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zhì jiāo
  • most intimate friend;best friend;deep friendship;intimate;alter ego
至交 [zhì jiāo]
  • (1) [most intimate friend]∶关系最密切的朋友

  • 好学典故,与王俭至交。--《南史.孔逷传》

  • 他俩是至交

  • (2) [deep friendship]∶极深厚的友情

  • 至交淡不疑。--孟郊《劝友》

至交[zhì jiāo]
  1. 可是,你若选我作为至交,我就无法恭维你对伴侣的选择了。

    But , as I am apparently your best friend , I cannot congratulate you on your choice of companion .

  2. 研究发现,视配偶或伴侣为至交的人,从婚姻中获得的生活满足感大约是其他人的两倍。

    Those who consider their spouse or partner to be their best friend get about twice as much life satisfaction from marriage as others , the study found .

  3. 我们是至交。

    We 're the best of friends .

  4. 他是我的至交。

    He is my intimate .

  5. 我们是至交(最亲密的朋友)。

    We 're the best of friends , ie very close friends .

  6. 雷金纳德爵士,他的至交都叫他‘胖子’。

    Sir Reginald , known to his intimates as ` Porky ' .

  7. 有至交者,自然享有友情之乐。

    People who have close friends naturally enjoy their company .

  8. 他和高个约翰·西尔弗是至交。

    He was a great friend of Long John Silver .

  9. 作者的一位至交否定了说她患有癌症的报道。

    A close associate of the author denied reports that she had cancer .

  10. 他的至交好友来自不同的政治派别,彼此又相互影响。

    His friend came from different political factions . They effected each other .

  11. 迈克是罗尼的办公厅主任,也是我们家的至交。

    Mike was Ronnie 's deputy chief of staff , and a close family friend .

  12. (参考译文)尽管我喜欢广交朋友,但我只愿与为数不多的几人成为至交。

    Though fond of many acquaintances , I desire an intimacy only with a few .

  13. 至交亲密的朋友或知己。

    A close friend or confidant .

  14. 他们进城时只在里面接待至交。

    and when they came to town they received in it only their most intimate friends .

  15. 如张之洞与李慈铭经历了从至交好友到反目成仇,再到复合的过程。

    Such as Zhang Zhi-dong and Lee Ci-ming experienced intimate friend from friends to enemies , and then to compound the process .

  16. 他们于1844年在巴黎成为至交,两人彼时年龄相仿,均为二十四、五岁。他们的亲密友谊一直延续到马克思辞世时的1883年。

    The two men became friends in Paris in1844 when both were in their mid-20s , and remained extremely close until Marx died in1883 .

  17. 当时欧阳修已经是很有名的才子了,他在洛阳与著名散文家尹洙和诗人梅尧臣结为至交。

    He was already known as a brilliant young writer , and at Luoyang he befriended the renowned essayist Yin Zhu and the poet Mei Yaochen .

  18. 读经使我们熟识神,与神成为至交,因为神在圣经中显露,启示他的自己。

    There is the reading of the Scriptures , that we may by them acquaint ourselves with God as He has revealed Himself in His Word .

  19. 和男性相比,女性从与至交结婚中受益更多,不过女性视配偶为至交的可能性更低。

    Women benefit more from being married to their best friend than men do , though women are less likely to regard their spouse as their best friend .

  20. 而其中最重要的人物是蒲立特,此人曾任驻莫斯科和巴黎的大使,是共和党对外政策重要发言人,也是亨利·卢斯的至交。

    William C.Bullitt , former US ambassador to Moscow and Paris and an important foreign policy spokesman for the Republican party with whom Henry Luce was intimately associated .

  21. 甲方自收到乙方货物后至交航空公司交付客户止负责货物的安全保管。

    Party A has the responsibility for the safety of cargo from the consignation by party B till the airways deliver it to the receiver specified by party B.

  22. 在这场致敬演出上,歌手的选择也颇费苦心。罗宾森与杰克逊是至交,而其他几名歌手也是他生前十分赞赏的。

    Ehrlich said the selection of the singers was organic & Robinson was extremely close to Jackson , and Jackson had great admiration and respect for Usher , Dion , Hudson and Underwood .

  23. 他是高个子约翰·西尔弗的至交,因此一提到他的名字,就让我随着说到我们船的厨子,“大叉烧”,人们那样称呼他。

    He was a great confidant of Long John Silver , and so the mention of his name leads me on to speak of our ship 's cook , Barbecue , as the men called him .

  24. 这封信中所说的一切,是真是假,我可以特别请你问问费茨威廉上校,他是我们的近亲,又是我们的至交,而且是先父遗嘱执行人之一,他对于其中的一切详情自然都十分清楚,他可以来作证明。

    For the truth of every thing here related , I can appeal more particularly to the testimony of Colonel Fitzwilliam , who from our near relationship and constant intimacy , and still more as one of the executors of my father 's will , has been unavoidably acquainted with every particular of these transactions .

  25. 4.邀请赴宴亲爱的李先生:我们非常荣幸地邀请您携夫人于3月25日,星期五晚上7点来寒舍共聚晚餐。此次聚会人数不多,我们只邀请了陈先生夫妇,张先生和王小姐,他们都是我们的至交。

    Dear Mr. Li , We should be much pleased if you and Mrs. Li would dine with us on Friday , March 25 , at 7:00 P.M. It will be quite a small party , as we have only asked Mr. and Mrs. Chen , Mr. Zhang and Miss Wang , all our close friends .