
biān pái
  • arrange;orchestrate;layout;lay out;set up;make up
编排 [biān pái]
  • [set up;layout;arrange] 按一定的次序排列

  • 编排节目

编排[biān pái]
  1. 一种考场座位编排算法

    A type of Algorithm to Arrange Examination Room Seats

  2. 音乐风格的突破将决定编排和表演风格的突破。

    The changing style of music will decide the changing of arrange and act style .

  3. 你可以根据自己的要求将课程重新编排。

    You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements .

  4. 总统的车经过时,人们按精心编排的动作挥舞着旗帜。

    There was some carefully choreographed flag-waving as the President drove by .

  5. 文字和图分别编排后再进行混排。

    Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined .

  6. 汤米·图恩在编排的舞蹈中注入其一贯的优雅和活力。

    Tommy Tune gives the choreography his usual class and zip .

  7. 我知道该书的编排还有待改进。

    I am aware that the organization of the book leaves something to be desired .

  8. 课文要按难易程度编排。

    The texts should be graded in order of difficulty .

  9. 编辑们把几位科学家写的文章编排在头版。

    The editors made up the front-page with articles written by different scientists .

  10. 此剧是取书中的若干章节加以编排贯串,演义而成的。

    The play is an adaptation of some chapters of the book .

  11. 图书馆有分类藏书的目录按照字母顺序编排。

    The library has a catalogue of its books arranged in alphabetical order .

  12. 学校课程不见得是由这样的人编排的,那些对学校以外的世界有所阅历或有天赋的人。

    School curricula are not designed by people who necessarily have much experience of , or talent at , the world beyond .

  13. 它通过组合、编排和协调Web服务,自上而下地实现面向服务的体系结构。

    It achieves top-down service-oriented architecture using the method of composing , orchestrating and coordinating Web services .

  14. 使用MicrosoftWORD编排科技期刊时的几个关键问题

    Crucial issues in application of Microsoft Word to sci-tech periodical typesetting

  15. Web服务工作流的编制和编排是目前正在进行的标准定义工作的重要部分。

    Orchestration and choreography of Web services workflows are essential parts of ongoing standards definition work at this time .

  16. 在分析已有的时隙编排算法的基础上,提出了一个高效的时隙编排算法HEA(High-EfficientTimeslotAssignmentAlgorithm)。

    A High-Efficient Time Slot Assignment Algorithm HEA based on the analysis of algorithm TSA-2 is proposed .

  17. 阐述了基于多Agent的勤务编排系统结构的详细设计及实现。最后对系统的性能进行评估与分析,并提出了进一步改进建议。

    Then this thesis discusses the design of the system structure and performance evaluation . Finally , duty scheduling based on Multi-Agent is summarized and further improvement is given .

  18. BPEL引擎的主要优点是能够编排业务流程。

    The main strength of a BPEL engine is the ability to orchestrate a business process .

  19. 在项目的右上角,您可以看到例如编排,端点、转换以及XML模式等项目资产列表。

    In the right upper corner on the Project tab , you can see the list of project assets such as orchestrations , endpoints , transformations , and XML schemas .

  20. 在WebSphere上下文中,业务流程是一组编排好的活动,这组活动集中描述了实际的业务操作。

    Within the context of WebSphere , a business process is a choreographed set of activities that , collectively , represents a real-world business operation .

  21. DFS算法在三峡永久船闸优化编排中的应用

    Application of DFS Algorithm in the Arranging of Three-gorges Permanent Lock Chamber

  22. WSCI允许声明异常行为,由Web服务在编排好的点显示出来。

    WSCI allows declaring exceptional behavior that is exhibited by a web service at a given point in choreography .

  23. 一旦域建模、业务流程建模和业务流程编排这三项工作结束,下一步就是通过SOA公开这些流程。

    Once you have the domain modeling , business process modeling , and business process choreography completed , the next step is to expose those processes through SOA .

  24. 从应用程序中将业务流程和规则抽象为由业务编排模型管理的单独BPM。

    Business processes and rules are abstracted from the applications into a separate BPM , managed by a business choreography model .

  25. 在本例中,Seam通过相同的getters和setters来将响应反编排到代表Course条目的JavaScript对象。

    In this case , Seam unmarshals the response to JavaScript objects that represent Course entities , with all the same getters and setters .

  26. 如果要实现SOA远景,则必须简化创建和修改流程的任务&即,服务编排任务。

    If we are to realize the SOA vision , then we must simplify the task of creating and modifying processes & that is , the task of service choreography .

  27. 不要尝试在相同应用程序中混合客户端编排策略和API层策略,以期解决应用程序体系结构中的所有变化。

    Don 't be tempted to mix the Client Orchestration strategy and API Layer strategy in the same application to try to solve every permutation in your application architecture .

  28. Word是图书杂志编排的主要字处理软件,如何将Word编排的书刊文档直接在激光打印机上镜像输出,是出版社面临的主要问题,也是降低印刷成本的主要手段。

    Microsoft word is one of main word processing software for publishing of books and magazines . To print mirror word documents with a laser printer directly is a very important problem for reducing publishing cost .

  29. BPM为流程编排提供灵活性;SOA通过标准接口提供业务服务;而Web2.0为通信提供标准平台。

    BPM provides flexibility in process orchestration ; SOA provides business services through standard interfaces ; and Web2.0 provides a standard platform for communication .

  30. 在许多企业环境中日益流行的服务编排的完整理念就是以这种方法为基础的,这与面向服务架构(SOA)的概念相同。

    The whole idea of service orchestration , increasingly popular in many enterprise environments , is based on this approach , as is the concept of service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) .