
  1. 体内所有的细胞与组织都从增加的氧气吸入量中受益。

    All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen .

  2. 电子非常轻,因此在原子量中甚至没有计算它。

    Electrons weigh very little , so they aren 't even counted in the atomic weight .

  3. 寻找合适的数学工具从可测电气量中提取故障信息是重要的突破点。

    It is a breakthrough to extract key information from fathomable electrical measurements with appropriate mathematics tool .

  4. 改进BP神经网络在软土地基沉降量中的应用

    The application of improved BP neural network in soft foundation settling volume prediction

  5. Excel在工程算量中的运用技巧

    On the application skills of Excel in the quantity calculation

  6. V的测定是通过从总钒量中扣除V、V、V的含量得到。

    The V was obtained by reducing the content of VV V in the total vanadium .

  7. 凝胶渗透色谱法在测定可降解PVC塑料分子量中的应用

    Application of Gel Permeation Chromatography ( GPC ) to Determination of Molecular Weights of Degradable PVC Plastics

  8. 并发现,中国的巨额CO2排放量中有相当一部分是通过产品出口的形式为国外消费者承担的。

    In the huge CO2 emissions , China bears a certain part CO2 emissions for the foreign consumers in the form of implicit carbon in export commodity .

  9. 群落现存生物量中,Cu、Zn、Mn、Pb、Cd元素的现存累积量分别为27.18、49.83、1687.26、35.67和1.18mg/m2;

    The existing accumulating of Cu , Zn , Mn , Pb and Cd in the biomass of the community are 27.18 , 49.83 , 1687.26 , 35.67 and 1.18mg/m 2 respectively .

  10. 在Einstein引力作用量中引入Wevl张量的平方项,得到有度规张量高阶导数项的引力场方程,考虑其弱场线性近似解,给出了牛顿极限,并讨论了某些新结果。

    The field equations containing higher than second derivatives of the metric are obtained by adding the squared Weyl conformal Curvature term to the action for the Einstein theory of gravity . The Newtonian limit is given in first approximation and some new results are discussed .

  11. 自理理论在培养病人自己计算饮食量中的运用

    Orem Self-care Theory : Individual Calculation of Diet Uptake by Patients

  12. 矿井涌水量中的混沌及其最大预报时间尺度

    Chaos in mine discharge and its maximum predictable time scale

  13. 基于支持向量机模型的城市天然气需求量中长期预测研究

    Study on Urban Natural Gas Demand Middle-Long Term Forecasting Base on SVM Model

  14. 大坝与混凝土建筑的变形、温度和应力应变等状态量中蕴含着大量建筑健康信息。

    Contains a large number of construction health information .

  15. 第Ⅱ含水组的开采量中有21.4%来自于浅层地下水的越流补给。

    21.4 % of exploitation quantity come from shollow groundwater by leakage in 2nd aquifer .

  16. 现有煤矿经济可采储量少,发展潜力不大,尚未利用资源量中,经济类的资源较少,后备资源不足。

    The recoverable resources are not plentiful , and the development potentiality is not much .

  17. 模拟计算法在确定十一五期间合理年采伐量中的应用

    Application of Simulating Calculation Method to the Annual Allowable Cut Quota Estimating in the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period

  18. 整体来说,这次的雪量中到大,18日是纯雪最大的一天。

    Overall , the amount of snow is moderate to large , and Jan.18 witnessed the greatest snow amount .

  19. 生物量中,元素大部分(97%)集中于乔木层。

    In the forest , most of the elements ( 97 % ) were concentrated in the tree layer .

  20. 生活能源消费量中气候耗能部分与气温之间存在着大致同步变动的密切关系。

    The part of living energy consumption affected by temperature change has the roughly synchronized close relationship with temperature in Shanghai .

  21. 去年第四季度,全球智能手机出货量中70%安装的都是安卓系统,因此安卓毫无疑问还会继续主宰全球智能手机市场。

    Android , of course , would go on to dominate the global smartphone market , powering 70 % of smartphones shipped in the last quarter of 2012 .

  22. 梭梭地上生物量中,多年生枝条比例最多占地上生物量的60%,当年生绿色同化枝生物量较少,一般占30%以下。5月份梭梭当年生绿色同化枝生长比较缓慢,地上生物量42052.197g/m~2;

    The aboveground biomass of perennial shoots makes up 60 % of the aboveground biomass , and the newly shoots usually makes up 30 % or less of the total aboveground biomass .

  23. 针对机载无源探测系统采用的电磁辐射目标三角定位法,提出了一种可消除方向测量量中隐含系统误差的定位算法。

    A location algorithm capable of eliminating implication system error in direction finding quantity is put forward in this paper , based on the triangle localization method of electromagnetic radiation target used in airborne passive detection system .

  24. 近几年资料显示滇池湖泊单位面积磷负荷达1.52g/m2·a,超过总磷公认允许负荷量中危险值的11.7倍,滇池已成为富营养型湖泊。

    According to newly data , the phosphorus burden of unit area in the lake has reached 1.52g / m2 , 11.7 times more than acceptable limit , meaning that Dianchi has become a richly nutrient lake .

  25. 在过去的十年里,我国机电产品出口年均增速在30%左右,在我国外贸总出口增长量中的贡献率年均超过110%,并从1995年开始成为我国外贸出口的第一大类商品。

    During the past ten years , the export of mechanical and electronic products in our country increased 30 percent every year , and its contribution degree of total export in the foreign trade over 110 percent every year .

  26. 另外,由于中、高渗透油藏的持续开采,其剩余储量的不断减少,也是导致低渗透油藏原油储量在石油总资源量中所占的比例迅速增加的原因之一。

    In addition , due to medium to high permeable reservoirs continuously mining , and remaining reserves decreasing , also resulted in the proportion of crude oil reserves in low permeability reservoirs in the total oil resources on rapid increase .

  27. 世界海运量中三分之一以上是干散货运输,而国际干散货航运市场几乎接近完全竞争机构,市场行情波动频繁,竞争激烈,受世界政治、军事、经济、自然因素影响大。

    The international dry bulk shipping , constituting over 1 / 3 of the total world marine quantity , is nearly a perfect competition market , which is easily subjected to world political , military , economic , and natural factors .

  28. 介绍了发射单元的工作原理,对于该装量中发射单元的配气过程、滤棒下落和发射过程、速度保持器的工作原理、电控系统的设计进行了详细论述。

    The working principle of ejector was introduced , and the air distribution process of ejector , falling and ejecting process of filter rod , the working principle of speed stabilizer , and design of the electric control system were discussed .

  29. 将地表径流中基流部分按比例划出,与河道汛期弃水量加在一起作为河道的生态需水量,从地表水资源量中扣除生态需水量后可得地表水的实际可利用量。

    The available surface water resources are equal to the total amount of surface water resources subtracting the ecological water demand , which includes the basic influx deducted proportionally from the surface water resources and the surplus water in river channels during flood period .

  30. 灰色预测控制理论是从自己发生的行为特征量中,寻找系统发展变化的规律,以此来预测系统未来的行为,根据预测出的值来确定控制决策。

    Grey predictive control theory looking for in the law of the system development and changes from its own conducts occurred in features to predict the future behavior of the system , and then according to the forecast value determine the decision-making of control .