
  • 网络toru hashimoto
  1. 石原慎太郎已与现年43岁、颇具个人魅力的大阪市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)结成了竞选联盟,并成为桥下彻的“日本维新会”(JapanRestorationparty)的领导人。

    He has joined forces with the charismatic mayor of Osaka , 43-year-old Toru Hashimoto , and assumed leadership of Mr Hashimoto 's Japan Restoration party .

  2. 桥下彻曾是一名律师和电视名人,在人口压力巨大的日本,他的7名子女让他显得不同寻常。

    A former lawyer and TV personality , he is unusual in demographically-challenged Japan for having seven children .

  3. 而石原慎太郎与桥下彻在领土问题、核政策和税收等关键议题上似乎也存在分歧。

    Mr Ishihara and Mr Hashimoto also appear to differ on key subjects such as territorial issues , nuclear policy and tax .

  4. 桥下彻反对核武器,而石原慎太郎强烈支持核武器他甚至曾表态说日本应该考虑发展核武器。

    Mr Hashimoto is against nuclear power , Mr Ishihara is a strong supporter and once even said Japan should consider developing nuclear weapons .