
cā biān qiú
  • edge ball;touch ball
擦边球[cā biān qiú]
  1. 隐性营销:奥运赛场的擦边球

    Hidden marketing : the edge ball playing in Olympic ground

  2. 小区楼盘围墙挂名店广告打“擦边球”误导买家?

    Residential property wall hanging search advertising hit " edge ball " to mislead buyers ?

  3. 虽然严禁为烟草做广告,但一些烟草公司却通过赞助音乐会来打擦边球。

    Although tobacco ads are prohibited , companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows .

  4. 正如德国所发现的,Uber不但愿意在拼车领域打法律的擦边球,而且随之而来的宣传效果对它很有利。

    As Germany has found , Uber is not only willing to become a ride-sharing outlaw , but the resulting publicity serves it well .

  5. 但这种看似有意在讽刺和诋毁之间打擦边球的话语,实际上不仅会伤害人,还带有侮辱性,罗文·刘(LowenLiu)在Slate上写道。

    But that seeming awareness of how fine the line was between satire and slur , only added insult to injury , Lowen Liu wrote on the Slate site .

  6. 没错,优步与Lyft等对手展开无情竞争,与法律打擦边球,还钻了监管差异的空子。

    For sure , Uber has been ruthless in competing with rivals such as Lyft , skirted the law and exploited regulatory arbitrage .

  7. 利用创新在严格的资本规则下打擦边球的想法并不新鲜:在过去十年的头几年,银行以相同方式利用结构化投资工具和债务抵押债券(CDO)来规避监管。

    The idea of using innovations to dance around tough capital rules is hardly new : in the early years of the past decade , banks used structured investment vehicles and collateralised debt obligations in the same way .

  8. 你所要做的只是打打擦边球。

    You need to play around in the gray areas .

  9. 于是他和他的团队打了擦边球。

    So he and his team did an end run .

  10. 奥利维亚对这种靠打擦边球式地变通规则来帮助客户度过危机的做法毫无愧疚之意。

    Olivia has no qualms bending the rules to help her clients .

  11. 动态分析:转按揭投资者的擦边球?

    Dynamic analysis : to mortgage investors touch ball ?

  12. 这是比赛中的第一个擦边球。

    That is the first clip-shot of the game .

  13. 受贿“前景”很好促使官员们与规则打擦边球。

    The prospect of a pay-off gives officials an incentive to haggle over regulations .

  14. 事实上这只是一个擦边球。

    Actually , it was a near-miss .

  15. 谁也不能保证生活会是一帆风顺的,有时,它也会跟你打个擦边球。

    Results are never guaranteedand life has a way of throwing curve balls at us .

  16. 但是他们的某些政策就好像在打擦边球。

    But some of their policies are an exercise in greater brinkmanship than the cold war .

  17. 香港的控股股东有时推迟披露其质押操作,或与披露透明度规则打擦边球。

    Controlling shareholders in Hong Kong sometimes delay disclosing their pledges or skirt disclosure transparency rules .

  18. 欧文斯是个无所畏惧的公众人物,他的走秀通常打些行为艺术的擦边球。

    Mr. Owens is a fearless showman , and his shows have often bordered on performance art .

  19. 学术研究表明美国相类似的法条会让审计师们去冒险打擦边球。

    Academic research suggests that similar legislation in America has led auditors to cut corners and take risks .

  20. 但是它和具体的规则打了个擦边球,只是认为对冲基金产业应该采用最好惯例。

    But it skated around the code-of-conduct issue , recommending only that the hedge-fund industry should strengthen today 's best practice .

  21. 但一个大打擦边球且以一种消极的方式呈现国家的领导人的电视节目秀势必引发批评。

    But a show that pushes boundaries and presents the country 's leaders in a less-than-positive light is bound to spark criticism .

  22. 这是这场比赛的第一个擦边球,我们正看到一个非常幸运的人,因为球差点就出界了。

    That 's the first clip-shot of the game . And we re looking at one very lucky man . It was nearly out .

  23. 但许多经验丰富的私人银行家承认,欺诈行为总是打擦边球或许永远也无法完全避免。

    Many seasoned private bankers recognise , however , that fraud has alwaysoperated on the fringes of their business - and may be almost unavoidable .

  24. 男性则总是借助其他方法打擦边球,从来不显露自己并不符合公司期望的方面。

    Men , on the other hand , were much more apt to find ways around the system without revealing that they were falling short of expectations .

  25. 如果玩笑开在不当的场合,可能会对在新的很多亚洲人造成心理伤害,因此编辑们应注意不要有意无意地打此擦边球。

    In a context where there is discrimination against a lot of Asian people in New Zealand , you have to be careful you don 't unwittingly or deliberately feed that .

  26. 为避免巨额的罚金,广播电视公司和广播电视台不会吸取《寻人密探组》一案的教训,反而会很好地打擦边球。

    To avoid huge fines , networks and stations won 't just toe the line that the " Without a Trace " fine suggests ; they may steer well clear of it .

  27. 分析人士指出,越来越独立的国有石油巨头正在跟政府玩一场事关重大的擦边球游戏。为了追逐高利润,它们把精炼产品用于出口,没有拿来供应国内市场。

    Analysts say the increasingly independent state oil giants are playing a high-stakes bluffing game with the government in which they chase profits by exporting refined products instead of supplying the domestic market .

  28. 为了生存,那些招架不住的企业已“浑然变质”,在质量上向“五劣板”看齐,打起擦边球。

    To live , those enterprises that enrol cannot sustain already " muddy deteriorates like that ", go up in quality to " 5 bad board " dress , hit an edge ball .

  29. 他将此举称为一个核选项,旨在促使企业调整结构以在英国缴纳更多税赋。他表示:那些打擦边球的企业会感到非常担忧。

    He described it as a nuclear option aimed at encouraging companies to adapt their structures to pay more tax in Britain . He said : Companies that have been pushing the envelope will be very worried .

  30. 企业之所以能够进行盈余管理,部分原因是企业能够利用现有法律法规和制度的漏洞,钻空子,或者以打擦边球的方式进行合理合法的盈余管理。

    Enterprises are able to have earnings management , in part because companies can take advantage of existing loopholes in laws , regulations and systems , or walk a fine line approach to " reasonable and legitimate " earnings management .