
shí jiān xiào lì
  • Time effectiveness;validity in time
  1. 刑法时间效力研究

    Research on the Validity of Time in Criminal Law

  2. 第四部分围绕可保利益原则的时间效力展开讨论,即可保利益应当在什么时间存在,才能作为评价保险合同效力的因素。

    The last part concerns the temporal effectiveness of the principle of insurable interest .

  3. 不动产查封时间效力的起点应当因主体的不同而分别有相应的起算点。

    Starting point of time effect of real estate close-down should vary from the subject .

  4. 刑法的时间效力是刑法基础理论中极为重要的内容。

    The dissertation tries to discuss the theory of the validity of time in criminal law , analyze .

  5. 正文第一章运用法的维度、法的相对效力概念与法的运动原理,对法的效力与法的时间效力的概念进行界定。

    Using the concepts of legal latitude and relative validity and the theory of legal movement , the first chapter defines validity and limitation of law .

  6. 本章首先介绍了事后法的具体表现形式,然后介绍了制定法和司法判决的不同时间效力形式。

    This chapter firstly demonstrates what is Ex Post Facto , then introduces the validity of the Criminal law and Judicial decisions in terms of Time .

  7. 然而,在刑法司法解释的具体适用中,关于刑法司法解释的时间效力问题,一直以来就颇有争议。

    However , there have always been a controversy on the temporal effectiveness of criminal judicial interpretation which is used in the process of specific application of criminal judicial interpretation .

  8. 通过总则中的13条但书、时间效力、追诉时效、正当防卫、紧急避险、具体罪状中的定量因素的考察,找出其中对应受刑罚处罚性贯彻不到位的地方。

    Containing the proviso in article 13 , time effect , statute of limitations , self-defense , emergency , and the quantitative factors in concrete crime . Identify the corresponding implementation is not subject to deserved punishment .

  9. 第三章保险利益原则的效力范围:主要包括保险利益的时间效力、保险利益对人的效力、保险合同当事人在保险利益诉讼中的地位。

    The third chapter deals with the effective scope of the principle of insurable interest , mainly including the effect of time and that to person of insurable interest , and the status of the contracting parties in the litigation relating to insurable interest .

  10. 对6批吸附百日咳、白喉、破伤风、乙肝联合疫苗(DTPrHB),分别置不同温度、不同时间进行效力、安全稳定性试验。

    The stability of six lots of DTP rHB combined vaccine was studied on conditions of storage including at different temperature and different time .

  11. 过去的一周只使人们看到,美国政府救治金融市场的措施还需要时间来发挥效力。

    If last week was any indication , Washington 's medicine has yet to take hold .

  12. 电子合同成立的地点与时间及其法律效力研究

    Study on Electronic Contract ′ s Place and Time of Establishment and it ′ s Legal Effect

  13. 有关平行进口的法律不但立法时间短,效力低,数量不多,调整的范围也很有限。

    The time of legislations about parallel importation is not long and the effectiveness of legislations is not high . In the mean time , the number and the scope of legislation are limited .

  14. 保存温度和时间对狂犬病疫苗效力稳定性的影响

    The effect of keeping temperature and time on the stability of potency of rabies vaccine

  15. 预购人的期待权应当预告登记,以登记的时间来确定优先效力。

    The anticipation right of the buyer should be registered in order to determine the priority according to the registration time .

  16. 平均值表中包含一下信息:平均连续等待时间、平均跟随等待时间、边效力率、平均交叉时间、平均执行时间以及从一个任务到任意其他任务的任务跳转率。

    AVT keeps the average succession waiting time , the average following waiting time , the edge validity ratio , the average intersection time and the task overlapping ratio and the average execution time of the task .

  17. 而加压时间和压力的工艺参数的呈现较大增幅,但与对增重率影响不同的是,压力大小比加压时间对防治效力影响更大。

    The pressure and pressure time of the process parameter showed a large increase , but be different from weight gain ratio , the pressure has more effect on result than pressure time .