
  1. 该地区计划筹建约3,500所新居。

    Some 3,500 new dwellings are planned for the area

  2. 作为中西部地区计划生育优质服务示范工程项目的子课题,为促进云南省牟定县计划生育优质服务项目的开展,本研究针对牟定县计划生育系统应用了调查反馈(SurveyFeedback)方法。

    As a part of the Pilot Project on Quality of Care in Family Planning in Mid-West China , this research intends to push forward the project initiated in Mouding County , Yunnan Province through application of Survey Feedback in the Mouding family planning system .

  3. 农村地区计划免疫知识需求调查

    Need for Knowledge of Expanded Program on Immunization in Rural Areas

  4. 内蒙古不同民族及地区计划生育效果分析

    An Analysis About Family Planning Effect of Different Nationalities and Regions in Inner Mongolian

  5. 不同经济水平地区计划免疫服务的成本测算研究

    Study on the cost of expanded programme on immunization in areas with different economic levels

  6. 国外集成电路设计人才培养和环境建设国家与地区计划简介

    Introduction of abroad National and Regional Programs of Microelectronics Education and Environment Building of IC Design

  7. 四川省农村地区计划生育网络参与艾滋病预防现状调查

    Investigation on the Effect of Population and Family Planning Network on AIDS Prevention in Sichuan rural area

  8. 作为城市和地区计划方面的工作,我的起始工资将会是一年三万五到四万美元之间。

    My starting salary for urban and regional planning is around $ 35 to40 thousand a year .

  9. 现状、评价与期望:一项对苏南某农村地区计划生育服务的基线调查

    Status , Evaluation and Expectation : A Survey of Family Planning Services in the Rural Areas of Danyang

  10. 为甘肃省全面推广避孕节育知情选择项目提供科学依据,同时也为西部地区计划生育优质服务提供研究基础和经验。

    To provide investigative base , scientific evidences and experiences for spread of quality of care in west areas .

  11. 大学生志愿服务西部地区计划对于就业行为变化和就业能力开发有重要影响。

    The volunteer service on the Western regions of university students has important affect on such transformation and exploitation .

  12. *确保政府在落实地区计划前,先谘询区议会,多听取区议会的意见。

    Ensure that the Government is more responsive to DBs advice , by consulting them before we finalise district programmes .

  13. 它替代了先前工党政府的地区计划方案,即房屋建设目标由当地掌权者批准。

    It replaces the previous Labour government 's regional-planning strategy , under which house-building targets were agreed by local authorities .

  14. 而目前部分农村地区计划生育政策执行中还存在着许多亟待解决的问题。

    However , many problems urgent to be solved exist in some rural areas in carrying out the family planning policy .

  15. 截至笔者撰稿时,曼哈顿及其周边地区计划新增八栋超豪华大楼,相关项目进展情况不一。

    As of this writing , there are currently plans for eight more ultra-luxe towers in and around Manhattan , in various stages of development .

  16. 研究发现,社会经济基础、生育文化和计划生育政策强度是影响不同地区计划外生育的主要因素。

    By analysis , the author finds that the major determinants of this phenomenon include the foundation of socio-economic , fertility culture , and the implementation of Family planning .

  17. 目的:了解我国不同地区计划生育工作者对向18~24岁未婚年轻成人提供避孕服务的态度及其可接受的服务方法。

    Objective : To explore the attitude of family planning worker toward contraceptive services for sex-active unmarried young adults and identify the acceptable and feasible ways to provide the services for unmarried young adults in different areas in China .

  18. 该公司无视当地居民对其沿海地区开发计划的愤慨。

    The company turned a blind eye to the local residents ' outrage at its plan to develop the coastline .

  19. 贵州省少数民族地区儿童计划免疫IEC策略制定的需求调查

    Need survey for development of IEC strategies on childhood immunization in minority areas of Guizhou Province

  20. 结论本次需求调查为制定贵州省少数民族地区儿童计划免疫IEC策略提供了依据。

    Conclusion The need survey had provided basis for IEC strategies on childhood immunization in Guizhou minority areas .

  21. 有关台湾地区都市计划民众参与之研究

    A Study on the Public Participation in City Planning in Taiwan

  22. 中西部地区开展计划生育优质服务之任务及建议

    Tasks and Suggestions of FP Quality Service in the Midwest of China

  23. 市镇外围地区改善计划

    A district of a town or city . Urban Fringe Improvement Scheme

  24. 关于青海民族地区推行计划生育优质服务的几点思考

    Several thoughts on pursuing family planning 's good service in Qinghai ethnic areas

  25. 中西部农村地区人口计划生育调查之分析

    Analysis on the Investigation of Family Planning in Central and Western Rural China

  26. 这一决定是对以色列吞并约旦河西岸部分地区的计划的回应。

    The decision is Israel 's plan to annex parts of the West Bank .

  27. 影响西部地区农村计划生育村民自治质量的因素分析

    The factor analysis of affecting the quality of villager autonomy of family planning in west region

  28. 甘肃省不同经济状况地区儿童计划免疫接种情况及影响因素分析

    An Analysis on Immunization Coverage Rate of Children in Different Economic Developing Areas of Gansu Province

  29. 受冲突影响地区行动计划

    Plan of Action for Conflict-affected Areas

  30. 中国许多地区的计划生育部门为育龄夫妇开展了婚育系列保健服务活动。

    The family planning departments in many places have initiated health-care-at-childbirth services for couples of child-bearing age .