
  • 网络personal question;Private Question
  1. 说到私人问题,有一个短语人们有时候会用到,那就是当孩子问他们“孩子从哪来?”的时候。父母在谈论性和生殖时会说这是谈论两性关系的基本常识(thebirdsandthebees)。

    Speaking of personal questions , there is an expression people sometimes use when their children ask , " where do babies come from ? " Parents who discuss sex and reproduction say this is talking about the birds and the bees ( MUSIC )

  2. 你很少问私人问题的。

    You don 't ask a lot of personal questions .

  3. 这是个私人问题。

    The question is intimate .

  4. 然而,在大多数国家,在面试中涉及私人问题是很常见的。

    In   most   countries ,   however ,   personal questions   are   very   common   during   job interviews .

  5. 加利福尼亚州立大学(CaliforniaStateUniversity)和沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)在2011年所做的一项研究,印证了史蒂夫的感受:管理层不应把员工的孤独感当作一个私人问题,而应该当作一个会影响业务的问题来处理。

    A 2011 study from California State University and the Wharton School confirms what Steve knew : that management should not treat loneliness as a private problem but rather one that affects the business .

  6. Cargill说,英国媒体倾向于关注私人问题。

    Cargill says the British media has a to focus on personal matters .

  7. 如果有人问你一个私人问题,你可以说thatisnoneofyourbeeswax,不关你的事。

    If someone asks you a personal question , you might say " that is none of your beeswax . " This means none of your business .

  8. 杰克:也许有什么私人问题吧。

    Jack : maybe it 's some kind of personal problem .

  9. 别让你的私人问题与工作职责发生冲突。

    Don 't allow personal problems to conflict with professional duties .

  10. 我能问你个私人问题吗?-当然.

    Can I ask you a personal question ? - Sure .

  11. 不,这是关于我父亲的私人问题。

    No , it 's a personal matter regarding my father .

  12. 也许会在私人问题上有点情绪化。

    You may be somewhat emotional concerning a rather private matter .

  13. 这是个私人问题,你得问他自己。

    It 's personal . you 'll have to ask him .

  14. 或者他出于私人问题而故意藏起来。

    Or that he went into hiding because of personal problems .

  15. 我能问你个私人问题吗,先生

    May I ask you a personal question , sir ?

  16. 哦,好,我没有任何私人问题。

    Oh , well , I don 't have any personal issues .

  17. 同性恋是私人问题还是社会问题?

    Homosexuality is a personal problem or a social problem ?

  18. 我不是在问一个私人问题。

    It 's not like I 'm asking you a personal question .

  19. 这里不是处理私人问题的场合。

    It 's not productive , given our personal problems .

  20. 近来的丑闻使总统的私人问题备受关注。

    The recent scandal served to spotlight the president 's privacy problems .

  21. 在美国人看来,这些问题不算是纯粹的私人问题。

    Such questions are not considered by Americans to be too personal .

  22. 但对于我而言,这些都属于私人问题。李强说。

    But for me , these questions are personal , said Li .

  23. 我希望你不介意我问个私人问题。

    I hope you don 't find this next question too personai .

  24. 我们的部门不关心你的私人问题。

    This department is not concerned with your personal problems .

  25. 我能问你一个私人问题吗?问吧。

    Can I ask you a personal question ? Sure .

  26. 很高兴再次见到你,在这里要问你一个私人问题。

    Good to see you again . hey , personal question here .

  27. 杰克,你好。我能问你个私人问题吗?

    Hi , Jack , can I ask you a personal question ?

  28. 因为私人问题影响工作,弗兰克

    personal matters get in the way of my job , Frank .

  29. 尽量避免干涉同事的私人问题。

    You should avoid getting involved in the personal problems of colleagues .

  30. 最后我想问你一个私人问题。

    Jason Wang : At last , I have a personal question .