
yònɡ hù zhànɡ hào
  • user account
  1. 当用户账号控制对话提示出来,点击继续。

    Click on Continue when User Account Control dialog prompt comes out .

  2. 安装问题可能是由用户账号控制安全措施引起的。

    The installation problem is likely caused by User Account Control security measure .

  3. 通知提出的其他要求还包括:严格落实网络游戏用户账号实名注册和登录要求,不得以任何形式向未实名注册和登录的用户提供游戏服务。

    It also urged the strict implementation and logins , saying that online game providers must not provide any form of game service to users who fail to register and log in using their real identifications .

  4. 关于管理AssetManager社区和用户账号的更多信息,请参见参考资料。

    For more information about administering Asset Manager communities and user accounts , see Resources .

  5. 这包括分配IP地址、配置用户账号、设置网络接口等等。

    This includes assigning IP addresses , configuring user accounts , setting up network interfaces , and more .

  6. 指定联接时的用户账号。默认是:UNIX登录账号。

    The user id to connect as . Default : UNIX login name .

  7. 然后复制JavaScript片段到查看过他资料的用户账号上,继续传递。

    He then copied a snippet of JavaScript to that user 's profile to continue the hack .

  8. 假设默认的策略规定某些用户账号不能使用su变成其他账号,即使知道密码也不行。

    Looking at one example , assume we had some user accounts where the default policy is that they do not have the ability to su to other accounts , even if they know the password .

  9. 因此,应该在每个云实例上创建用户账号。

    Thus , user accounts should be created on each cloud instance .

  10. 另外对安全性措施(用户账号认证,附加码)也给出了具体的实现方法。

    In addition , the implementation method of security measures was given .

  11. 开通网络游戏用户账号还需要实名注册。

    Real-name registration is also required to open an account .

  12. 配置本地用户账号及故障排除。

    Configure and troubleshoot local user accounts .

  13. 其中许多“水军”会使用自动程序或(越来越多地)破解用户账号下虚假订单。

    Many use bots or , increasingly , hack users accounts and place fake orders .

  14. 再者,在很多账号的情况下会降低用户账号的安全性,增加安全隐患。

    Furthermore , it may be reduce account security of the users , increased security risks .

  15. 推特表示,自2015年以来,每天封停的用户账号数量上涨了80%。

    Twitter says that daily suspensions of user accounts have increased by 80 percent since 2015 .

  16. 在创建新用户账号或更改现有用户账号时,分配基本属性和过程集。

    Assign a base set of properties and procedures when creating new user accounts or when changing existing users .

  17. 腾讯聊天服务拥有6.74亿用户账号,其他大部分业务免费。

    Tencent 's chat service , which boasts674m user accounts , and most of its other offerings are free .

  18. 近几年中国社交网络发展迅速,103家微博客网站的用户账号总数已超过12亿个。

    China 's social networks have developed fast in recent years with more than 1.2 billion accounts opened on about 103 microblogging networks .

  19. 周四,阿里巴巴说,淘宝和微博将整合用户账号,这样人们无论在二者中的哪个站点登录,都可以同时登录两个网站。

    On Thursday , Alibaba said that Taobao and Weibo will integrate user accounts so people can log into both services from either site .

  20. 校园网账号管理系统缺乏时间约束,造成用户账号在某些时间段上易被攻击和盗用。

    The account management system of campus network has not temporal constraints , its account numbers are easily attacked and embezzled during some periods .

  21. 本论文具体从用户账号管理、权限设置和身份验证、安全审计、敏感数据加密、角色代理等方面对网络数据的安全进行设计。

    In this thesis , specifically from the authentication , permissions , settings and user account management , the role of agents , security audit , sensitive areas such as data encryption , data security on the network design .

  22. 数据输入可接收值的定义、数据查询或修改用户账号等等小片段代码都按期望事件的顺序联结在一起。

    The code that defines the acceptable values for a data input , that queries for data or modifies a user account , ends up in little pieces , coupled together by the order in which events are expected .

  23. 26岁的海琳·迈尔达赫在网上注册了一个极富创造性的用户账号,@Mirrorsme。她在自己的浴室玻璃上画上交互式的图案,然后自己摆出相应的动作,结果画面看上去就好像她走进了卡通王国一般。

    Helene Meldahl , 26 , operates the inventive @ Mirrorsme account , for which she draws interactive drawings on her bathroom mirror and then poses to make the resulting picture look as if she has stepped into a cartoon .

  24. 文章从网络的完整性,系统的完整性,用户账号的完整性,应用/数据的完整性和数据的保密性等方面论述了建立全面实用的安全体系的重要性。

    The paper discusses that it is very significant to establish the practical and comprehensive network security system in all aspects , such as integrity of network and system as well as user & password , application / data , and security of data .

  25. 服务器端子系统主要负责后台事务管理,管理员可以添加、删除、合并主分类和分类别,轻松地查看和修改商品的信息,还可以查看用户账号和账号的业务情况。

    Terminal server system is mainly responsible for the background transaction management , the administrator can add , delete , merge the main categories and sub-categories , easily view and modify product information , and also can view the user account and its business conditions .

  26. 传统认证机制在多应用系统的环境下,容易造成用户账号和密码的失窃、账号和密码管理的疏忽,最终导致整个应用系统受到威胁,甚至破坏。

    Under the environment of more applied system , the traditional authentication mechanism can easily lead to user 's name and password loss and the name and password 's management negligence , finally lead to the whole applied system be threatened , even be destroyed .

  27. 朋友圈广告并未对其受欢迎程度造成影响。2015年第四季度,活跃用户账号同比激增37%,而网络广告业务收入同比增长118%——腾讯称部分是由新广告形式推动的。

    New advertising on WeChat has not hurt its popularity - active user accounts jumped 37 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2015 compared with a year ago , despite a 118 per cent annual year-on-year rise in online advertising revenues that Tencent said was partly driven by new ads.

  28. 很多Web站点需要用户使用账号名和密码登录。

    Many Web sites require users to log in with account names and passwords .

  29. Ferrari表示,他的网站还可以允许外人向网站用户的账号中存钱。

    Mister Ferrari says his website also s outsiders to add money to the accounts of its users .

  30. 这样的软件应该能发现Kerviel用其他用户的账号登录,也应该能对Kerviel在2007年只休了4天假的情况发出警告。

    Such software could have detected when Kerviel allegedly logged on under other user 's accounts and may have raised alarms about Kerviel taking only four days off in2007 .