首页 / 词典 / good

  • personal;private;selfish;secret
  • private property;private interests;personal gain
  • 个人的,自己的,与“公”相对:~人。~有。~见。~仇。~情。~营。~欲。

  • 不公开的,秘密而又不合法的:~自。~刑。~货。走~。~生子。

  • 暗地里:~议。~奔。隐~。窃窃~语。


(个人的) personal; private:

  • 私信

    personal [private] letter


(自私) selfish:

  • 无私

    unselfish; selfless


(暗地里; 私下) secret; private:

  • 私话

    confidential talk


(秘密而不合法的) illicit; illegal:

  • 私买私卖

    buy and sell illegally


(私家的财产) private property:

  • 家私

    family property [possessions]


(私利) private interests; personal gain:

  • 假公济私

    use public office for private gain;

  • 结党营私

    form a clique to pursue selfish interests


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 私匡

    Si Kuang

  1. 我讨厌你刺探我的私生活!

    I 'm sick of you prying into my personal life !

  2. 我尽量不让工作干扰我的私生活。

    I try not to let work interfere with my personal life .

  3. 他不愿谈及他的私生活。

    He doesn 't like to talk about his private life .

  4. 电影明星的私生活总为人所津津乐道。

    The private lives of movie stars never fail to fascinate .

  5. 她竭尽全力让自己的私生活不受干扰。

    She goes to extraordinary lengths to keep her private life private .

  6. 本想转移人们对他私生活的注意,但一切努力都失败了。

    All attempts to deflect attention from his private life have failed .

  7. 他是否感觉到他最近的成名侵扰了他的私生活?

    Does he find his new celebrity intruding on his private life ?

  8. 他从不让他的工作妨碍私生活。

    He never allowed his work to impinge on his private life .

  9. 洛杉矶盛传明星私生活的流言飞语。

    Los Angeles is rife with gossip about the stars ' private lives .

  10. 她询问我的私生活使我感到很尴尬。

    Her questions about my private life embarrassed me .

  11. 记者经常纠缠着打听她的私生活。

    Reporters constantly badger her about her private life .

  12. 我的私生活与你无关。

    My private life is none of your business .

  13. 名人和名人的私生活是通俗报纸惯有的内容。

    Famous people and their private lives are the stock-in-trade of the popular newspapers .

  14. 新闻界有权以这种方式干扰她的私生活吗?

    Do the press have the right to invade her privacy in this way ?

  15. 政治家的私生活与他们的公众角色不相关。

    Politicians ' private lives have no relevance to their public roles

  16. 他的私生活没有爆出过一丁点儿的丑闻。

    Not a whiff of scandal has ever tainted his private life

  17. 她指责他们泄露其私生活的秘密。

    She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life

  18. 马尔科姆认为他在为其私底下两面派的行为而心生愧疚。

    Malcolm believed he was guilty of duplicity in his private dealings .

  19. 当人们追问她的私生活时,她羞涩地笑了笑。

    She smiles coyly when pressed about her private life .

  20. 我总是将私生活和工作分开。

    I 've always kept my private and professional life separate

  21. 就像子女一样,父母也常常很注重保护他们的私生活。

    Like their children , parents are often defensive about their private lives .

  22. 他通常很善于使自己的私生活避开媒体的关注。

    He 's usually very adept at keeping his private life out of the media

  23. 他觉得这本书的出版侵犯了他的私生活,让他十分难堪。

    He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy

  24. 他私底下有变戏法的嗜好。

    His secret hobby : performing magic tricks .

  25. 王室不会就有关皇家私生活的问题发表任何评论。

    The Palace will not comment on questions about the family 's private life .

  26. 我坚信应该允许人们拥有自己的私生活。

    I hold to my belief that people should be allowed to have private lives

  27. 皇室成员不得不在公众生活和私生活之间建立起一种平衡。

    The monarchy has to create a balance between its public and private lives .

  28. 他在私生活方面的不检点是出了名的。

    He is notoriously indiscreet about his private life

  29. 私底下说,我不敢肯定他们明白了。

    Confidentially , I am not sure that it wasn 't above their heads .

  30. 一个自称是记者的人威胁要公开有关她的私生活的细节。

    A man claiming to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life