
xiǎo gǎng
  • Xiaogang;brace
小港[xiǎo gǎng]
  1. 该小港市已发展成为一个大城市。

    The small port has developed into a big city .

  2. 长江河口横沙小港泥沙浓度的观测及研究

    Observation and Study of Suspended Sediment Concentration at Hengsha Channel in the Changjiang Estuary

  3. 当他划进小港,让小船冲上沙滩时,岸上的灯火都已灭了。

    All lights were out when he sailed into the little harbor and beached his skiff .

  4. 斯莱戈爱尔兰北部一自治城市,濒临斯莱戈湾,为大西洋上的一个小港。

    A municipal borough of northern Ireland on Sligo Bay , an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean .

  5. 在小港机场,校长有来为我们送行,好感动喔。

    At the Kaohsiung airport , the principal has to send off for us , the good is moves .

  6. 我热爱这个地方的每个部分,这里有着令人窒息的小港景观,还有非常棒的海鲜餐馆和客栈。

    I love every single part of this neighborhood , which has a breathtaking view of the Mikrolimano ( small port in English ) , with great seafood restaurants and taverns .

  7. 在江南的一个小镇上,涌江从他的身边流过,周围有不算挺拔的小山峰,他的名字叫小港,我的梦从小港开始。

    At a small town in the south of Chang Jiang River , flowing by Yong River , around by some small mountains , named Xiao Port and started my dream .

  8. 你挑选的地方务必要有一个小港,小溪或小湾,可以让我的帆船进去抛锚。

    It will be absolutely necessary that the place you may select have a small harbor , creek , or bay , into which my corvette can enter and remain at anchor .

  9. 乘船从优美典雅的欧式城市哈巴罗夫斯克[即伯力,位于黑龙江和乌苏里江交汇处&译者]到破落的小港尼古拉耶夫斯克只是600公里(370英里)多的路程。

    It is over600km ( 370 miles ) by boat from the almost elegant European city of Khabarovsk to the desperate little port of Nikolaevsk , where people and buildings lurch at all angles .

  10. 他生长在查尔斯顿,熟悉海港附近卡罗来纳海岸的每一个小港小湾、沙洲和岸礁,同时对威尔明顿周围的水域也了如指掌。

    Reared in charleston , he knew every inlet , creek , shoal and rock of the Carolina coast near that port , and he was equally at home in the waters around wilmington .

  11. 如果你想一边品尝海鲜、一边伴着咸咸的海风听船桨声,可以去青岛北边的小港海鲜市场,那里有成排的渔船,甲板上出售各种海产品。

    For those who love to smell brine and hear the creak of rigging with your seafood , Xiao Gang Pier in northern Qingdao is lined with fishing boats selling directly from their decks .

  12. 搜索号在太平洋好几处停锚找寻,于1827年7月了日:到万尼科罗群岛前面停泊了,地点就是此刻诺第留斯号所在的这个万奴岛的天然小港中。

    This new Search , after putting in at several stops over the Pacific , dropped anchor before Vanikoro on July 7 , 1827 , in the same harbor of Vana where the Nautilus was currently floating .

  13. 我们现在就在万尼科罗岛面前了,杜蒙屠维尔一定要叫它搜索岛,它是在万奴岛的天然小港前面,位于南纬16度4分和东经164度32分之间。

    We were facing the island of Vanikoro proper , to which Captain Dumont d'Urville had given the name " Island of the Search " ; we lay right in front of the little harbor of Vana , located in latitude 16 degrees 4 ' south and longitude 164 degrees 32 ' east .