
  1. 我们毕业日时有幸请来威尔·法瑞尔做讲者,

    at my class day we were lucky enough to have Will Ferrell as class day speaker ,

  2. 从中期来说,我在任时有幸遇到的通缩压力将逐渐消失。

    In the intermediate period , the disinflationary pressures I was fortunate to operate under are gradually disappearing .

  3. 如果一个带着钱包的女性在与某位高管共进午餐时有幸得到了一个很重要的电话或是某一个市场的信息,她能把它记下来吗?

    If the woman carrying a purse is so lucky as to get an important phone number or market tip from the executive with whom she is lunching , can she write it down ?

  4. 这段人尽皆知的最初回复背后的原因是我们毕业日时有幸请到了威尔法瑞尔做演讲,当时我们中的大多数都宿醉未醒,或刚开始嗨起来,于是只想笑。

    This initial response now blessedly public with from the knowledge at my class day we were lucky enough to have Will Ferrell as class speaker , and many of us were hung-over , or even freshly high , mainly wanted to laugh .

  5. 我在参与各国央行讨论国际金融事务的会议,特别是国际结算银行举行的会议时,有幸曾多次与格老会面。

    I have the privilege of meeting Alan Greenspan many times when attending meetings on international finance among central banks , particularly those that take place at the bank for international settlements .

  6. 他在引入对华贸易法案时,有幸为女王效力,与高贵的外交大臣勋爵阁下为同僚。

    He had the honour of being a servant of the Crown , and a colleague of the noble Lord , the Secretary for Foreign Affairs , when the Chinese Trade Act was introduced .

  7. 快到山顶时,我们有幸看到了难得一见的景象。

    As we approached the summit we were vouchsafed a rare vision

  8. 贵行人员在伦敦和巴黎之间公干时我们常有幸接待,先生。

    We have often times the honour to entertain your gentlemen in their travelling backwards and forwards betwixt London and Paris , sir .

  9. 拜访中国高科技公司时,我常有幸看到他们的客户名单,那简直就是世界明星企业的花名册。

    When I visit hi-tech companies here their list of customers reads like a'who 's who'of the world 's biggest and brightest companies .