
  1. 用兵之道,攻心为上,攻城为下。

    In war , to attack the mind is first , to attack a city secondary .

  2. 他善谈用兵之道,其余的人,甚至他的父亲都说不过他。赵括因此很骄傲,自以为是天下第一的军事家。

    No one , even his father , could excel him in discussing military strategies , so he felt proud and reckoned himself as No.1 strategist of his age .

  3. 用兵作战贵在速战速决,不宜旷日持久。懂得用兵之道的将帅,是民众生死的掌握者,是国家安危的主宰。

    And therefore the general who understands war is the controller of his people 's fate and the guarantor of the security of the nation .