
cā hén
  • striation;scoring;stria;scrape
擦痕[cā hén]
  1. 福州盆地断层擦痕构造解析及其应力场反演

    Structural striation analysis and inversion of stress field in Fuzhou Basin

  2. 根据断层擦痕确定主应力方位的理论和方法

    Theory and method in determining the orientation of principal stress by fault striation

  3. 因为有擦痕他们将价格降了60元。

    They knocked off $ 60 because of a scratch .

  4. 鞋上的擦痕很难除掉。

    Scuff marks from shoes are difficult to remove .

  5. 柱状节理面上未见断层擦痕或任何移动的证据。

    Joint surfaces of the columns do not show slickensides or any evidence of movement .

  6. 断面擦痕滑动矢量法在自贡地区的应用

    Application of fault slip vector method in Zigong area sliding curves

  7. 我儿子满脸都是伤口和擦痕。

    My son 's face was covered in cuts and bruises .

  8. 2.擦鞋油之前处理刮痕和擦痕

    Step 2 : Deal with scuffs and scratches before polishing

  9. 由断层擦痕反演构造应力场的新进展

    On recent development in back-analysis of tectonic stress field from fault-slip data

  10. 基于胎侧表面擦痕的车速估计

    Vehicle Speed Estimation Based on the Scratched Marks on Sidewall of Tire

  11. 初论断层擦痕和阶步的运用

    A preliminary discussion on the application of fault slickensides and fault steps

  12. 我有足够证据说明擦痕不符。

    I had enough to tell that the striations didn 't match .

  13. 太原东山矿区节理及断层擦痕的统计分析

    The statistics and analysis of joints and fault-strias in Taiyuan Dongshan mine area

  14. 有条痕的磨光面则称为擦痕面。

    The striated and polished surfaces are called slicken-sides .

  15. 划痕;擦痕那名7岁男孩被发现时正在哭泣,脸部和颈部都有划伤。

    The seven-year-old was found crying with scratches on his face and neck .

  16. (纺织品)在纺成前染。[织物的]染缸擦痕(疵点)

    Dye ( fabric ) before it is spun .

  17. 北京十三陵地区断裂擦痕的研究及其地质意义

    A Study of the Scratches on Fault Planes in the Ming-Tombs Area , Beijing

  18. 另外还有一些向南倾斜的擦痕。

    There are also some scratches southward tilt .

  19. 小贴士:把包包拿到专业清洗店去清洁大的污迹或擦痕。

    Tip : take your purse to a professional for large stains and scuffs .

  20. 绒面皮革容易受油污污染和擦痕的损坏,而且不耐磨。

    Suede is susceptible to scuffing , oil marks , and becoming damaged with wear .

  21. 用断层擦痕解析断层应力场的方法及计算机处理

    Analysis stress fields of fault with slickensides

  22. 浅谈利用擦痕寻找断失煤层

    Seeking faulted seam with scratch trace

  23. 多期断层擦痕的硬划分:一种目标函数算法

    Separation of polyphase fault / slip data : an objective function algorithm based on hard Division

  24. 确定古应力场的断层擦痕分析法力学原理

    Theoretical basis of a method for the determination of paleotectonic stress field from fault striation analysis

  25. 如果擦痕过深,可以在擦鞋油之前先涂上一些蜡。

    If there are any deep scratches , fill with a little wax polish before the next stage

  26. 天山乌鲁木齐河源区冰川擦痕级配特征及其空间分布探讨

    Discussion on the Graduation Character and its Spatial Distribution of Glacial Striae at the Head of Urumqi River

  27. 我决定厚着脸混过去,希望他们不会注意汽车上的擦痕。

    I decided to brazen it out and hoped they wouldn 't notice the scratch on the car .

  28. 这款手镯也是您终身的财富的保证,能抵抗擦痕,破坏和凹痕。

    This bangle bracelet is also backed by a manufacturer 's lifetime limited warranty and resists scratching , breaking and denting .

  29. 利用擦痕对节理自动配套&微型机在构造地质研究中的应用之三

    Automatic identification of pairs of joints on the basis of their striae & the application of microcomputer to structural geological research ⅲ

  30. 伊:在你大部分的照片中,身体裸露的非常多,甚至脸也是有擦痕的。

    CE : In most of your photographs , the body bares a lot , even the faces seem to be corroding .