
  1. 记者在中秋节前夕访问了嫦娥一号副总设计师孙泽洲。

    A correspondent interviewed the deputy chief designer of Chang'e-1 , Sun Zezhou , before the Mid-Autumn Festival .

  2. 孙泽洲透露,目前嫦娥一号卫星飞行姿态稳定,并已获取了大量的科学数据。

    Sun noted that the satellite is at a good condition and has acquired big amount of scientific data .

  3. 关于嫦娥一号的寿命,孙泽洲表示,从目前情况来看,“嫦娥”推进剂余量、蓄电池稳定性、温度维持水平等参数都很好。

    Concerning the life span of Chang'e-1 , Sun introduced that some parameters such as left propellant , stability of storage battery and temperature maintaining level are all perfect .