应市场经济发展,推动医院全面科学发展具有积极的现实意义。

    To strengthen the management of personnel outside establishment has active significance for public hospitals to adapt the development of market economy and in promoting comprehensive and scientific development of the hospital .

  19. “卖方必须编制买方人员培训计划和大纲,并在培训前15天交给买方以资协调。”

    " The seller shall produce the plan and program for the training of the buyer 's personnel and submit it to the buyer for coordination , 15 days prior to the commencement of the training . "

  20. 通过介绍大连海事大学图书馆人员编制与人员结构现状,分析高校图书馆人员编制的特殊性,提出了高校图书馆现时期业务外包时机还未成熟,即暂时不宜业务外包。

    This paper introduces the rank and structure of personnel in Dalian Maritime University library , analyzes the particularity of personnel rank in university library , and suggests that the opportunity is not mature yet for the library to apply service outsourcing .

  21. 济南市公立医院编制外人员用工数量庞大,编制外人员数量在医院占的比重呈不断扩大趋势,编制外人员在医院的不同岗位发挥着不容忽视的作用,为医院的建设发展做出较大贡献。

    Personnel outside establishment of Jinan public hospitals are a large number , which keeps increasing in the proportion of the staff of the hospital . They play an important role in various posts of hospitals and contribute greatly to the development of hospitals .

  22. 采用UML建模工具,在机构编制部门相关人员通力配合下,有效的完成了系统需求收集和分析。

    UML modeling tools , and compiling department staff effort with the completion of the collection and analysis of system requirements .

  23. 中文版Jefferson同理心量表编制及护理人员同理心现状的调查研究

    The Development of the Chinese Version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy and Investigation for Empathy of Nurses

  24. 方法采用宋华淼等编制的飞行人员心理健康量表(MHI),对来院疗养的342例强击、歼击机飞行员进行心理测评。

    Methods Pilots ' mental health inventory ( MHI ) compiled by Song was applied to the mental evaluation of 342 attack and fighter plane 's pilots admitted to the sanatorium .

  25. 军队机关门诊部的特点有编制小、人员少、任务重;

    The characteristics are as follows : limited staff , heavy tasks ;

  26. 目的编制护理管理人员管理技能问卷,为培训与评价护理管理者管理技能提供量化工具。

    Objective To develop a questionnaire about the management skills of nursing managers .

  27. 文件的评审和核准工作,由未参与文件编制工作的人员负责。

    Documents are reviewed and approved by personnel not involved with generation of the document .

  28. 建设项目经济评价软件是项目经济评价报告编制与审核人员不可缺少的工具。

    Software for economic evaluation of construction project is a necessary tool for writers an auditors of economic evaluation report .

  29. 前款所称编制,包括人员的数量定额和领导职数。

    The staffing mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall include numerical quotas of staff and the number of leadership positions .

  30. 除了日常的技术工作,我还负责项目投标书编制和技术人员管理。

    In addition to the technical work , I am also responsible for the compilation of bidding documents and the management of technical workers .