
  1. 姜诗,东汉四川广汉人,娶庞氏为妻。

    Jiang Shi was a man of Guanghan , Sichuan in the East Han Dynasty .

  2. 在他看来,身体一是以胡塞尔、梅洛-庞蒂为代表的现象学派提出的作为肉身建构的身体,即物质身体;

    According to him , the first is the material body , which comes from phenomenology from Husserl ;

  3. 明清亦有多种以庞居士故事为题材的杂剧和传奇,但学者们很少注意到它。

    There are Zaju and legends in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , taking Pang story as the subject matter , which does not arouse scholars'attention .

  4. 一般拓扑学从19世纪由庞加莱开创为一个独立的科学分支至现在已经历了一百多年的发展历史。

    General topology has gone through over one hundred years'development since it was initiated to become a independent science branch by Poincare from the end of the 19th century to now .

  5. 就在马多夫被捕前数周寄给投资者的财务报表仍显示,账户上约有650亿美元的余额;马多夫最初表示,他的庞氏骗局规模为500亿美元。

    Account statements sent to Madoff investors in the weeks before his arrest showed a balance of about $ 65bn ; Mr Madoff initially said he committed a $ 50bn Ponzi scheme .