
  • 网络Constitutional Monarch
  1. 英国是一个没有立宪君主的王国。

    It is a kingdom which does not have a constitutional monarch .

  2. 她是个没有什么实权的立宪君主。

    She is a largely powerless constitutional monarch .

  3. 议会废黜了斯图亚特王朝,让一位荷兰商人及其妻子登上王位,成为立宪君主。

    Parliament deposed the Stuart dynasty and put a Dutch merchant and his wife on the throne as constitutional monarchs .

  4. 古斯塔夫斯五世:瑞典国王(1907-1950年),立宪君主,在两次大战期间使瑞典保持中立。

    King of Sweden ( 1907-1950 ) . A constitutional monarch , he kept Sweden neutral through both World Wars .

  5. 一些理想远大的官员认为,立宪可以将君主与人民融合为一体。

    At a kind of utopian extreme , some officials thought that a constitution would fully unify the people and their rulers .