- aerial stem of a plant;aerial stem of plant

[aerial stem of a plant] 植物的露出地面的那一部分茎
Using stems and leaves of Stachys floridana as test material . Effects of different cadmium or plumbum concentrations on physiological ecology , quality and heavy metal residue content were studied with the pot experiment .
1.3 Root-zone volume influenced the physiological characters of muskmelon seedling .
Mechanism of formation of aboveground internode number in wheat
The root weight is rising at the beginning and then dropping slowly ;
But kudzu vine extract can significantly decrease serum alkaline phosphatase in rats .
Result : Stem node over-ground and shoot tip were optium explants for fast propagation .
The traditional herbal medicinal its fruit , the ground vine and leaf parts are discarded .
Sometimes the stems and leaves are used for stock feed with a low economic additional value .
The aerial stem is annual and has a ring of vascular bundle and low fiber content .
An endophytic bacteria was found in the cells of sound lily 's bulbs , stem , leaf and embryo .
The aerial stem and the underground stem of A.selengensis all had secretory cavity which was distributed on the cortex .
The results show that the glycoside content of Epimedium is the highest in leaves , but the lowest in the stems .
The results showed that there were significant differences in the root , subterraneous stem , aerial stem , leaf and so on .
Conventional paraffin sectioning was adopted to conduct the anatomical examination of the officinal organs of Houttuynia cordata , stems , rhizomes and leaves .
Its stem is in fact a lateral branch system formed by sprouting of lateral buds in axils of small leaves substituting for the thoroughly restrained phyllogens .
During the growth and development of potato , the assimilation products were mainly transferred , in order , into leaves , aboveground stems , and tubers .
From the distribution , the number of endophytic fungi were varied in different parts , but the distribution of trends were consistent : leaves aerial stems subterraneous stems .
Cells of the parenchymatous tissue of infected portion of host plant divide rapidly with newly formed cells in great enlargement and high vacuolization which causes the shoot swelling .
Therefore , filtrating resource should not be blindness . 2 . Studies on the anatomy of rhizome root tip of adventitious root and stem in Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H.
The assimilating tissue in aerial shoot was composed of two layers of cells and vascular tissue was continous ring and phloem was located in inner and outer sides of xylem .
The content of flavonoids of different parts of liquorice displayed variety in different months , which manifested clearly on some transportation parts of liquorice such as the stem of leaf and the overground caudex .
The structures of peanut peg were similar to the overground stems of dicotyledonous herbaceous plants , which were epidermis , cortex , phloem , cambium , xylem and pith from outside to inside of peg by using scanning electron microscopy .
Pueraria lobata extract on serum calcium and phosphorus content was not obvious , the model group compared with the control group had no significant difference Calcium and phosphorus content , suggesting that serum calcium and phosphorus in the modeling had no effect .
Form the later Tuber formation period to the Tuber growth period , the three variety content of phosphorus element in leaves 、 stem and tuber is highest at earlier growth stages , which period is the potato to phosphorus element demand most times .