- 网络Data Infrastructure

This paper emphatically narrated the building and application of present urban GIS and national spatial data infrastructure . This paper pointed out the building of digital city and UGIS frame system structure was vital role in GIS building .
National Geodetic Survey Database is an important part of National Spatial Data Infrastructure ( NSDI ) - National Spatial Data Infrastructure database .
GPS virtual reference station network is most important port of SDI . This text will set forth the technical question when setting up GPS reference net system .
VOIP promises to ease network management and decrease costs by converging a company 's telephony and data infrastructures into one network .
We take the data infrastructure layer , and take data stores like Hadoop , and the existing enterprise systems that give that data valuable context and integrate those at the data layer .
The technologic framework of city spatial data infrastructure ( CSDI ) was discussed , the operational patterns and structures of spatial fundamental database system were presented . The basic principles and contents on format conversion of database was analyzed .
Based on the basic theory framework of USDI ( urban spatial data infrastructure ), the paper presents a suit of practicable solutions for the construction of Digital Beijing , which can achieve the integration , management , sharing and inter-operation of spatial information .
The construction of urban spatial data infrastructures in digital city
Establishment of Spatial Data Infrastructure of China ( Part ⅱ)
Research and practice in the construction of Changzhou City Spatial Data Infrastructure
Researches and Prospects of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure
Spatial Database is the core technique platform of digital city data infrastructure .
Research on the Construction and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure of Digital City
The ? Construction ? Of ? Sichuan ? Provincial spatial ? Data ? Infrastructure
Urban spatial data infrastructure is the core of the basic layer of digital city .
Two of these open source projects were presented as central to their data infrastructure .
Research on Urban Spatial Data Infrastructure
Thinking about " Digital Yunnan " and the Construction of Foundation Establishment of Provincial Spatial data
Governments in emerging markets will increase their investment in mobile and digital infrastructure and innovation .
National Spatial Data Infrastructure
Urban Basic Geographic Information System is a large software system serving for the construction of " Urban Spatial Data Infrastructure " .
The article expounds the necessity of initiating urban spatial statistics infrastructure and raises some tentative opinions on the essential problems concerned .
Based on the above statements , some countries have been selected as the candidates for establishing next generation infrastructures for national spatial data .
It is highlighted that DYR IT system should include info infrastructure for YR Basin , spatial data infrastructure , data survey and collection system , etc.
Mining area as especial geographic area possesses the important and particular requirement to basic establishment , digitalization and visual spatial analysis model of spatial information .
In line with the strategic practice in sustainable utilization of mining affected land , the paper points out the necessity to develop the related NSDI .
With the development of national spatial data infrastructure , geodetic information will be a kind of common resource , and geodetic data sharing will become more and more important .
In the tide of digitalization and information in all trades , our country 's " Digital Territory " project has received considerable development as a part of national spatial data infrastructure .
But in any case , the energy expended now to establish the data infrastructure for smart grids will be a bright investment in the future & for data professionals and customers alike .
This article discussed first the conception , the action , the population framework , spatial data basic facility , geographic spatial data framework and its technical shoring of " Digital Yunnan " .