
  • 网络xingtai county;Xingtai Condado;Xingtai Grafschaft;Xingtai Comt
  1. 干旱、农业旱灾与农户旱灾脆弱性分析&以邢台县典型农户为例

    The analysis of drought , agricultural drought disaster and the farmhouses ' vulnerability : taking the typical farmhouses of Xingtai County as an example

  2. 傅梅,明顺德府邢台县人,万历十九年(1591)举人。

    Fu Mei came from Xingtai County of Shunde Prefecture in Ming Dynasty and he was a Juren ( a successful coordi - nate in imperial examination ) in19th Year of Wanli ( 1591 ) .

  3. 本文应用数理统计方法对邢台县浆水镇9村265户样本资料进行了系统分析。

    The mathematical statistical method is applied to the system analysis of265 households in9 villages of Jingshui township .

  4. 以河北省邢台县为例,来论证循环经济是实现小城镇可持续发展的有效途径。

    In Xingtai town Hebei province for example to prove that the circular economy is a effective way to achieve sustainable development of small towns .

  5. 本文通过对邢台县浆水镇金融状况的分析,认为农村金融对农村经济的发展有着重要的促进和制约作用。

    After analyzing the financial situation of Jiangshui township Xingtai county , it is clear that rural finance plays an important role in promoting and governing the rural economic development .

  6. 最后以邢台市临西县河西镇为实例,提出了对河西镇现状道路存在的问题。

    Finally the west county in xingtai hexi town as an example , proposed to the way beyond the current existing problems .

  7. 主营童车、扭扭车、自行车,公司位于中国河北邢台市平乡县和古庙工业区。

    Lord camp kid 's car , twist twist car , bicycle , the company is located in even country county in Xing stand City , Hebei , China and thou temple manufacturing district .