
  • 网络Chronemics;Chronics
  1. 他在空闲时间学音乐。

    He 's studying music in his spare time .

  2. 我们过去常常抱怨自己是在浪费时间学一门死语言。

    We used to grumble that we were wasting time learning a dead language .

  3. 北京长江商学院的公关经理ChristinaLiu表示:一些人认为,花费一两年时间学MBA将会带来数十载的幸福时光&大把的闲暇时间和钞票。

    Christina Liu , PR manager of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing , said : Some believe that spending one or two years of their life studying for an MBA will result in decades of happiness , more leisure time and money .

  4. 他利用空余时间学法语。

    He made use of his free time to learn French .

  5. 她当初花时间学德文,现在得到好处了。

    The time she had spent learning German now paid dividends .

  6. 他花费了大量的时间学英语。

    He spent as much time as he could learning english .

  7. 明年我们将花一年的时间学英语。

    It will take us a year to study English next year .

  8. 我们必须花许多时间学英语。

    We must spend lots of time learning English .

  9. 中医时间学在中风预防性护理中的运用

    Application of the time theory of TCM in prophylactic nursing care of stroke

  10. 永远都不要说你没时间学英语。

    Never say that you don 't have enough time to learning English .

  11. 那个女孩利用业余时间学英语。

    The girl spends her spare time learning English .

  12. 停止浪费时间学摩洛哥长笛,找一份真正的工作。

    Stop wasting your life with the Moroccan flute and get a real job .

  13. 做好规划,找出足够的时间学英文。

    I plan my schedule so I will have enough time to study English .

  14. 我们应尽量多花时间学英语。

    We should spend as much time possible .

  15. 他用了两周的时间学打字。

    He learned to type in two weeks .

  16. 当然了,有规律地抽出时间学很重要,也很必要。

    Of course , a regular period of time put aside is important and necessary .

  17. 慢慢来,你有一生的时间学着长大

    Slow down . You 've got your whole life to be a grown up .

  18. 利用午餐时间学外语!

    Learn a language in your lunchtime !

  19. 长时间学数学会让我头疼。

    This math stuff gives me a headache if I work on it too long .

  20. 哪里有多余的时间学木工呢?

    Find time to learn carpentry ?

  21. 我想他在农场里太忙了,没有时间学。

    I guess he got too busy on the farm to ever learn to play it .

  22. 只要你每天花点时间学英语,你的英语一定会有所提高的。

    So long as you spend some time on English every day , your English will surely improve .

  23. 很多人都因为忙于工作而没有时间学英语,你会建议他们如何学英语呢?

    Many people complain that they have no time for learning English , what would you suggest them ?

  24. 这的确值得你花时间学一学在国外就餐时应该注意到行为举止。

    It is really worth your time to learn about how to behave while eating in other countries .

  25. 田径运动训练时机的概念及其变化特征的时间学研究

    Study on the concepts and the changing characters of athletics training opportune moment from the time science angle of view

  26. 想在业余时间学一种你想学的技能却不用花钱吗?

    Would you like to learn a skill that you want to grasp without spending money in your spare time ?

  27. 卡罗:我没时间学语言⋯⋯早上我要参加一个健身班。

    Carol : I don 't have time to study a language * I take an exercise class in the morning .

  28. 问题是我花了大量的时间学数学以至于找不到时间学英语了。

    The problem is that I spend so much time learning maths that I can 't find any time for English .

  29. 在学校里你可能没有时间学做菜,你要的只是食物,而且要快。

    During school , you probably don 't have much time to learn how to cook ; you just need food , fast .

  30. 汤姆充分利用闲暇时间学英语,他想以后成为一个有用的人。

    Tom makes the most use of his spare time to learn English , he wants to be a useful in the future .