
  • 网络Sponsorships;Sponsored AD;Sponsorship Advertising;Sponsored Stories
  1. 在对在线视频、横幅广告、富媒体和赞助广告进行比较后,eMarketer发现,显示广告的增长速度比搜索广告还要快。

    Counting online video , banner ads , rich media , and sponsorships among the mix , eMarketer sees display growing at a faster pace than search advertising .

  2. 之前,通用汽车投入海量资金,为众多重复的品牌投放各种节目广告、促销广告和赞助广告。

    In the past , GM spent enormous sums to support the myriad programs , promotions and sponsorships of its many , overlapping brands .

  3. 另外,还有数百万人在使用有赞助广告的免费版本。

    Millions more use free advertising-supported versions .

  4. 胡戈给黄牛集团的赞助广告的配音,特别是在这寒冷的冬天里,暖人肺腑。

    Hugo to cattle group sponsored advertising dubbing , especially in this cold winter , warm heart .

  5. 在一则名为让澳大利亚为澳大利亚人所有(KeepAustraliaAustralian)的私人赞助电视广告中,乔伊斯告诉观众,一个外国政府正在买走澳大利亚的财富之源。

    He tells viewers in a privately-funded television advertisement entitled Keep Australia Australian that the country 's source of wealth is being bought by a foreign government .

  6. 大品牌很难将对传统体育的赞助和广告宣传模式复制到电子竞技行业当中。

    Big brands find it hard to fit their traditional sports sponsorship and advertising models onto eSports .

  7. 公布本组织机构/网站的全部资金来源(拨款、赞助、广告、收费、个人)

    Disclosure of all sources of funding for organization / website ( grants , sponsors , advertisers , fees , personal ) .

  8. 市场行为覆盖赞助、广告实践、促销、市场和社会实践、直销和网络销售。

    Marketing codes cover sponsoring , advertising practice , sales promotion , marketing and social research , direct sales practice , and marketing on the internet .

  9. 华为还计划提高赞助和广告方面的支出,以打造自身品牌,并有意开设首家旗舰零售店。

    The company also plans to spend more on sponsorship and advertising to develop its brand , and intends to open its first flagship retail stores .

  10. 结果显示电视转播、门票收入和观众人数、赞助与广告收入是影响职业体育发展的一般因素,比赛结果的不确定性和竞争平衡是限制职业体育经济发展的深层次因素。

    The results show that the uncertainty of results and the unbalance of competition constitute the main factors that constraint the development of the economics of professional sports .

  11. 一些初创新闻机构正在试图实现盈利,但也有许多以非盈利的模式运作,其资金来自慈善家、基金会和读者的捐款,还有一些公司赞助以及广告收入。

    Some of the startup news organisations are trying to become profitable , while many are operating as non-profits , financed by donations from philanthropists , foundations and readers , plus some corporate sponsorship and advertising .

  12. 在周三世界无烟日,世界卫生组织发起了一场名为“吸烟害命,不要被骗”的活动,谴责烟草公司在电影、音乐和体育中作赞助和广告。

    In a campaign entitled " Tobacco Kills-Don 't Be Duped " for World No Tobacco Day on Wednesday , the organisation criticised the sponsorship , and advertising of tobacco in films , music and sports .

  13. 另一些媒体公司认为,广告客户会开始为广告段的正一和倒一位置加收更多的广告费率,并且,由于节目赞助使广告信息最贴近节目内容,所以也会变得更受欢迎。

    Other media agencies suggest that advertisers will start to put an even higher premium on the first and last spots on the ad break , and that sponsorship of programmes will become more popular , as this gets the commercial message closest to the content .

  14. 如果方式得当的话,艺术赞助可能比做广告更有效。

    When it is done properly , arts sponsorship can be more effective than advertising .

  15. 为实现盈利,独立制片公司必须依靠出口销售、赞助和植入式广告。

    To make a profit , the independent producers must rely on export sales , sponsorship and product placement .

  16. 当前,竞技体育运动员和所在训练单位,就运动员获得的比赛奖金、捐赠赞助以及从事广告等经营性活动收益的归属问题,频频产生纠纷。

    Nowadays , some athletes frequently have conflicts with their training units on the ascription problems of their competition bonus , donates and advertisements incomes .

  17. 一般情况下,双方分担摄制与工资成本,但电视台通常独占全部国内广告收入。为实现盈利,独立制片公司必须依靠出口销售、赞助和植入式广告。

    The two parties typically split filming and salary costs but the broadcaster usually takes all the domestic advertising revenue . To make a profit , the independent producers must rely on export sales , sponsorship and product placement .

  18. 提供广告和产品支持比如项目,促销资料,合作和赞助等的横幅广告。

    Provide advertising and product support such as banners for projects , promotional materials , corporate give-away , sponsorships and others .

  19. 一些非赞助企业在其广告中打出的“为2008加油喝彩”或“唱响2008”等字样即是“搭便车”的例证。

    Slogans like " Acclaim for2008 " or " Sing for2008 " used in some Non-sponsor Enterprises'advertisements are examples for " free riding " .

  20. 后者主要包括体育器材业、体育服装业、体育赞助业、体育广告业、体育保险业、体育旅游业与体育传媒业等;

    Sports related industry includes Sports advertising industry , Sports apparatus industry , Sports insurance industry , Sports tourist industry , Sports supporting and Sports broadcasting industry , etc.

  21. 阿森纳和阿联酋航空公司签署了1亿英镑的赞助合同,涉及阿森纳新球场的冠名和球衣的赞助广告,但是利物浦希望他们的新球场能赚更多。

    Arsenal have a £ 100 million deal in place with airline Emirates for stadium naming rights and shirt sponsorships , but Liverpool would hope to make far more from their new home .

  22. 软饮料制造商百事公司计划赞助超级碗的中场表演,明天将开始在电视上播放赞助广告。

    Soft drink maker Pepsi , which plans to promote the big Super Bowl halftime shows as it 's sponsoring TV ad begins tomorrow .