
  • 网络GeoSpatial;geospace;earth space;terrestrial space
  1. 随着GIS的技术革新和广泛应用,以及相关信息采集技术的迅猛发展和集成,GIS将把地球空间(甚至更广)大千世界各方面信息汇集于一体,将拥有庞大的数据库。

    With the innovation and wide application of GIS , and the rapid development and integration of relevant information collection systems , GIS will integrate various kinds of information in geospace ( even in a wider rage ) and have gigantic database .

  2. 地球空间双星探测计划及其与全球环境变化的关系

    Geospace double star exploration project and its relationship with global variations

  3. GIS作为地球空间信息科学的一个重要组成部分,已经在各行各业中得到了广泛的应用。

    GIS , as an important part of Earth Spatial Information Science , has gotten wide application in all aspects .

  4. 迎接机遇,GIS面临诸多挑战,如海量多源的地球空间信息的组织与管理、空间信息的互操作与共享等问题。

    Opportunity means challenge , GIS faces a lot of challenges , such as : organizing and managing the great complicated amount earth space information , inter-operation and sharing the spatial information , etc.

  5. 并在VC++环境下,以标准地球空间数据交换格式(VCT)作为基础,实现了常用GIS数据的集成与共享。

    It states how to achieve the high integration and share of GIS data on the basic of VCT in VC + + .

  6. 地学数据(Geo-SpatialData),或称为地学空间数据、地球空间数据,就是指表达着深刻地质内涵的与空间位置信息有关的定量测量数据、定性描述及图形图像数据。

    Geo-Spatial Data , which expresses fully profound geological meaning , is a kind of data that have great relationship with its spatial location . It includes quantificational survey datum , qualitative descriptive datum and graphic or image datum .

  7. 日冕物质抛射(CME)属于大尺度太阳活动现象,它能造成地球空间环境的剧烈扰动,是空间灾害天气的主要源头。

    Coronal mass ejections ( CMEs ) belong to large-scale solar active phenomena and cause strong disturbances on the geospace environment , being a main source of disastrous space weather .

  8. 近10年来,随着3S等空间信息技术的发展,测绘学已发展为地球空间信息学。

    Since last 10 years , with the evolution of spatial informatics technologies including GPS , Remote Sensing and GIS , the " Surveying and Mapping " has been developed into " Geomatics " .

  9. 地磁活动指数Kp增高时上行离子进入磁层的概率增大,因而上行离子起动力学作用的地球空间范围增大。

    If K p is higher the probability of the up flowing ions to entry the magnetosphere will be bigger and region where the up flowing ions are dominant will be bigger .

  10. 根据中国地球空间数据交换标准及C-XML对同一空间对象分别编写了文档,比较了两种文档的不同,分析了表达地理信息的XML文档的特点。

    In order to describe the character of XML document of geographic information , the paper compiles documents respectively in accordance with Geo-spatial Data Transfer Format of Chinese , and compares with these two kinds of documents .

  11. 基于中国地球空间数据交换格式的数据转换方法

    The Data Transfer Method Based on Geo-spatial data transfer format

  12. 浅谈地球空间信息科学进展及发展趋势

    Analyzing the Progress and Developing Trend of Geo-spatial Information Science

  13. 地球空间信息科学在海洋工程科学研究中的应用

    Application of Geo - Spatial Information Science to Marine Engineering

  14. 我国地球空间探测的一个新台阶&地球空间双星探测计划

    A New Step of Space Exploration in China & Geospace Double Star Exploration Project

  15. 冕洞发展及其相关地球空间效应的个例分析

    One Case Study About the Development of Coronal Hole and the Correlative Earth Effects

  16. 地球空间中多源信息的融合

    Fusion of Multi - sources Information in Geo-space

  17. 地球空间数据元数据标准初探

    Overview on metadata standards of geo spatial data

  18. 地球空间数据集成多尺度问题基础研究

    Studies on multi scale geo-spatial data integration

  19. 地理特征是地球空间上客观存在、具有描述信息的地理实体。

    Geographic feature is geographic entity which exists in real world and has described information .

  20. 它由地球空间信息理论、地球空间信息技术和地球空间信息应用等三个部分组成。

    It consists of three parts : Geo-informatics , Spatial Information Technology and Geo-spatial Information Applications .

  21. 地球空间元数据的使用研究

    Studies on Geo - spatial Metadata

  22. 地球空间稳定核素的趋势分析方程与物质的超光速运动规律

    The tendency analytical equations of stable nuclides and the superluminal velocity motion laws of matter in geospace

  23. 分析地球空间数据交换格式,研究矢量数据交换格式与其它几种转换格式的兼容性。

    Studied the compatibility between the vector data transformation format and other several kinds of transformation formats .

  24. 南部非洲地球空间信息学展望

    Geomatics in Southern Africa-A Perspective

  25. 地球空间环境及预报

    Geospace environment and forecasts

  26. 地球空间信息科学技术是大有作为的科技领域之一。

    Geo-spatial information science and technology is one of the most emerging fields of the progress of science and technology .

  27. 叙述了地球空间信息学和数字地球的基本概念。

    In this paper , the conception of Geo Spatial Information Science ( Geomatics ) and Digital Earth are introduced .

  28. 武汉大学测绘学院·地球空间环境与大地测量教育部重点实验室;

    Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy of the Ministry of Education , School of Geodesy and Geomatics , Wuhan University ;

  29. 地球空间信息技术在新一轮国土资源大调查中的应用探讨

    The discussion of the application of the geo_spatial information technology to a new round of the survey for the land and resources

  30. 随着人类活动不断向地球空间拓展,人们变得比以前任何时候都更关心近地空间环境的状况。

    When mankind extend their activity into the space , people pay more attention to the space environment than any other time before .